Douluo: Rebirth of Blue Silver Grass, Infinite Devour and Evolution

Chapter 20 How can kind-hearted Yaoyao have bad intentions?

Qin Lan suddenly remembered that Yaoyao just said that she evolved into a colorful elk after eating a medicinal plant.

In the world of Douluo, it is possible to evolve an ordinary elk soul beast. This is most likely an immortal-level medicinal material.

"Yao Yao, what kind of medicinal material did you eat before? Where did you find it? Do you still have it now?" Qin Lan asked curiously.

Yaoyao raised the deer's head, thought for a while, and said, "Actually, I didn't see it too clearly. I was playing in the Soul Beast Forest that day, and suddenly I saw a colorful light emitting from the cliff not far in front of me."

"I was very curious, so I ran over to it. I don't know why it attracted me so much, and then I ate it."

"It should be gone now, how about I take you to see it?"

"Actually, I took my tribe to see it later, and I didn't find any special medicinal materials anywhere."

Qin Lan was a little disappointed. Immortal medicinal materials were hard to come by. Yaoyao might have just happened to see the immortal medicine mature and take it at the best time.

"Yao Yao, where do you live now?" Qin Lan asked.

"It's not far from here, and it's relatively safe and suitable for living. Do you want me to take you there?"

"Then let's go take a look first." Qin Land said. He had missed something in the cave before. If Yaoyao was a better place, that would be better.


At this time, Qin Lan used his transformation skills and turned into a very small blue silver grass.

Compared with Yaoyao, who is at least 1.5 meters tall now, she is really very mini.

Yaoyao looked at Qin Lan who had become smaller curiously and said, "Brother Qin Lan, can actually become so small."

Qin Lan said: "Actually, brother can also become bigger, but it is easier to hide this way. Let's go, I will follow you."

"Okay!" Yaoyao lowered her head and said. At this moment, the broken antlers had grown out.

Qin Lan couldn't help but admire that the colorful elk was very powerful. Not only did it have a strong attack ability, but it also had a very powerful life recovery and healing ability.

But precisely because her abilities are too complex, as a top-level soul beast, her combat power is not as strong as other top-level soul beasts. Otherwise, in more than 4 years, she would definitely wipe out Shrek's teachers.

But... I just followed along?

Qin Lan glanced at Yaoyao's colorful deer body.

A simple soul beast, she shouldn't have any bad intentions, right?

Qin Lan followed Yaoyao and walked for about two kilometers, and then passed through a very small path that was just enough for Yaoyao to pass.

A quiet valley appeared in front of Qin Lan. There were other soul beasts in it, including soul beasts that existed for hundreds of thousands of years.

These soul beasts include deer, roe deer, rabbits, various birds and other soul beasts. Anyway, these are basically vegetarian soul beasts.

When Yaoyao came in, these soul beasts surrounded her almost instantly.

I saw Yaoyao's colorful light flashing, and she actually had the ability to store space.

A lot of fruits of different colors and various grass leaves were brought in by Yaoyao. These are food for them.

As for Qin Lan, he now looks like a small blue silver grass and has not attracted the attention of other soul beasts.

In addition to Yaoyao, there is another Swift Wind Bird that is in its early ten thousand years. It has been hovering in the sky and seems to have been patrolling the surrounding environment.

The entire canyon is not particularly large, probably more than 1000 square meters in size, but there are more than 100 spirit beasts living there.

"Isn't it dangerous for these soul beasts to appear in the ten thousand year soul beast area?" Qin Lan asked curiously.

"Brother Qin Lan, many of them did not come here on their own initiative. Basically, I saved them from those soul beasts." Yaoyao said.

Yaoyao's heart is so big!You actually brought yourself here?

"Yao Yao, if you bring me here, aren't you afraid that I will swallow them all?" Qin Lan asked.

"I believe you won't, brother Qin Lan, and haven't you already promised me? You will only devour those bad soul beasts!" Yaoyao's cute and cute laughter has been passed to Qin Lan's mind.

After looking around, Qin Lan actually wanted to change his lifestyle, so he followed Yaoyao here.

"This place is indeed very safe. I will live here from now on. Yaoyao, you have to find a place to stay."

"Then come with me." Yaoyao stepped forward to lead the way.

"Would you like me to introduce you to everyone?"

Do you know these soul beasts?Qin Lan said: "There's no need, I'll keep hiding it like this, as long as you know."

"Oh, okay!"

"Brother Qin Lan, you can live next door to me." Yaoyao took Qin Lan to a dense jungle as she spoke, but there happened to be a road in the jungle that Yaoyao could pass through, but this road was very long. Trouble, maybe only Yaoyao herself can pass it easily.

If it were other people or spirit beasts, they would most likely be entangled by these vines.

As for these vines, they are also soul beasts, but their age is relatively low, probably around a thousand years.

After passing through the dense forest and entangled vines, Qin Lan saw a cave entrance that was less than two meters high and about 1.5 meters wide.

"You live here? Where should I live?" Qin Lan asked curiously.

Yaoyao said: "This cave is not small, it is enough for the two of us to live in."

Qin Langang wanted to say whether men and women should kiss or not, but they were all soul beasts. What should they teach? Just give them a piece of wool!

Entering the cave, the inside is indeed not small, and it is also very warmly decorated by Yaoyao.

And there are many holes diagonally above, where sunlight shines in.

Yaoyao said: "There is another one next to me, which is about the same age as mine. There used to be a 5-year-old Purple Electric Rabbit Sister. Unfortunately, she was killed by a human soul master when she went out to find food for everyone!"

"My injury is very serious now. Brother Qin Lan, just go there by yourself. I will be able to recover tomorrow morning and then take you to find those bad soul beasts." Yaoyao whispered.

As soon as she finished speaking, Yaoyao lay down, and the colorful light on her body shone all over her body. At this moment, she could no longer hold on, and she had to resume treatment as soon as possible.

At this moment, Qin Lan didn't know if it was right for him to follow Yaoyao here.

There was always a feeling that he didn't belong here, it was so peaceful, it wasn't like the life he had before.

But it’s very comfortable, at least you don’t have to worry about your safety at any time.

Qin Lan came to a cave nearby, which was similar to Yaoyao's laughter. There was a hole in the middle without any obstruction.

After all, they are soul beasts, so it would be great if they could be separated.

Thinking back on today's receipt, Qin Lan looked at his system panel.

Host: Qin Lan

Body: Blue Silver Grass

Years: 30000 years

Quality: high quality

Energy: 674596


In just a few hours, Qin Lan devoured several Soul Saints and Soul Emperors. Together with the iron-armored Explosive Flame Tiger, his energy had accumulated to more than 67.

And Qin Lan now only needs 50 energy to be promoted to the mid-level advanced soul beast.

However, Qin Lan now wants to increase his age first. After all, he has now entered the ranks of high-level soul beasts and can be raised to a maximum of 99999 years.

In the range of 3 to 5 years, it would take 200 energy points to increase Qin Lan's age by one year.

"System, increase my life span by 3000 years!"

[Consumption of 600000 points of energy, host age is increasing...]

[Congratulations to the host for successfully increasing the age limit by 3000 to 33000! 】

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