Harry Potter: Man at Hogwarts but no wand

Chapter 23 Conversation in front of the Mirror of Erised

Andy's Christmas was really not good because of the collaboration between Quirrell and Voldemort. He spent the Christmas in a state of anxiety. He took the train back to Hogwarts early in the morning after the holiday. Mrs. Lawrence was reluctant to say goodbye to her youngest son. His stretch bag was filled with gingerbread and prosciutto sandwiches.

It was already dark when Andy arrived at Hogwarts, and three little wizards were waiting for him on the platform holding lanterns.

"Hey! Andy!" Harry couldn't wait to rush over as soon as he saw his brother get off the car. Ron pouted because George and Fred had repeatedly expressed that they wished they didn't have their younger brother. He really couldn't understand brothers. Deep love.

"Hey! Harry! Merry Christmas!" Andy hugged his brother who rushed towards him.

"Oh! That's enough for you!" Ron felt it was eye-catching.

"Andy, I'm telling you, we're going to..."

"Don't say it here." Hermione interrupted Harry: "Don't let others hear you. Come to our lounge."

"Put it down, Professor McGonagall will be furious if she finds out. You want to see Andy killed right now, right?" Andy argued.

"I have an invisibility cloak." Harry said in Andy's ear: "I don't know who gave me this Christmas gift."

So the four little ones sneaked into the Gryffindor lounge. Andy was hiding in his cloak, and no one else in the lounge noticed.Three little wizards and a puff of air whispered to each other while eating Andy's bacon sandwiches.

"We plan to go to the Restricted Book Zone to find out if there is any information about Nico Mele." Harry spoke first.

Ah, this, where is this in the restricted book section? Chocolate frog, chocolate frog!Don't you and Ron stuff a bunch of it into your mouths every day? !

"I think it's best for you not to go, and I've been targeted by Quirrell recently. Why don't you avoid the limelight before taking action?" Andy solemnly made a suggestion: "I think it's more important for us to save our lives first. Harry is already easy. Being targeted, we are always mixed together, it would be strange not to become a living target."

"But someone wants to steal things from Hogwarts!" Ron was filled with indignation: "We shouldn't sit idly by and watch!"

"Go tell the professors. How can you not report anything to the teacher and run away to take the risk yourself?"

"They didn't tell us what they were hiding, and he didn't believe us." Harry defended.

"And we don't know which professor can be trusted right now," Hermione added.

"Is there something wrong with your logic?! I now suspect that this is a customs clearance training designed by Dumbledore for you three nosy people! Even if Voldemort steals it, so what, he doesn't know how to alchemy!" Andy said I complained loudly in my heart, but I just said it with my mouth: "I don't care what you do, I have to calm down."

Harry was obviously very worried about his brother who was getting cold feet, and he was still trying to persuade Andy before he returned to the dormitory.Andy knew that Harry would go on a night outing tonight. Once his stubborn brother got angry, he wouldn't be able to pull ten cows back.So I didn't plan to interfere, and just went back and fell asleep.

When Andy thought that Harry would be angry and too lazy to care for himself the next day, Harry mysteriously came to the Hufflepuff table and whispered to him: "Come to the door of Gryffindor dormitory at 10 o'clock tonight. I’m going to take you to see something magical, but I was so anxious yesterday that I forgot to tell you!”

Andy was very excited to see him, what is it?He thought about the plot and thought of the Mirror of Erised. What else is so magical about it?Just see our parents.

After the students went to bed, Andy secretly came to the door of Gryffindor. After being woken up by Justin Finch-Fletchley, who was sleeping with him, he reminded him not to be caught by Filch, which made Andy ask questions directly. Face.

"Hey! Andy!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm going!" Harry was hidden in the invisibility cloak with only his head exposed. The sudden flying head attack almost frightened Andy to death.

The two men sneaked to the room where the magic mirror was, during which Harry also said that he had seen Snape threatening Quirrell before.Andy told him that Quirrell was not a good person, but Harry thought Snape was even worse.

"Look! That's it! I saw our parents in the mirror, and they were standing with us."

Yeah, and me.Andy didn't expect this.

"Come and see!"

"You're here again, Harry, and you've brought Andy." Dumbledore appeared at the door.

I went to teach, but you walked silently!

"Professor Dumbledore." They both greeted at the same time.

"I see that you, like many who have come here before, have discovered the joys of the Mirror of Erised." He approached the door: "I believe you have discovered its magic, but the happiest man in the world is in front of the mirror. What you see will be what he is."

"I saw my parents, and Andy."

"And let your friend Ron see him becoming the Head Boy and winning the Quidditch championship?"

"How do you know?"

"I don't have to use the Invisibility Cloak to be invisible." Dumbledore looked at Harry gently.

"So it allows us to see whatever we want, no matter what it is?"

"Yes and no, it allows us to see the strongest desires deep in our hearts. And you, Harry, you want your parents and Andy to be by your side, so you see your family reunited."

Dumbledore paused and said: "This mirror cannot bring us knowledge and truth. People will only waste their time in front of it."

"Then why do you keep it here? Are you watching it every day..." Andy couldn't help but raise his voice.

The old man pretended not to hear and continued: "So this mirror will be moved to another place tomorrow, and I must tell you, don't look for this mirror again. It is not advisable to indulge in illusion and forget about life."

"Can I ask you a question Professor?"

"of course can."

"What did you see?"

“Socks, woolen socks, never enough socks, people always give me books for Christmas.”

Harry looked at Dumbledore suspiciously.

"Harry, just ask him to stand in front of the mirror and take a look." Andy interjected, and even wrote "Professor Dumbledore". You can really make it up. The baskets in the school kitchen are all made up by you, right? .

"Andy, don't you want to see what your heart desires?" Dumbledore touched his beard.

"No, thank you, Professor, that way my privacy will be exposed in front of you. But - Professor, can I also ask you a question."

"No." Dumbledore looked proud as if he had succeeded in his prank.

Andy:? ? ?

"I know what you are going to ask Andy... Destiny cannot be decided in one sentence. You have to follow your heart. Choice is very important. What kind of person you want to be can dominate you more than empty words." The future. Let’s go, I’ll take you back.”

Thank you for the old chicken soup!

After the two people sent Harry back to the dormitory, Dumbledore and Andy walked alone together again, and the two were speechless the whole way.

"I believe he has been to your house, right?" Dumbledore said suddenly at the door of the Hufflepuff common room.

"Ah, yes, you are so well-informed, why don't you come and help me? My mother has been chatting and laughing with the evil criminal leader all afternoon."

"Remember? There are some things that you need to face and choose by yourself. The best I can do is to give you a good environment and guidance."

"Okay..." Another bowl of chicken soup.

"Maybe what you need most right now is a good night's sleep, right Andy?"

"Good night Professor."

"Good night."

Andy climbed back into bed. Two bowls of chicken soup made him so angry that he couldn't sleep.

"Um...are you okay, Andy?" It was Justin.

"I'm not good, but thank you." Andy muttered: "I was just called away by Harry, and then I was caught by the principal and was given two bowls of chicken soup for the soul."

Justin got out of bed and came forward, and the two boys chatted quietly. Overnight, Andy had a Hufflepuff playmate.

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