Harry Potter: Man at Hogwarts but no wand

Chapter 64 French Ministry of Magic

Nico Flamel did not ask for leave for the two little badgers. Instead, Mr. Eluard sent a letter through the Ministry of Magic - of course concealing the location of the incident.Andy could now realize that the boundary between the master alchemist and the white devil was really clear.

After the Auror left, Nico Flamel called to Andy.The two chatted in front of the dim light.

"He was responsible for the theft of the crystal ball containing Voldemort's soul last time. I was so nervous that I forgot to leave anyone alive. How about I follow the clues and catch many people?" Andy was complaining to himself.

"Don't think too much. Even if there is a confession now, it will be difficult to eradicate them all. You have done a good job and did not use the Unforgivable Curse in the first place."

"But he died in pain, right? Maybe with the same damage, the damage caused by the Death Curse is smaller." Andy smiled bitterly: "I'm not my holy mother, but I feel it's really... cruel?"

"That's very well said. This just shows that you are not suitable to use it today. The Death Curse requires sufficient malice and murderous intention to be driven. General hatred will not work. The stronger the evil intention, the stronger the power." Under the dim light. Nico Flamel is like an ancient sculpture.

"There are many ways to kill people, like what you did today, or more powerful spells. Raging fire can burn wizards to death, the power of thunderbolt explosions cannot be underestimated, and even some evil curses. But the purpose of issuing these spells It’s not about enjoying killing. The Death Curse, including the three Unforgivable Curses, were all created with a disregard for life and pleasure in torturing others.”

Andy nodded: "I just know it will split the soul."

"Yes, and it will affect your sanity. I also know that you have been involved in the Cruciatus Curse and the Imperius Curse, right? But you have not learned it."

"I'm glad I didn't learn it." Andy smiled. There are advantages to his lack of ability, but how did the old man know about Karkaroff's education courses?

"So for the sake of your sanity, you need to go to bed now." The alchemist master's expression was like an ordinary grandfather urging his grandson to go to bed early.

Andy relaxed his mood, drank the hot cocoa in his hand, and went to bed obediently.

After lying on the bed, Andy felt that Nico Flamel had always been sure of what happened to him, but he couldn't figure out what the plan of this nearly 700-year-old man was, so he decided to resign himself to his fate and go to various shelters first. Coping with tossing and turning.

Early the next morning, Mr. Eluard knocked on the door of 51 Rue Montmorency.

As soon as he entered the door, he heard Madame Flamel cursing.

"Hell, this old guy is still alive after 600 years. I have to wake him up every morning and sleep in when he's old!" Perenaar, wearing a white robe, walked to the door with small steps and yelled at the room. Shouting: "Nicholas Flamel! Get up, you old fool!"

"Oh, dear Per... I don't need breakfast," murmured Nico Flamel, gradually beginning to snore again.

Then he saw Justin, who was laughing, and Andy who was listless at the dining table. The nightmare had tortured him all night, and he still didn't dare to use his left hand to eat.

"Oh, hello Mr. Eluard!" Andy greeted him casually, poking the fried sausage with his fork.

"Mr. Auror, would you like to have something to eat together?" Justin has a great appetite. Although last night was really scary, the master alchemist is willing to accept him as a Muggle-born wizard, which can last him 200 years.

"No, we'll get it before about 9 o'clock. Although it's rude, I hope you two can hurry up."

At the urging of Mr. Auror, the two arrived at Furstenberg Square before 9 o'clock.The two of them followed him to a statue fountain. As soon as they stood still, the wrought iron branches rose up out of thin air and intertwined into an elevator.

As the sightseeing elevator descended smoothly, a huge glass dome appeared in front of the three people.The dome uses magic to project many black and white portraits of magical animals on the sky blue background, which is very spectacular.

Andy could only recognize a phoenix and a poisonous horned beast, but he seemed to have never heard of the rest.Not to mention the scroll decoration below, Andy couldn't understand a single word on it.

In the center of the dome hangs a spherical planetarium, which also uses magic to project stars.Under the arch, there is an angel statue at each corner, and the raised arms seem to be holding up a sky for the people coming and going.

Elegance, French elegance, is much better than the sewer-like environment of the British Ministry of Magic and the stock exchange-like MACUSA environment.

"We're here." Mr. Eluard urged the two young wizards to come to the front desk to register, and then the three of them rushed to the floor of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.

In the office, Ai Luya quickly completed the notes for the two of them and prepared to send them back.

"Wait, Mr. Ailuya." A middle-aged man's voice stopped them.

Andy turned around and looked up and down at the person who stopped him.He is older and stronger than Ailuya.A pair of gray eyes were staring at him.

"Director." Ai Luya greeted solemnly.

The director frowned, and two Aurors came over from behind him, pointing their wands at Andy: "Is this the suspect? The wizard who killed Auror Bernard."

Andy was also stunned, and then asked: "Isn't there a decree from the French Ministry of Magic——"

"But Mr. Bernard is enforcing the law in compliance with regulations." The Auror on the side interrupted him.

"But he is a Death Eater!" Justin wanted to rush over, but was held back by Eluya.

The director showed a sinister smile: "Maybe whoever made this dark mark deliberately put it on after poisoning him. So...take this dark wizard away!"

Just as Andy was about to struggle to escape, he was shot into the back by a red light.He fainted instantly. Justin wanted to pounce on him, but Eluard forcibly took him out of the Ministry of Magic.

After an unknown amount of time, Andy woke up and found himself tied to a chair, surrounded by darkness.

There was only a red semicircular magic light shield holding him, making an electric sizzling sound in the quiet environment.

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