Harry Potter: Man at Hogwarts but no wand

Chapter 66 The Dark Mark in France

Andy on the other side was not feeling well either. The dark environment prevented him from feeling the passage of time, and the sizzling sound of electricity also stimulated his nerves. Although his temples were already pounding, he was hungry, thirsty and exhausted and sat down with difficulty. Straighten up—he remembered seeing this cover in a movie, and it would kill you if you touched it.

Fortunately, the person who imprisoned him was not invisible, otherwise he would not know how he died.

Finally, a beam of light shone into his eyes, and Andy blinked constantly due to the sudden bright light.

"The director wants to see you."

He was then taken to the interrogation room by hanging.

Andy was in a relatively clean gray room. Andy was sitting on a metal chair with his hands cuffed behind his back. The cold seat made him very uncomfortable. He would rather stand than touch it.

The light was so dazzling that he couldn't help lowering his head and squinting his eyes.

"Hello, Mr. Lawrence." He heard the voice of that bullshit director. A pair of leather shoes appeared under the table, and the chair legs moved closer.

"Raise your head." As soon as he finished speaking, Andy's head was forcibly pulled up by a force, and a pair of sharp gray eyes looked directly into his eyes.

After a long while, the director spoke: "It's very interesting. Although this is our first meeting, it is said that the last cooperation between the French Ministry of Magic and the alchemist Mr. Nico Flamel was also your proposal."

"Thank you."

"So Mr. Laurence. All the law enforcement agencies in Europe are watching you, and your headmaster vigorously defended you and kept you in Hogwarts, so... why come to France?"

"I don't know what you are talking about. I thought I was far less famous than my elder brother. I came to France just to visit Master Flamel."

"That's not a wise choice."

"Hahaha." Andy laughed: "It's a worthwhile trip. I'm honored to see that the French Ministry of Magic uses such high-level defensive measures to imprison a student visiting an old man. Don't you think it's against the rules? Director?"

"A student who killed an Auror with his bare hands?"

"Yes, distinguished director. But I also received guidance from Mr. Flamel." Andy kicked up the metal chair with a clang.

"Mr. Flamel indicated to you that Lord Bernard is a Death Eater?"

"No, sir, it was an accident. I was acting in self-defense."

"Guarding the Aurors who are on a mission? You seem to know something." The director frowned inadvertently, and Andy kicked the chair loudly.

"I don't know what I know."

"I often hear rumors about you."

"is it?"

"You have a flaw, Mr. Lawrence." The director laughed: "I have never seen a child who can still talk to me after being detained for a day. Tell me, Mr. Lawrence." The director's smile disappeared from his face: " Who sent you?"

"Mysterious man? Hahaha, okay, Director." Andy laughed: "Stop pretending, let me go, you shouldn't say you have heard of me often. Think about it, there are good people who have heard of me often. ?"

The minister smiled: "I'm sorry Mr. Lawrence, you shouldn't have said such unwise words. Since you are a Death Eater, I should -"

"And then bear the anger of the master for not getting the alchemical method to reshape the body?"

The director was stunned for a moment, and his gray eyes became sharp as he examined Andy.

"Bernard deserves his death. How can I win Flamel's trust if I don't kill him? He has long been suspicious of your Ministry of Magic."

"Oh, you think you can convince me, Lawrence. I said that it was you who proposed the cooperation between the Ministry of Magic and Mr. Flamel in the last operation."

"Isn't this normal? Come on, you think Dumbledore wasn't involved in this letter. He bought my White Falcon. Anyway, I drove a wedge between the two of them. The only people to blame are Malfoy and Quirrell. Two idiots who can’t answer the call.”

Although the director was still suspicious, Andy loosened his bonds with a wave of his hand. He moved a bit and felt that it was great to be able to stand. He looked around, looking for any magic or tools that could be used to record the photos.

"There is no surveillance. Don't worry, Mr. Lawrence. This is your belongings."

"Thank you, but can you send me out? I am a suspect now."

"Yes, Mr. Lawrence."

Andy was politely sent out of the Ministry of Magic, and the damn director pretended to apologize to Andy, expressing the Ministry's apology for the mistaken arrest.Andy was then put on a bus bound for Montmorency Street in full view of everyone.There was almost no one in the car. Andy snapped his fingers and returned to the vicinity of the French Ministry of Magic. He walked to a remote corner and took out the shadow clothes from the stretch bag.

After the Director of the Department of Magical Enforcement sent Andy away, he did not return to the Ministry of Magic immediately. He was blocked in the square by Auror Eluard, who was condemning him for imprisoning Andy without applying for an arrest warrant.

This overly righteous thorn made him very unhappy. He had realized this as early as when Ai Luya joined the company. "Sooner or later, this troublesome boy will have to get rid of him." The director thought to himself, but his attention was attracted by a gust of wind.He turned around and found nothing, but he heard a vague sentence from somewhere: "There is no shadow on the divine front."

Ailuya was startled by his director. The director suddenly fell down, and the blood gushing from his neck spurted into his face. He saw him instinctively covering his neck, and a large amount of red came from the director's mouth and Squirted out between the fingers.Ailuya quickly took out the magic spell and recited the healing spell. The director's face was deformed due to fear and pain, and was covered with blood bubbles spitting out from his mouth.

Although the spell was recited again and again, the bleeding wound did not heal. Staff from the Ministry of Magic also hurriedly gathered around to help, but no amount of cycloid essence and spells had any effect.More and more people gathered, but no one could save the painful man - his blood stopped flowing, and a large piece of stone bricks had turned red.

All the wizards can do is to cast the Muggle expulsion spell here to avoid panic and allow their own department heads to maintain the last dignity of the wizards.The director was still struggling, and there was a constant "whirring" sound in his throat. Some wizards were still rescuing him, and some people in the crowd were already sobbing.

Andy, who was wearing an invisibility cloak, was still watching from a distance. He didn't feel sick or scared this time. Instead, he felt like a dream. It ended before he had time to react, leaving only some vague uneasiness in retrospect.

He turned away and snapped his fingers.

Suddenly dark clouds filled the sky, and a burst of green light shot down from people's heads. Ailuya saw a scene that made him horrified in the eyes of the dead director.

He discovered that it was a huge skull, composed of countless green light spots, and a large python, like a tongue, was slowly crawling out of the skull's mouth.

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