Harry Potter: Man at Hogwarts but no wand

Chapter 83 Chaos in the auditorium

Andy slept for a long time. He dreamed that Justin was swallowed by a snake. He dreamed that his home was burned to the ground. He was so uneasy that when Justin woke him up, his head was covered with blood. sweat.

"Are you having a nightmare?" Justin asked his roommate in the next bed with concern. Hagrid and Filch, who were visiting next to him, heard his words and hurriedly came over.

"As long as you're okay." Andy sighed and began to apologize again. Justin quickly told him to stop, but instead said that he shouldn't have been so reckless and made him feel so guilty.

"Are you okay Andy." The first one to come over was Filch, who was holding Mrs. Lorris. The cat jumped out of his arms and rubbed its head against Andy's chin endlessly: "It's too dangerous. , Andy, next time something like this happens, you can't go there. Stay away from that arrogant Gryffindor. It's bound to be bad if you get involved with him. Mr. Malfoy did a great job." After saying that, he didn't forget to use the light bulb. He gave the sleeping Harry a hard look with his eyes.

"That's enough Filch, Harry was going to save someone!" Hagrid bumped into him dissatisfied. Fortunately, Filch grabbed the iron railing at the end of the bed, otherwise he would have flown out.

"Rescue people? I think you are trying to be a hero. Save one person and save three. What a bargain!" This squib is now hardened.

"Malfoy? Draco? Where are the others?" Andy looked around and saw no one else.

"When he came here and heard about this, it was Harry who was the one who started it. Crabbe, Goyle, and Harry beat him up before he woke up, and were then sent to Snape's office by Madam Pomfrey. ." Justin said with a shrug.

"Ah this?"

What a Slytherin, taking advantage of his illness to kill him!

"But I have to thank you Andy." The half-giant twisted and carefully took out a small stick that was disproportionate to his fingers: "I came out of Azkaban, and they allowed me to repair the wand. Dun Bledo told me that it was you and Harry who obtained the evidence." He waved it excitedly, as if he wanted to show it to the whole school.Finally the wand got tangled in his own beard, and Filch gave him a contemptuous look on the spot.

"Ah, congratulations! You're welcome - vomit vomit - oh my damn stomach." Andy retched twice and felt a strange smell in his stomach: "Mrs. Pomfrey's medicine is really unpleasant."

"You have to give evidence, Mr. Lawrence. Your Potions Master poured you such a large number of strange potions, and it has nothing to do with me." Madam Pomfrey was very dissatisfied and walked in while gesticulating: "You can be discharged after you continue to observe and observe, but Mr. Potter has to wait. Mr. Malfoy is really not easy to attack, tsk tsk tsk..."

Andy and Justin left the hospital in the afternoon. They had just wandered around the courtyard for a while when Professor McGonagall informed them to go to the principal's office.

Just kidding, can you not go to the principal's office?certainly--

Who the hell is going to do this, damn old lunatic!

Justin saw that his roommate was so angry that he wanted to blow up Nurmengard whenever he mentioned Dumbledore, so he quickly wanted to drag him back to the dormitory.

But Andy had a different idea... He took advantage of the fact that everyone was busy arresting Peter Pettigrew. He heard at noon that Dumbledore was busy in a lawsuit with Fudge, so he quickly slipped into the secret room to collect materials!

The two secretly returned to the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets to divide the dangerous basilisk - Andy took precautions and peeled off the scales of the snake with strong magic resistance, and knocked out a fang, and the snake's venom became more venomous. It's a bottle-by-bottle connection - a little bit of this thing can make people pour foam, it's a must-have for killing people!

Of course, snake meat is indispensable. You can treat the Acromantula... Of course, you have to let Tyrantula, the glutton, try the poison first.

It's a pity that Snake Eyes, if you dig it out, it would be comparable to Medusa's head!Of course, there is also the silver sword of Gryffindor stuck in the snake's head!Before Lao Deng comes to pack it up, quickly put it into a stretch bag!

I'm a Hufflepuff and take things from Gryffindor, so that's not too much!

When the two sneaked back to the ground, they heard that Dumbledore had held a banquet to celebrate Harry's feat of killing the basilisk and saving the students - glory once again went to the savior!

Just go home, anyway, the feast will dazzle my mouth!

When the two impatient little badgers arrived at the auditorium, what greeted them was not a grand banquet, but a big melee.Dumbledore won't take care of it? !And what about Professor McGonagall? !

Dumbledore: I am working with the four deans to convince Fudge and school director Lucius Malfoy not to let dementors into the school, and I have no time to worry about your nonsense!

The Great Hall exploded into a pot of boiling water. The Gryffindors tried their best to protect Harry. They kept thinking about Slytherin and Hufflepuff launching magic spells. However, the offensive was extremely fierce but the number of people was insufficient. Hufflepuff was It was an organized attack in turns. After one group of people attacked, another group came up. The power was not nearly as strong, but it couldn't stop.

Slytherin would be better off, they are beating Sirius!If there is a group fight, who will fight?

Then Andy saw Alastor and Tyrantula crawling around.Then the still-unfamiliar giant spider on the ceiling had already entangled the Gryffindor Juggernaut until his head was left - and Neville was shouting for help.

Ah this.Can anyone tell me what's going on?

Barb, who was cooperating with Ravenclaw's research, waved to the confused Andy and the snickering Justin. Andy could only say in a loud voice: "Stop? What's wrong?"

Draco loosened Harry's collar angrily, as if Harry had been beaten again: "This boy's godfather just said that if you hadn't told Harry where the secret room was, he wouldn't have been bitten by the basilisk!" Draco's face turned red with excitement: "See if I don't beat him!"

"Ah, thanks Draco, to be fair, Harry saved my life during the battle."

"If he hadn't been in Hogwarts, there wouldn't be such bad things! Let him transfer to another school quickly! I want to tell my father and ask him to transfer this harmful bad guy away!"

"Then you guys are coming?" Andy quickly called down the spider that was attacking Neville.

"Hey! Tucknut! Aragog won't let us eat people randomly! You only came here after you promised! Just eat that one!" Babu waved his big claws and made a clicking sound: "Andy, Aragog No matter what his bullshit language, he's a lunatic, it won't be a big deal if he eats that Potter! So we were sent here."

Ah, thank you Aragog, that's so thoughtful.

"Uh...you should eat less. You'll have diarrhea again soon." Andy saw Ravenclaw's little eagle feeding frantically in order to make it cooperate, and couldn't help but persuade him.

"Oh my god, what happened here?" Professor Sprout appeared in front of the door: "I came out to get some food, why is this place so messy? Merlin! This is it? This is it!"

"Acromantula." Andy replied simply, and then immediately reacted: "Professor, listen to my explanation, listen to my explanation!"

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