Harry Potter: Man at Hogwarts but no wand

Chapter 62 No. 51, rue Montmorency

The two pushed the door open and entered a small living room. The lighting in the whole living room was very poor. There were bottles and jars and some glass products similar to chemical instruments everywhere, as well as manuscripts piled on the table and sofa. It was not so much a place as a living room. A living room is more like a messy laboratory.

It was so different from the mysterious fortress that Justin imagined the master alchemist had that he thought his roommate was kidding him.Andy calmly found a recliner and sat down. Anyway, he learned about Nico Flamel's taste in home decoration from Divine Movement. This old man is almost 700, so it would be good if he can clean up neatly.

"Are you sure you didn't bring me to your basement just to fool me?" Justin

"Hey, what you said is right. When someone comes here in a while, you'll have a heart attack. Don't regret it when you lie down and blackmail you."

"Mr. Lawrence, welcome to you and your companions." A pale old man walked down the spiral staircase with a smile: "Maybe I am not as rude as you said."

Andy immediately bounced up and stood at attention and apologized: "I was wrong! Master Flamel!"

"Uh..." Justin was startled by Nico Flamel's weird look and hid behind Andy: "Hello..."

"Hello, Mr. Finch-Fletchley. I am the Alchemist——"

"Nico?" A lady's voice came from the stairs.

"The maker of the magic stone——"


"Beauxbatons Patron——"


"Nicholas Flamel."

"Nicholas Flamel! You old bone, can't you hear me calling you?!" A crepe crust flew from the stairs onto the alchemist's head, and the two little wizards couldn't help but gasp.

"Oh, you are here, come in quickly, little ones. I thought you would be hungry, so I made crepes. Come up quickly before they are soft." A kind-faced old lady in a white dress appeared from the corner of the stairs. She was obviously More like a living person than the master alchemist - with a blush on his face.

"Oh my god, madam, you look so good, you hardly look 200 years old!" Andy was the first to flatter him, and Justin glared at him fiercely.

"You're really good at talking. Come up here and I'll add some more ice cream for you. I just bought this from Berthillon after I sent Nico to it. We haven't eaten food for a long time, so our skills are rusty. We only dare to make simpler coulis. cake."

"Thank you, madam, thank you, Master Flamel." Justin bowed politely to the two of them: "Andy, be polite! Don't lose it to Hogwarts - get down here!"

"Shua?" Andy looked down from the stairs with his face stuffed with crepes.

Justin started apologizing for his roommate again.

"Mr. Finch-Fletchley, you don't have to be so polite. You go up first. I want to teach your rude roommate a lesson first."


"Child, don't listen to his nonsense. He's starting to show his bad behavior again. He has been drifting for more than forty years since he put out the fire!" The old lady put her hands on her hips and waved a brand new wooden shovel.

"Perenal, can you save some face for me..." The alchemist master felt a little aggrieved.

So Justin was invited upstairs to eat crepes, while Andy stayed downstairs with the master alchemist and his messy laboratory.

"Oh my God, she's always like this..." Nico Flamel complained with a smile. "

Stop it!I won’t eat your 600-year-old stored dog food!

"Oh, if you don't mind, please allow me to call you Andy."

"You're too polite." Andy scratched his head. He really couldn't understand French etiquette.

"But this is the alchemy apprentice you carefully selected for me? Very well-behaved, but doesn't seem very smart?"

"I'm familiar with this one. I tricked him here. How about you want Draco or my great brother? If you are willing to accept the Acromantula, I can get you a master."

"Forget it, just him."

Justin are you: Polite?

"But...to be honest with you, I'm here to ask for your help. I joined the Death Eaters..."

"I know." Nico Flamel was not surprised: "Aren't you here just to seek my asylum? Maybe you should accept my suggestion and become my apprentice yourself."

"Then carry forward your heritage and allow Death Eaters to grow in Europe?"

"This is the inevitable result." The alchemist master said calmly, as if he was talking about something commonplace.

Andy thought something was wrong. In the original book, didn't Voldemort not even capture a middle school?What?Has the witchcraft party changed?

"But Voldemort isn't that powerful, is he? No matter Muggles or purebloods, they are overwhelmed by his violence. He can't go that far."

"Yes, Andy, he couldn't have gone this far." Nico Flamel's voice was very distant: "I have lived for a long time and have seen a lot of things that should not have happened, or that led to this kind of thing happening. Special person... Haha, you may say in your heart that I rely on my old age to show off my old age, but my experience tells me that everyone has their own secrets, right?"

"Yes..." Andy's cold sweat dropped from his forehead: "I do..."

"No need to say it." Andy wanted to speak, but was interrupted by Nick Flamel: "Old people are not so curious. You are a good boy. Come and learn alchemy with Mr. Finch-Fletchley at Christmas, but , take out your wand and show me first."

"Ah, can I say that I don't have it..." Andy was instantly embarrassed.

"Excellent." The alchemist master stood up and went upstairs: "I have to let you go to eat crepes now. If you pissed off Pelle, my old osteoporotic bones can't stand the floor."

"Why do I feel like you have a lot of confidence in me? Are you afraid that I will really surrender to the enemy?" Andy was very confused about this. Dumbledore was very defensive about himself, but Nico Flamel was very considerate.

"Otherwise? I will invite a dark wizard to my house to eat crepes?" The old man rolled his eyes at Andy with his eyes of more than 600 years, and walked upstairs: "Dear Pere! I'll come. Got it!"

"What are you doing here? I can't eat your crispy intestines!"

"Oh——" Nico Flamel let out a disappointed voice.

Andy smiled and hurried upstairs. After all, he had to go to class the next day, so he had to eat as early as possible and go back as soon as possible, right?

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