Andy calmed down and retreated to the stone basin. He remembered that Dumbledore drank the green fluorescent liquid in the original book. He reached out his hand and tried to touch it.

"Master Potter! Don't touch it!" Kreacher screamed, sounding like he was remembering something painful, and then he muttered something nervously.

"It's okay Kreacher, don't be nervous, I'll see what this is first."

Andy stretched his hand towards the glowing green water and couldn't help but feel nauseated. He really admired Dumbledore now. How could Harry pour something like a biological weapon into his mouth?

When his fingers approached the liquid surface, he encountered an invisible resistance. It seemed that there was a wall of air blocking his hand from approaching the liquid. Andy found it interesting.

"Kreacher!" Andy saw the house elf circling the table timidly, as if looking for something: "Can you recall what kind of liquid this is? Your Master Regulus should be fine. Let you describe this.”

"Kreacher doesn't know. Kreacher only remembers that the Dark Lord asked me to drink all the water in the basin... Kreacher felt his whole body burning and just wanted to die quickly." His face shrank into a ball, as if The basin of water caused him great pain.

Andy's mind was spinning, and he pointed his finger at the liquid and said: "The Horcrux is coming!"

"Master Potter!!" Kreacher screamed, and two or three inferi suddenly jumped up from the edge of the stage, jumping up on the dark lake.Kreacher knocked one away and disappeared with a crash, causing large ripples on the water.

Two more bodies jumped onto the stone platform, "They were all petrified!, shattered to pieces!" Andy reacted quickly, one body also flew out and fell into the lake, and the other body fell motionless on the stone platform. .

"Master Potter, you have to take Master Regulus home! You can't... Oh, Mistress! Damn Kreacher for contradicting Master Potter! Damn Kreacher for disgracing the Mistress! "Kreacher slapped his ugly, wrinkled face hard.

"Stop, Kreacher, I need what's in there, Kreacher."

"But...but the things inside are fake, Master Potter! Kreacher can't say it! He can't say it!"

"I order you to tell me if it's a Slytherin locket." Andy needed some details. He couldn't remember where the real locket was thrown. He only remembered that it ended up on the pink toad's phone for no apparent reason: "Or you can Go back by yourself, and don’t ask for your Master Regulus.”

Kreacher struggled for a while, then gritted his teeth and spoke out. As he spoke, he hit his head on the base of the stone basin: "Yes, yes, Master Potter! Master Regulus knew that the Dark Lord hid the hanging box in it. He was very worried and asked me to stay in the house and not come out. Then one day, he came over with a strange expression and asked me to take him to the cave..."

"Then you drank all the stuff in order to replace it with a fake hanging box?" Andy was a little annoyed. He was really stupid* Voldemort.

Kreacher suddenly cried even harder: "Yes, yes, Master Potter. Master Regulus...drank the potion himself! He asked me to take it away as soon as the locket was revealed, and then took it out An imitation locket has been replaced. Master Regulus ordered me to destroy the real locket at any cost!"

Kreacher was hurting himself crazily: "But Kreacher couldn't do it! The powerful magic protected the hanging box, so Kreacher punished himself while trying, punished himself while trying... But Kreacher failed in the end. To complete the task left by the master, she must also keep the cause of his death secret. The mistress couldn't bear the blow and went crazy..."

"Where's the hanging box?"

"In Kreacher's cupboard!"

Okay, finally the words came out, and Andy decided it was time to do something serious: "Stop Kreacher, you have to come over, you don't want your Master Regulus to die without anyone knowing, right? We have to Take out what's inside so that everyone can know about your master's brave behavior."

"Kreacher is willing! Kreacher thanks Master Potter!" The old house elf knelt on the ground with tears streaming down his face, thanking him to the best of his abilities: "Kreacher is willing to do anything for Master Potter." matter!"

"Kreacher, come on! Kreacher, help Master Potter drink it! Master Potter, take Master Regulus home!" Kreacher suddenly thought of something and rushed up to the base desperately, trying to dive in. , Andy pulled him down with quick eyes and hands, and the two fell together. Kreacher's long nose almost hit Andy's face.

"Ah... Fuck you Kreacher! You drank the hell out of me! Let him drink it!" Andy pointed to the petrified Inferi next to him.

"Yes! Yes! Damn Kreacher! Damn Kreacher."

"Okay, okay." Andy got up with a sore back: "Hurry up and get him over here, and then change him into a cup. My transformation skills are terrible."

Kreacher quickly dragged the Inferi over, opened the mouth of the Inferi with dry and shriveled fingers, and then changed the cup into a cup and handed it to Andy.

Without saying a word, Andy scooped up the strange liquid and poured it into the mouth of the Inferi. Anyway, he was already dead and would not suffer any more.Three times five divided by two, the hanging box quickly leaked out. Andy pulled out the hanging box, and the green liquid immediately filled up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Okay, Kreacher, let's get down to business." Andy put the hanging box around his neck: "Look for Regulus, I don't know what he looks like."

"Kreacher has found it already! Kreacher knows where Master Regulus is!" Kreacher rushed to the edge of the stone platform and pointed at a young inferi in the lake.

Fortunately, he was not far away. Andy breathed a sigh of relief: "Kreacher, listen, if I go down to get him now, the Inferi around me will definitely drag me down immediately, so remember, you must be next to me." set fire."

"But...but Kreacher will burn you!"

"It's okay! I'll be wet when I jump into the lake. Just burn it! Hurry up!" Andy gritted his teeth and jumped into the black lake. As he expected, the Inferi swarmed up, dozens of them cold and stiff. Even the hands that were turned into bones clung tightly to Andy's body.

"Let Master Potter go! You dead people!" Kreacher screamed, and flames rushed from his fingertips to the lake.

Most of the Inferi retreated, and only one or two clung to Andy's legs under the water. He stepped on these arms with difficulty and moved forward step by step, with red flames sweeping around him.Andy was grinning from the flames, and the water on the lake was extremely hot. Under the damage and protection of the flames, he finally grabbed Regulus' cold hand.

Andy felt that he was very heavy, but fortunately he had the buoyancy of the water. He dragged Regulus in front of him with both hands. Regulus' body had a layer of sticky transparent liquid on the surface due to being soaked in water for a long time. .Andy was afraid that he would slip away, so he put his hands on his chest and dragged him back with difficulty.The Inferi under the water seemed to sense that Andy was slowing down, and they pulled hard on his legs, pants and even the corners of his clothes.

Andy was dragged into the water by them, and the dirty lake water filled his nose and ears, and Regulus's body also hit him heavily.

Andy struggled and heard Kreacher screaming his name. He removed the hands on his body and raised his head out of the water: "Fire! Kreacher! Fire! Bigger!"

Kreacher heard Andy's cry and immediately increased the flames. The entire lake was filled with flames. Andy climbed up with all his strength, held Regulus in his arms again and headed towards the platform. More and more corpses were rising in the lake. Andy didn't dare to look back.

"Master Pote! Hurry! You are almost there!"

Andy was less than one meter away from the stage, and countless hands were already climbing up. It was too late, it was too late to get up!

"Kreacher! Give me your hand! I order you to take us back!"

"Yes! Master Potter!" Kreacher rushed down and extended his hand to Andy. The moment the two hands touched, the three masters and servants disappeared.

With a "bang", Andy fell to the ground. He raised his upper body with difficulty. Next to him was Kreacher, who was in tears. On the other side, Regulus was lying quietly on the floor.

He knew he had finally succeeded.

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