Mrs. Weasley gave Andy a sweater she knitted for Christmas. The yellow sweater had a big A knitted in the middle, and Harry's one had an H in the middle.

Ron curled his lips into the "n" shape when he gave it to him. He told Andy that Mrs. Weasley said this was knitted for their "youngest son" Andy Weasley, "I am her How is your younger son?" Ron gritted his teeth and said, "Malfoy's father even asked my father, why haven't I heard him mention his younger son?"

"I was wrong, I was wrong, I will explain it to Malfoy next time!" Andy laughed so much that he almost slipped off the table, but Ron was still reluctant.

He wore the sweater all winter until spring, when he changed to a shirt and woolen vest.

"Oh my god! Thank you Merlin! You finally took off that sweater!" Ron said in an exaggerated tone. The three of them came to the restaurant early to review and prepare for the final test.

Andy can no longer complain about the configuration of Hogwarts. The Great Hall can really do anything.I'm afraid it's not a multi-functional hall that integrates welcoming foreign guests, holding meetings, catering, entertainment, education and learning. Can't such a big castle have a few more rooms?

Hermione and Harry were both writing notes, and only Ron was playing cards, so he was inevitably scolded by Hermione.

"My potion studies are finished. Old Bat will definitely not let me pass." Ron wailed: "So I don't even want to study anymore."

"Then what should you do in the final exam?" Hermione asked.

"Copy it from you!"

"no way!"

"It's okay Ron, I felt like my flying lesson was doomed, so I just gave up." Andy added: "I was very frustrated until the second Quidditch match, when I saw the referee, the old bat, was crooked. When I ride up to the sky, I feel at ease all of a sudden.”

Ron and Harry laughed at the same time, and Hermione gave Andy a roll of her eyes: "I think you can ask Harry to make up for you. After all, there is no one in the first-year flying class who has better grades than him."

"You know..." Harry, who had been silent all morning, whispered mysteriously: "Yesterday, when I wore the invisibility cloak and went to the kitchen to get food for Ron..."

"Ron!" Hermione interrupted angrily, and Ron spread his hands to express so what.

"Don't interrupt me, I found Snape threatening Professor Quirrell again!"

"What did he say?" The three heads hurried over.

"I heard Snape asking Quirrell if he had figured out how to subdue the three-headed dog, and there must be other magic or mechanisms! Maybe Professor Quirrell is one of the protectors, and Snape needs to clear the level, so he threatens him , he also asked Quirrell who he was loyal to."

That's outrageous. You must be sick. Didn't I say that Quirrell wasn't a good thing? !

"Didn't I say that?" Andy lowered his voice: "Quirrell is not a good guy. I suspect that it was Quirrell who tried to kill me twice in the Forbidden Forest."

"He has no reason to do this. I feel that Snape is pretending to be Professor Quirrell. Maybe the fake Snape you met last time is the true face of the old bat." Ron successfully brainwashed Harry and Hermione. It makes sense.

"In other words, if Professor Quirrell can resist Snape, the Philosopher's Stone will be safe." Hermione added.

"Oh, Merlin, George and Fred also hit Professor Quirrell on the head with snowballs!" Ron was very ashamed of his brother's actions.

Andy couldn't watch any more and planned to attract their attention quickly: "Listen to me, I almost forgot, I found information about Nico Mellor, Ron, look at your chocolate frog Card, Dumbledore’s card!”

Ron immediately found the card in the pile and read: "Dumbledore's well-known contributions include: defeating the dark wizard Grindelwald in [-], discovering the twelve uses of fire dragon blood, and working with his partner Nico... Flamel was effective in alchemy."

"I said why it's so familiar!" Hermione: "I read that Nico Mele is the only known maker of the Philosopher's Stone. So what is being guarded is the Philosopher's Stone, which can turn any metal into gold. , and it can also be used as an elixir! Nico Mele used this to live for more than 600 years."

"Bloody hell! Snape wants to steal the Philosopher's Stone!" Ron almost shouted.

"Shh! Keep your voice down." Harry covered his mouth and said to the three of them: "We have to stop him!"

Andy is ruined, you can do whatever you want, Snape doesn't care about it anyway.

At night, three people knocked on the door of Hagrid's cabin.

"Hello, I'm sorry, don't blame me. I have something to do today and I can't receive you." Hagrid blocked the door, preventing Iron Triangle from entering.

"Come in Hagrid! You're going to burn me to death!!" Andy used his thick gloves to tremble and carefully placed a dragon egg with a burnt shell on the table.The three little ones took the opportunity to get into the house, and Hagrid had no choice but to close the door.

"We know about the Philosopher's Stone, and Snape wants to steal it." Harry said quickly as soon as he entered the door.

"Snape? Are you still doubting him? It's impossible. He is one of the professors guarding the Philosopher's Stone."

"I've long said it's impossible." Andy poured cold water on his hand: "I told you, I think it's Quirrell."

"That's impossible." Hagrid took the bucket of heated dragon eggs off the fire: "He is a professor at Hogwarts!"

"One of the guardians?" Hermione pretended he didn't say anything: "That means there are still people watching it? Or there are many spells and mechanisms."

"Of course! But no one can pass Maomao's test, except me and Dumbledore. Oh, I really shouldn't tell you. Come on, I still have things to do."

"We all saw Hagrid. It was a dragon egg, or a Norwegian Ridgeback egg. My brother was studying dragons in Romania." Ron pouted next to his teeth.

There was a sudden "pop" sound, and a small fleshy wing broke out of the dragon egg, and the eggshell fragments splashed into Andy's face.

"Oh, look, it's coming out." Hagrid hurried over. The immature little dragon stretched its body, and the remaining eggshell turned into pieces. It staggered and tried to crawl towards Hagrid.

"Look, it thinks of me as its mother! Hey Norbert, little one, bless Merlin, it's so beautiful!" Hagrid was so excited that he gently stroked the little dragon's slender green neck, but the next second his beard was Bo's flame coughed and burned half of it: "Ahem, of course, he still needs training, a little training...who is there!"

"It's Malfoy!" Harry and Andy shouted at the same time. Through the dirty windows, everyone saw Malfoy's shiny back. Andy opened the door and ran after him.

"Oh, it's over." Hagrid thought desperately, he couldn't save his dragon.

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