Marvel: Learning magic, the talent scared Gu Yi to pee

Chapter 89 Gu 1 was stunned, soul projection!

"I just made it casually, thinking it was just an ordinary sword!"

Song Yihan didn't finish his words.

It was difficult for Master Gu Yi to keep his expression on his face.

What is alchemy like, and is there anyone in Pandora who is more familiar with it than me?

Song Yihan, this monster, why doesn't he go to heaven?

Master Gu Yi has been using alchemy for many years, but he didn't feel anything special about it.

The Imperial Sword, like the Sword in the Stone, is the sword of the king.

If alchemy could be made at will, why would the Merlin family guard the Sword in the Stone?

Song Yihan's every move is really shocking.

Master Gu Yi couldn't complain.

Song Yihan can't talk any more nonsense!

However, Master Gu Yi found it difficult to refute in a short period of time.

Song Yihan had indeed forged the Imperial Sword. The most important thing was that Wang and Modu had known about it for a long time, even earlier than Song Yihan!

In just a moment, Modu and Wang used magic to secretly inform Master Gu Yi of many things.

What else can Master Gu Yi say?

There is a huge gap between people.

It is also alchemy. Master Gu Yi has been studying it for many years, but he has never been able to refine the sword of the king.

Master Gu Yi’s requirements are very low!

Even if the lost magical weapon of Great Xia is the Emperor Sword, it is not very demanding to make a sword in the stone, right?

The Ancient Master looked solemn and began to re-evaluate alchemy!

If Song Yihan was not in Tushui Pavilion, Master Gu Yi would probably try to forge the Sword in the Stone immediately.

Song Yihan could refine a king's sword such as the Imperial Sword, and Gu Yi felt that he could also try it.

It makes no sense that Song Yihan can do it, but he can't.

Song Yihan looked at Master Gu Yi silently and asked: "Master, on the way to the library just now, a mysterious beauty suddenly appeared!"

"It's inexplicable that he will become an important person in my life. Are there other mages hidden in our Pandora Peninsula?"

Song Yihan just scanned the entire audience.

Among the many official mages and above, there is no extremely beautiful woman.

The top beauty is so powerful that Song Yihan directly excludes the trainee mage.

Master Gu Yi's face was indifferent, but he had a vague idea in his heart.

"A descendant of Merlin?"

"Song Yihan, this boy, owns the Emperor's Sword. Although it is not the Sword in the Stone, it is indeed the Sword of the King!"

"It's normal for the Merlin family to take action. Modu and Wang just confessed that the descendants of Merlin will come to Pandora Peninsula with advance notice!"

Gu Yi muttered to himself, with some expectation in his heart.

The Imperial Sword was forged by Song Yihan himself.

If the descendants of Merlin knew the inside story, their expressions would probably be very exciting.

Song Yihan can refine a similar King's Sword, perhaps infinitely.

Other mages may also be able to create magical weapons similar to the Imperial Sword through alchemy.

Master Gu Yi was very curious.

When there are more swords of this kind, what choices will the Merlin family make?

Master Gu Yi's expression remained unchanged and he calmly responded to Song Yihan: "There is no female mage like this in Pandora Peninsula!"

"Who is she? Find out for yourself. How did you complete the space magic training task I gave you before?"

Master Gu Yi changed the topic and began to check Song Yihan's cultivation progress.

Song Yihan immediately put the descendants of Mei Lin behind him and responded: "Master, please look!"

"This is my new understanding of space magic!"

Song Yihan opened his hands and began to perform Space Collapse.

I saw that the empty space inside the library quietly began to collapse.

Master Gu Yi: "???"

"I just want you to show how stable space magic is!"

The ancient mage's eyes almost dropped.

The last time Song Yihan took him to the dark dimension, he was almost left behind by Dormammu.

Master Gu Yi just wanted to get Song Yihan out of this danger.

Song Yihan was so nice and gave him a big surprise on the spot.

Master Gu Yi no longer knew what to say.

God King Odin has really vicious eyes.

Song Yihan's magical talent is extremely monstrous.

Space magic requires the step-by-step guidance of a mage, but it is difficult for many people to learn it.

Song Yihan was lucky. Without anyone to teach him, it was simply outrageous to take the initiative to realize the collapse of space.

Space magic is very difficult to learn!

The space where Song Yihan is currently performing has collapsed and the area is limited.

The inside of a library is difficult to destroy, but everything is difficult in the beginning.

As long as Song Yihan continues to practice, the power of space collapse will become more and more powerful.

Master Gu Yi looked sideways inwardly.

Protecting Song Yihan was indeed the right choice!

Song Yihan's magical talent shocked Master Gu Yi to see it.

Only a short time after Gu Yi left Pandora Peninsula, Song Yihan realized a young magic.

Song Yihan looked up at Master Gu Yi and said casually: "The library space is limited, and my space collapse can only be used in a small area!"

To be honest, before Song Yihan finished speaking, Master Gu Yi froze on the spot.

"The clown seems to be myself."

"Song Yihan, this kid, is inhumane!"

Master Gu Yi's face was full of astonishment, and his heart was filled with horror.

Why doesn’t Song Yihan go to heaven?

The collapse of space, for Song Yihan to be able to comprehend it alone, is already considered extraordinary.

Song Yihan is so outrageous that he can easily control the space collapse area, which is simply unbelievable.

Being able to perform space collapse is completely different from controlling the size of the collapsed area.

Master Gu Yi subconsciously looked at Song Yihan.

"How on earth did this guy do it!"

"Am I leaving Pandora Peninsula for a long time?"

"It can be said that the refining of the Imperial Sword was an accident, and the space collapse magic was perfectly controlled in a short period of time. How to explain it!"

The ancient mage's expression was solemn, and there was a hint of joy in his eyes.

Song Yihan's magic talent is more amazing than he imagined!

Master Gu Yi was shocked inside, but on the surface he was extremely calm.

In front of Song Yihan, Master Gu Yi continued to pretend to be expressionless.

"Space magic is unfathomable, and space collapse is only an insignificant part of it!"

"Today we are going to learn advanced magic - soul projection!"

Master Gu Yi spoke bluntly.

When Song Yihan heard the soul projection, his eyes immediately lit up.

Soul projection is a method to enhance spiritual power.

Song Yihan read it in the library.

Once you practice to a certain level, you can achieve the point where the gods descend and project.

Master Gu Yi had a solemn face and told Song Yihan solemnly: "Soul projection magic is a high-level magic that involves the soul leaving the body. Its practice is extremely difficult and dangerous!"

"When you first start, you must practice by my side. If anything happens, I can still protect you in time. You must not act recklessly!"

Gu Yi explained carefully.

Song Yihan's talent was unparalleled.

It would be difficult for Song Yihan to hone ordinary space magic.

Soul projection, the most basic requirement is to understand the soul, which is by no means just a difficulty in practicing space magic.

Master Gu Yi believes it.

The soul projection magic was difficult for Song Yihan for a long time.

Gu Yi stared at Song Yihan and said: "Now follow me to learn advanced magic and soul projection!"

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