Marvel: Learning magic, the talent scared Gu Yi to pee

Chapter 28 Oh?There is an emergency! ?

The night is getting deeper and deeper.

Because of a special use of portal magic.

Song Yihan and Gu Yi had contact without contact.

This contact made Master Gu Yi feel a little confused all night.

"It seems that the plan needs to be advanced. We need to go to Pandora first."

On the other side, Song Yihan was almost the same as Master Gu Yi.

He was completely confused that night.

But it's not like Gu Yi, it's because of the other party.

Song Yihan didn't know at all.

There is still something like this in the night behind the portal.

Song Yihan was busy this night mainly because of the so-called trembling magic.

After saying goodbye to Wang, Song Yihan returned to the dormitory to reflect.

Originally, Song Yihan really didn't believe in the trembling magic thing.

Even after Wang demonstrated it, Song Yihan still felt that it was very unreliable.

As a result, what he never expected was that he realized something later...

This made him feel that it was not really magic.

It's amazing that he can really understand it, and he can understand it so much.

After a night of enlightenment, Song Yihan became enlightened.

It was so transparent that he felt like his whole body had been sublimated.

Kama Taj is truly a magical place!

This kind of magic that sounds like it’s made up actually exists!

Song Yihan woke up very early.

The next day, the sky was slightly brighter.

Song Yihan got up and planned to go to the library to find Wang.

However, what he never expected was.

Just left the dormitory.

The alarm on Pandora Peninsula actually sounded.

Alerts are rarely sounded on Pandora.

Unless it's the end of the world.

Otherwise the alarm will not sound at all.

Everyone ran to the training ground.

Because everyone understands that when the alarm goes off, something big must have happened.

This point was mentioned by Brother Atlantis during the first class.

It is said that the siren has not sounded for half a century. What he never expected was that about a week after he came here, the damn siren would go off.

Song Yihan thought with his heart that I just came here, less than a week ago.

How could I encounter such a thing?

Song Yihan felt relieved, put on his clothes and ran to the training ground.

At this moment, almost all the mages in Pandora Peninsula have gathered at the training ground.

As the mage managed by Pandora, Wang naturally stood at the front.

The training ground is now more lively than before.

"What happened!? The siren doesn't sound once in a thousand years."

The crowd was bewildered.

"I don't know, it's probably not a good thing."

The always harmonious Wangdu looked heavy at this time, with his hands behind his back.

One can imagine the inner activities of other mages.

Scared and worried.

At this moment, Wang suddenly spoke: "A wormhole has appeared in New York. Alien creatures are invading the earth. The manpower of the Great San Temple is not enough. We must go to support. The Supreme Mage said that our mission is to help people evacuate. As for Let’s not worry about the rest, the Avengers will take care of it.”

New York wormhole! ?

Alien species invade the earth?

The Avengers?

When Song Yihan heard this, he was stunned for a moment. He was really afraid of something.

I haven't learned this magic for a long time, and the Supreme Mage has not taught me personally. Aliens have invaded?

"Now I will open the portal to take you to New York. Don't worry. Just treat it as a training session. Apprentices will work in groups of three, led by a trainee mage or above." Wang ordered, and after speaking, he opened the portal. Then roll the names in turn.

Although Wang looked haggard and had a heavy expression, he didn't seem to be in a hurry.

It is still possible to calmly allocate the tasks of various personnel and arrange the personnel list reasonably.

It seems that alien invasion is not as scary as imagined.

This left Song Yihan a little confused and confused.

At the same time, Song Yihan was named.

"Song Yihan, Atlantis, Nan, Xue" Now you are a group of four, heading to the building near Stark Tower in New York. "

Song Yihan nodded and followed the assigned team to find Atlantis and the twin sisters.

"Senior Brother Atlantis." Song Yihan saluted when he saw Atlantis.

By the way, he smiled at the twin sister next to him as a courtesy.

Atlantis nodded calmly, and then, as soon as he turned around, his expression changed.

Walking to the side of the king, Atlantis said with a sad face: "Arch Mage, why don't you let me go with the mages? It will be very stressful to bring three newcomers."

Wang rolled his eyes at Atlanz impatiently and said, "It's not you who lead three, but they who lead three."

Atlantis bowed his head in embarrassment, coughed lightly, and passed through the portal.

After Nan and Xue bowed to the king, they also passed through the portal.

Song Yihan followed closely and was about to leave, but was stopped by Wang.

"Song, the earth is in danger now. Aliens from other dimensions are trying to invade the earth. The residents living on the earth are also in danger. You may be the one to protect the earth in the future. I believe in you."

Wang looked at Song Yihan and said earnestly: "If the earth is gone, then no matter you or me, we will have no home to stay in. No matter how powerful the strong man is, he needs a place to stay. I hope you can always keep Kamatai." Ji regards it as her own home."

After Wang finished speaking, he pointed at the portal and said, "Go ahead and be careful. There's nothing to be afraid of."

The faint smile on Wang's face made Song Yihan, who was a little confused, suddenly feel a sense of warmth in his heart.

"I understand, senior brother!" Song Yihan's expression became determined.


Nearby near the Stark Building in New York.

The black spaceship hovered over the library.

Many dense alien armies flew out from the black light.

New York is hanging on by a thread right now.

The world fell.

The streets were a mess.

The river was strewn with corpses and parts.

There are alien invaders flying above people's heads.

Lasers of various colors flashed across the city, and explosions rang out.

The peaceful New York suddenly turned into a miserable hell.

"Help help!"

I heard repeated calls for help, and people ran away in panic.

"Oh my god! This scene is so bloody..."

Coming out of the portal, Atlantis looked at the scene in front of him and couldn't help but say.

After all, this was the first time he had entered the world to practice cultivation, and the first time he had seen an alien invasion. Atlantis couldn't help but tremble.

Fear instantly spreads to every part of the body.

I saw with my own eyes that the streets were full of naked bloody bodies!

Broken arms, thighs, and the pungent smell of blood filled the air.

As a trainee mage, I have indeed endured more than I should have endured.

Especially when he brought Song Yihan, Nan and Xue behind him.

As their senior brother.

No matter how scared you are, you still have to work hard and show your best side in front of the three of them.

With the Hanging Ring in hand, Atlantis casts the Ring of Raggador.

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