[Detection of a 985 Titan ape 100257 meters in front of the host, which can be swallowed. Danger level: mortal (human body state)]

[Detection of a 942 azure bull python 100262 meters in front of the host, which can be swallowed, danger level: mortal (human body state)]

These were the Titan Giant Ape and Azure Bull Python detected by Qin Lan in their human form. In his current state, he would definitely die, but that would not necessarily be the case in the soul beast form.

"Xiao Lan, are you ready? We are going to face two powerful 10-year-old soul beasts!" Qin Lan sent a message to Xiao Lan.

Xiao Lan also responded: "Master, I believe in the master, I will never hold him back this time."

"Okay, then wait until you get closer and we'll take action!"

They continued to move forward, but at this moment, they heard only a whistling sound.

On a hill next to the Lake of Life, a giant black tiger was roaring.

"Is it really such a coincidence?" Qin Lan stopped and when the tiger roared, he jumped from a distance towards the Lake of Life.

"System, check it!"

[Detection of a 60025-year-old soul beast, the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, which can be swallowed, danger level: mortal (human body state)]

After six or seven years of growth, this Dark Demon Evil God Tiger actually increased its age to 6 years.

Qin Lanke remembered that the last time the Dark Devilgod Tiger was around 3000 years ago, it was probably defeated by the combined efforts of the Titan Giant Ape and the Azure Bull Python.

After reaching 6 years, the overall strength of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger has been improved again, and it seems that it is now looking for trouble.

"Master, are we going to take action now?" Xiaolan asked curiously.

Qin Lan shook his head slightly and said calmly: "It seems that I am also a lucky person. Don't take action now, and then enjoy the show."

Instead of moving forward, Qin Lan retreated several hundred meters.

Jumping up, Qin Lan stood on the top of the 60-meter-high tree. He was now about 500 meters away from the Lake of Life.

Qin Lan's eyesight was excellent, and he could see the scene of the Lake of Life clearly.

The reason why they retreated so far was because the battle between the three of them affected a large area, and Qin Lan still remembered the last crisis.

After the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger appeared, the Titan Giant Ape immediately stood up on the shore, and the Azure Bull Python also surfaced.

"Dark Evil God Tiger, it seems that the lesson I taught you last time was not enough."

"I must kill you this time. I can't let you harm other spirit beasts in the forest again."


The Titan Giant Ape collided with his hands a few times, looked at the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger falling in front of him, and then punched it.

The battle also started at this moment, with the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape fighting against the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger.

There were constant rumbling sounds, and Qin Lan kept watching. Although the Dark Devilgod Tiger was 6 years old, it was really not enough to face the two 10-year-old soul beasts alone.

When the battle lasted for about a stick of incense, the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger found that he was still no match for these two soul beasts after 6 years.

The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger wanted to leave, but this time the Titan Giant Ape and Azure Bull Python had the same experience as last time.

The Titan Giant Ape was responsible for the attack, while the Azure Bull Python Bearer blocked the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger's escape route. They seemed to want to completely eliminate the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger.

In Qin Lan's memory, this dark evil tiger was still over 6 years old more than ten years later in the novel, and had grown to 7000 years in the previous six or seven years.

It stands to reason that the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger should have been upgraded to 7 years in the past ten years, but in the end it still stayed at 6 years. ,

Then the reason that delayed his promotion years may be that this battle severely injured the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, which made him spend a lot of time recovering from his injuries.

Not long after it recovered from its injuries, it met Tang San again and was absorbed into a spirit ring.

Qin Lan, the Dark Devilgod Tiger, naturally wanted to devour it, so all he had to do next was wait and wait for the harvest that would hurt both parties.

The constant rumbling sound was like an earthquake, and the big tree where Qin Lan was sitting was also shaking.

This time, the Titan Giant Ape and the Azure Bull Python seemed to be very determined and wanted to put the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger to death.

The wounds on their bodies also began to gradually increase, especially the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, which received many punches from the Titan Ape, and it felt like its body shape had changed somewhat.

The Titan Giant Ape and the Azure Bull Python are trying their best to defeat the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger.

Qin Lan also kept hearing the roar of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, or it might be accompanied by a scream.

After another half hour, the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, seriously injured, finally broke through the siege of the Azure Bull Python Titan Ape and escaped.

Both the Titan Giant Ape and the Azure Bull Python were seriously injured, and they did not catch up when the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger left.

It may be that the injuries were too serious and they needed to recover, so they gave up the pursuit. Of course, there was also the reason for the Dark Demon Tiger itself, because his dark wings gave him the ability to fly. This is the case with the Titan Giant Ape and the Azure Bull Python. Incomparable.

But the next moment, Qin Lan chased after him.

The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger is hard to find in the Star Dou Forest, but the Titan Giant Ape and Azure Bull Python are easy to find, because they basically stay in the Lake of Life.

Then Qin Lan will also take this opportunity to devour the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger.

He followed as fast as he could, but the injured Dark Demon Evil God Tiger was still strong and escaped extremely quickly.

Qin Lan couldn't catch up at the speed. With a thought, the eight spider wings spread out behind him. At this time, Qin Lan barely had the ability to keep a distance from the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger.

At this moment, the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger seemed to sense something behind him that was chasing him. It was seriously injured, and at this time, it could not think of any other souls chasing it except the Tai Titan Giant Ape and the Azure Bull Python. beast.

Run as fast as you can, this is the belief of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger at this moment.

But the further it runs, the more serious its injuries will be.

After running like this for more than three hours, the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger finally couldn't help but stop.


An earth-shaking roar came, as the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger was demonstrating his power.

After it took a closer look at who was chasing it, it felt a little regretful. It had always thought that it was a Titan ape and azure bull python that were chasing it, but it didn't know it was a human being.

The Dark Demon Evil God became angry and glared at Qin Lan, who was only six or seventy meters away from it.

Qin Lan is also preparing to switch to the state of the Dark Eternal Tree.

However, at this moment, a nine-color light fell and appeared in front of Qin Lan.

Under the nine-color light, what appeared between Qin Lan and the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger was an elk. A nine-color elk?

Maybe it came too fast, and the system didn't even have time to prompt.

[Detection of a 30-year-old nine-color elk 100000 meters in front of the host, which can be swallowed. Danger level: mortal (human body state)]

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