Marvel: Learning magic, the talent scared Gu Yi to pee

Chapter 33 Everyone is kneeling, everyone is kneeling!

All the refugees were running around like headless flies.

Nan and Xue said to Wang next to them: "Brother, I'm so scared!"

Nan and Xue are usually as cold as ice and talk very little.

He actually showed an extremely terrifying expression and his legs became weak.

At this time, Wang was also sweating coldly and felt weak in his limbs.

The alien spacecraft flying in the sky can no longer control its direction.

It was shaking wildly from side to side, as if it was about to explode in the next second.

Captain America's shield dropped to the ground with a bang.

"I feel like there is a strong air pressure that makes me breathless and almost suffocating!"

In fact, at this moment, Thor was breaking out in a cold sweat and his limbs were weak.

He was just trying to maintain his dignity because he was too arrogant.

However, the momentum on the court now is beyond what he can really hold on to if he wants to.

My limbs don't obey orders at all, and I can't even control my mind.

From fear at the beginning to trembling later!

Finally, Thor could no longer maintain his image and began to tremble!

What is going on, Thor can't figure it out!

This aura is very powerful, and they don't know where this power comes from!

No one could be seen, no sound could be heard, and a tremor came from my heart, as if something terrible was about to appear!

At this moment, the only person in the audience who knew the truth and the source of the momentum was Atlantis.

Lying on the ground, looking at Song Yihan and Atlantis across from him, I really felt like 1 fucks in my heart.

I saw that at this time, the color of Song Yihan's eyes gradually turned yellow, and even his feet were slightly off the ground, and his whole person became floating.

After swallowing a sip of saliva, Atlantis climbed hard, and finally climbed to the king's side not far away.

"Arch Mage, this is...this is the trembling magic we made up yesterday!"

Wang was stunned, looking at Atlantis, he couldn't help but tremble.

Song Yihan knows it! ?

No, what a joke!

This thing is made up. How did you realize it? !

Wang originally thought that Song Yihan had a high level of understanding and could get through it with just a few clicks!

But he never expected that Song Yihan could learn the magic he made up!

At this time, the world is in chaos!

But Song Yihan not only failed to take back the terrifying magic.

On the contrary, it is still strengthening step by step.

"Song Yihan is not a human at all...he is really a god!"

This is accompanied by an increase in the energy emanating.

The scope of influence of Song Yihan's trembling magic is also getting wider and wider.


S.H.I.E.L.D.'s full name is the Homeland Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency.

They established a "defense organization" with the "shield" as their symbol.

At this time, their leader Nick Fury is in the base.

Use the computer to check the situation in the city.

Only the bustling noises and cries were heard.

After a while, the cry got closer and closer to him.

If Nick Fury hadn't seen it with his own eyes.

I really didn’t believe what was happening in front of me.

On the big screen, there are even agents trained by myself.

At this time, bitter wailing was coming from his mouth.

"so afraid!....."

"No! Is there a demon? No, it's our savior God!"

"Yes! God has come to save us!"

"A god from the earth has come to us!"

"Why is it like this? Why is the world going to be destroyed? God has come to save us!"

"It's God, yes!!"

Nick Fury was extremely confused when he heard them shouting "God".

Also confused was Agent Hill beside him.

Quick, Agent Hill uses the voice transmitter.

The call came to Patton, a senior agent who was fighting a bloody battle at the scene.

That's what's called-Eagle Eye.

"Beep~" The voice transmitter call is connected.

Hill quickly asked: "Barton, how is the situation at the scene!?"

"What happened!? What happened to them!?"

Only a series of crying sounds were heard from the other end of the voice transmitter.

Then, the most familiar voice was also transmitted.

"God! Help me! I'm so scared! So scary..."

Nick Fury stood next to Agent Hill.

Naturally, I also heard the sound of the teleporter transmitting back.

They looked at each other confused.

It can be seen from their expressions that they really dare not believe that Barton would be like this.

Barton is a senior agent who has been on the battlefield for a long time, how could he be afraid.

He had killed countless enemies, and countless people died at his hands.

What on earth could frighten him? ?

"What are you afraid of!? Barton, tell me clearly!? What's going on!?" Hill asked anxiously.

"God! God is coming! This is a warning!" Barton said these words in a daze.


The teleporter made a sound like something falling to the ground.

The sound is short but crisp.

Nick Fury was extremely sensitive and asked quickly: "Did Barton drop something?"

On the teleporter side, Barton didn't hear what Nick Fury said at all, and kept muttering: "God! It's God..."

Nick Fury felt that things were not that simple at all, so he transferred the teleporter to Captain America.

After a while, the teleporter was connected, and Captain America could be heard shouting: "God the savior! God... God has arrived!"

After hearing this, Nick Fury and Agent Hill were a little confused and at a loss. Captain America's situation was even worse than Button's.

So I quickly connected to the locator, and the video could be connected through the locator. Before the video screen appeared, I heard a cry.

"We have offended God! This is a warning!..."

What happened to them! ?

what happened!

Could it be that Loki poisoned them? ?

Nick Fury is speculating.

The video screen of the locator suddenly appeared.

Nick Fury and Hill quickly ran over to check the situation.

As a result, it’s fine if you don’t look at it, but you’ll be even more stupid once you look at it.

Agent Hill: "What! All the residents knelt down!"

They were looking for Captain America among the roaring crowd.

Finally found them in a corner.

What they couldn't believe was.

Captain America's Thor is on his knees!

I saw them kneeling on their knees.

Raise your hands.

He raised his head to the sky and bowed his head.

After a few seconds, the two arms pushed straight forward again.

It seemed like some kind of ceremony was being held.

Nick Fury is going crazy at this time!

He was so eager to know the answer that he was going crazy!

He wished he could go see the scene with his own eyes and see what happened!

Patton, nicknamed Hawkeye.

He acts quickly and decisively, has a low-key and calm personality, and is extremely good at sniping.

Captain America holding a shield.

He was a man of justice and passion, and he made great military exploits in World War II.

I don’t know much about Thor, but I think they are also a strong group.

These people are all kneeling now. Why is this so special?

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