Marvel: Learning magic, the talent scared Gu Yi to pee

Chapter 26 How can he realize magic that doesn’t exist? !

Wang himself likes freedom.

People who don't like restrictions.

But this time he was really interested in Song Yihan.

He sincerely wanted Song Yihan to stay in Pandora Peninsula.

After all, Song Yihan is not only talented, but also a very lovable person.

If Song Yihan really leaves Pandora Peninsula.

It's not just Pandora that will cause huge damage.

And the king will definitely be very sad.

If next, Song Yihan is succumbed to Dormammu's followers and sacrifices his soul, Wang will really be sad.

Not only is he sad, but when he thinks that Song Yihan has such a high level of understanding and rises so fast, he is not only sad but also deeply afraid.

Therefore, now, in order to allow Song Yihan to stay, Wang Ye has indeed changed his bottom line.

He started to lie, started to follow Atlantis, and became a less qualified actor.

"Oh, it's really difficult. Who allowed us to have such a talented junior brother!? We also let him watch a good show for free! How can ordinary people get such treatment!" Seeing Song Yihan's leaving figure, Atlantis I can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

As for Wang, anger was instantly written all over his face. He looked at Atlantis angrily, wishing to kill him in the next second: "You are too nonsense! You want to get every idea! ? You actually made up magic!"

Kama Taj is well-known in the entire magic world and is a magic holy place that all mages yearn for. If the mages know these things, Kama Taj's reputation will be ruined.

The Supreme Mage knew that such a nonsense happened today, and he would definitely not be lenient.

Atlantis knew its mistake and recognized the seriousness of the problem.

With a sad and helpless face, he said: "Elder brother, I know, I understand that this is wrong, and I know the seriousness of the matter, but there is no other way. I was really frightened just now, but I was beaten by God King It’s reasonable to be scared, but it’s that kid who’s unreasonable!”

"So for the sake of our Karma Taj's face, I can only make it up like this. Moreover, for a monster like Song Yihan, we must do the same thing next. We must start teaching him some non-existent magic and waste his time. ”

"Senior brother, think about it, this monster can learn a teleportation portal and send it to Asgard in one night! If this continues like this, there will be no limit to teleportation. Senior brother, you are here for dozens of times. You haven’t been able to do it for years, but if he improves even a little bit more by then, no one will really be able to suppress him!”

There is a heavy breath in the air again.

Depression spreads all over the body.

The air was heavy at this time.

In fact, Wang also understood the reason why Atlantis did this.

Although it is a bit nonsense, there is nothing we can do and this is the only way to do it.

One second, two seconds, five seconds, ten seconds.

Ten seconds passed like this. Ten seconds later, Wang spoke again.

"How can you guarantee that he won't understand the magic you made up?"

Atlantis was stunned. He didn't understand why the king would ask such a question.

"How can he realize the magic that he made up? The magic itself doesn't exist, how can he create it!?"

The magic that exists is called enlightenment. The magic that does not exist is not called enlightenment, it is called self-creation.

However, even Gu Yi is a bit doubtful about creating his own magic!

No matter how talented Song Yihan is, he can't do it now, from scratch!

If you really reach this state, then that's great! ?

The more Atlantis thought about it, the more he became determined and said with absolute certainty: "It's impossible. Even the Supreme Mage can't create magic! How can it be possible for a newcomer!?"

Wang didn't speak and thought for a while.

Think about it, this is indeed the truth.

After all, the source of magic was created by Emperor Weishan. It is impossible for Song Yihan to surpass the founder of magic.

How could he, an ordinary student, be compared with God! ?

Emperor Weishan is an ancient god!The three ancient gods who were originally synthesized into one, are the origin gods of magic.

It is absolutely impossible for Song Yihan to get rid of Emperor Weishan's power. Everything here comes from the creation of Emperor Weishan. It is impossible for him as an apprentice.

"What if, if he hasn't learned it yet, he suspects that we lied to him?"

As soon as one problem is solved, another one quickly follows.

Moreover, if this problem cannot be solved, the trouble will be even greater.

If Song Yihan knew that people in Kama Taj—Pandora Peninsula were lying to him and teaching him randomly, he would definitely leave here in anger.

At that time, we will tear down the east wall to make up for the west wall! ?Then there is no way to save it! ?

The more the king thought about it, the more worried he became, and the more guilty he became. Cold sweat was breaking out on the king's head, and he was thinking with a sad face.

Seeing Wang so worried, Atlantis quickly comforted him: "The Supreme Master will be back soon. Then we will just leave it to the Supreme Master to handle it. With Song Yihan's strength, the Supreme Master will definitely teach himself."

If Song Yihan discovers it, he can only let the Supreme Mage explain it.

If you can shirk the responsibility, you still have to shirk it. If you can't shirk it, then say something else.

When Wang heard Song Yihan say this and come up with so many crooked ideas, he couldn't help but said to Atlantis: "You are crooked from the bottom of your heart! I have to admire how many clever ideas you have! You are so timid. It's true that you're afraid of trouble! You can hide if you can. By the way, your performance just now was indeed very good, I have to admire you!"

Atlantis blushed in embarrassment at the slightly sarcastic compliment and said, "Oh! Life is hard! They are all forced by life. They suffered too much before coming to Pandora Peninsula. Yeah, you just haven’t experienced that kind of life! No one wants this, but life just turns you into someone you hate."

When the king heard what Atlantis said, he was impressed by Atlantis.

Such serious words actually came from the mouth of Atlantis!

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