Football: I can save 100% of penalties

Chapter 78 Cavani's long-range shooting training

At noon on the second day after the game, Naples training base.

Cavani, ready to resume training, had just walked in the door.

I was attracted by the roar of the sports car.

"Fuck me, Ferrari ff, or a limited edition?!"

Who bought our team?Have a bold vision?

Marjorie, Ravitch, still. .

Just as Cavani stared at the sports car and thought.

The car slowly stopped beside him.

A handsome guy with black hair poked his head out.

"Zhou Bai?!"

"You, car, yesterday???"

Cavani was stunned, but reacted immediately.

"From Giselle?"

"No, I just keep it for her."

Cavani looked like I believe you are a ghost.

"Look, is this something a human can say?"

"Customized limited edition, more than 200w euros. I've been coveting for a long time, but I didn't order it. Giselle asked you to keep it, I'm sorry. I'm afraid it's her people who are kept by you?"

Zhou Bai also tried to explain.

"Old card, it's really just for safekeeping. Gisele is just my fan, don't talk nonsense."

"Tm, if I believe it, I'm an idiot. Not going home with female fans at night?"

Cavani sat enviously in the co-pilot position.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Giselle is really kind to you."

"The central control watches are all customized Omega, engraved with your name."

Cavani suddenly lowered his voice.

"Zhou Bai, tell me honestly, are you being taken care of by Giselle?!"

"No, absolutely not."

Zhou Bai's righteous words, in Cavani's view, are weak sophistry.


"The lad found a shortcut at a young age."

"It's really tm enviable... Oh, no, it's despicable."

Giselle, her own goddess, actually likes the handsome Asian guy type.

Cavani doubts the significance of his mid-length hair.


On the training ground, the two practiced shooting one-on-one.

Cavani took a long shot from the top of the penalty area and hit the far corner of the goal.

Even though Zhou Bai tried his best to jump and dive, but with his low long-range shooting ability, he couldn't even reach the ball.

The ball hit the foot of the door with a bang and flew out, shaking the door frame several times.

"it's a pity."

Cavani puts another ball.



Zhou Bai made another save in embarrassment, but failed, the ball flew into the net.

Seeing Zhou Bai jumping up and down, Cavani felt a lot better.

"Hey, let you be with my goddess, you will suffer."

I want to go back, but I am very attentive to Zhou Bai's guidance.

"Zhou, to save a long shot, you have to learn to judge the trajectory of the ball in advance based on the player's strength."

"If it's a volley, it's a fast ball. If it's kicked with instep contact, it spins and falls, and it's a curve ball."

After several experiments, Zhou Bai gradually found the trick.

Instead of relying entirely on feeling like before, I gradually found a way to judge the approximate direction of the ball.

Or say that the goalkeeper who knows best is the striker.

Cavani's interactive training made Zhou Bai's save training value soar.

In less than an hour and a half, 500 training points were obtained.

Don't hesitate to add it directly to long-range saves.


"Okay, it's almost time."

"One last ball, try again, and we'll go eat."

Cavani is now 30 meters away from the goal on the left side.

This is a lot of center forwards and midfielders who like to choose the shooting position after dribbling the ball.

Cavani volleyed vigorously with his right foot and flew towards the middle of the goal.

The quality of his kicks is extremely high, and the inner instep gives the ball a slight positive side spin without any trace.

"It came just fine."

Zhou Bai, who was on full alert, immediately judged that it was the middle direction.

The ball's flight path is a bit high?

Is it a ball out of bounds?

Just as Zhou Bai was hesitating, the speed of the ball suddenly began to drop rapidly.

"Leaf ball."

back position.

Zhou Bai adjusted his position, took a step back towards the goal line, and jumped high.

The ball quickly fell into the net like a fallen leaf.

Zhou Bai tried his best to reach out to touch it, but the ball fell too fast.

Wiping the post and Zhou Bai's fingertips, he fell into the net.

"Oh, it's a pity. It's already happened."

In the distance, Cavani saw Zhou Bai step back and take off, which was beyond his expectation.

The deciduous ball is very confusing to the goalkeeper.

After flying to the high point, because of the rotation, the falling speed is extremely fast.

If the goalkeeper stands forward, the take-off height is not enough, and he will miss it; but if he is behind, the ball will easily fly over the goal line.

The position requirements are particularly stringent.

Zhou Bai's save judgment was very accurate, but unfortunately, the ball was still scored due to insufficient bounce.

"Zhou, you're good at fluttering, and you're making rapid progress."

Cavani walked over and patted Zhou Bai.

"You kid, you are such a monster. As soon as you said it, you immediately grasped the essence. The ball just now is of high quality, you can even touch it!"

"Okay, you taught me well. Thank you."

Zhou Bai dropped by sincerely.

"Haha, thank you for telling me something, old place, let's go."


Inside the home team restaurant.

Since it was not a training day, most of the main players did not come.

The two found a place to sit down and chat while eating.

This reminded Zhou Bai of the scene when he first met Cavani. Thinking about it now, it was quite funny.

"Boss, oh no, Old Ka."

Zhou Bai suddenly called out the name of Cavani in Hua, and quickly changed his words.

"What was your name?"

"No, I called it wrong," Zhou Bai added a roasted only because the leg was on the cavani plate.


Cavani thought for a while, and asked out the confusion in his heart.

"Why, when I was shooting yesterday, I always felt like I could hear your voice?"

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