Tomorrow is Christmas Eve. Andy is going home happily, but Harry is frowning. The Dursleys don't want Harry to go back.

"How about you come with me?"

"Come on Andy, I can't stay at your house during the holidays, and there's still summer vacation."

"??" Andy was extremely confused: "We are brothers, isn't my home your home?"

Harry fell silent, and Andy was worried. Is it possible that you want to stay at Hogwarts and become Voldemort's target?

"Yeah, you don't like the Dursleys anyway." Ron held a chicken drumstick in one hand.

"You don't understand." Hermione frowned and explained: "He has been living at his aunt and uncle's house, and he is not familiar with your house. Uh... I mean, no one wants to be embarrassed with... on Christmas Eve... Forget it, I won’t say anything anymore.”

"Okay, I think you're right." Andy scratched his head: "Although I only have three days off, if I don't go back, I will probably have to be locked up at home for the next school year, and I also want to stay here. Sorry Harry."

"It's okay Andy." Harry's green eyes were obviously a little frustrated.

"I can accompany him!" Ron volunteered: "My parents are going to Romania to visit Charlie, and George and Fred are not going home either."

"Thank you Ron."

"It's okay Harry."

"I will bring you a gift Harry." Andy felt a little guilty: "I will definitely accompany you at Hogwarts next year."

After saying a few words to coax Harry, Andy took the time to pack up and go home. He also went to Diagon Alley and bought a bunch of snacks and toys for his brother and sister. He even secretly brought back one for Wendy. Pu velvet.

Dumbledore had already divided the inheritance of the Gringotts Potters into two parts and deposited them respectively for Andy and Harry. At the end of the shopping, Andy took 10000 galleons from his share and exchanged it for 50000 pounds. I wrapped the newspaper and put it in my stretch bag, and then rushed home on the last train.

After sleeping all the way on the train, Andy was in high spirits when he got off the train the next morning.As soon as he got out of the platform, he saw a family standing neatly near platform nine, waiting for him. He put down the cart in his hand and threw himself into his mother's arms. Although he was only Three months apart, but I really miss home.

"Hey! Boy, let go of your mother." Mr. Lawrence smiled and pulled him away: "You are ten years old, you have to act like a man!"

"How about Andy! Is that school fun?"

"It's fun?! It's so fun. I almost gave up. What's the fun?" Andy thought in his heart, but he said: "It's not bad. I made a lot of friends, but the course is a bit difficult."

"Have you met your brother Harry?" Mrs. Lawrence touched his head: "How do you get along? I thought it was such a coincidence when I knew the news."

"Of course it's not as good as the two of us!" Philips hugged Andy's neck: "What good things did my stupid brother bring me?!"

"Yes, yes! I brought you a jumping chocolate frog and a jelly slug, and I also brought you magic fireworks! It can chase people!"

"Great! Now if the neighbor's little bastard comes to the yard and rings the doorbell secretly, I'll pop his ass with a firework!"

The two brothers hugged each other and put their arms around each other. Wendy's lips curled up even more. She didn't speak to Andy until they drove home.

"Okay, Wendy, I've brought you something good, I'm sure you'll like it." Andy began to coax her as soon as she got home.

"I do not care!"

"Come and see!"

"I don't want it! Just drink it with your Philips every day!"

"No, Wendy, let's take a look. Maybe you really like it!" Andy held out a small pink fur ball like a magic trick. It moved around in Andy's palm like a trembling fur ball. Pom poms.

Wendy was immediately attracted to this little creature. She stretched out her palm and leaned over it. The little velvet velvet crawled onto her hand, and the long and thin hairs made her palm itch.The pink fur ball was warm, and it revealed a small face, with two big eyes staring at Wendy curiously, which made Wendy's heart melt.

"This is a cattail. It eats leftovers and is easy to feed."

"Thank you Andy!" Wendy kissed his cheek excitedly: "I have wanted to get a pet for a long time!"

In the afternoon, Andy went out while it was still dark. He took a taxi and went straight to No. 4 Privet Drive.

When he knocked on the door, Vernon Dursley was awkward. To Andy's surprise, he didn't shout to drive him away. Dudley also hid behind him and didn't dare to make a sound.

"Hello, er... Mr. Dursley."

"Hello Andy, what's up...?"

He suddenly felt that he had come to visit rashly, and he became awkward. If it weren't for his father's business, Vernon would not have greeted him politely.

"Vernon?" Andy heard Aunt Petunia's voice: "Is he your friend?"


"It's Andy!" Dally said, and Aunt Petunia suddenly stopped moving.

"Uh...that's why I'm here." Andy took out a paper package from the stretch bag and handed it to Vernon. Vernon was obviously disgusted with packages taken out of magic items.

He opened the package of newspapers with a face of resistance (the people on the newspapers could still move), and was shocked by the neat bundles of ten 50-pound pounds.He almost threw the money all over the floor as if he was being burned: "What are you doing?! Where did you, a kid, get all this money?"

"I believe Dumbledore never thought of paying Harry's child support to you." Andy raised his eyebrows. Our parents actually left us something. I hope you can be nicer to Harry. "

Vernon's face turned red after hearing this. He pressed the bag of money into Andy's arms with his fat hands and yelled at him angrily: "I'm going to tell you, boy, I raised you idiot freak. My brother has never thought about money! I won’t be nice to him either!”

Penny heard her husband's roar and approached the door to persuade Andy to leave. Dally stood timidly behind with something in his hand.

Andy felt that he was being rude, so he apologized and was about to leave. Vernon slammed the door hard, and he could be heard shouting from a distance.Andy was about to get in the car and go back, but he heard someone calling him from behind. He turned around and saw that it was Dudley.He thrust a box into his hand, turned around and ran back to the house.

Andy sighed and opened the box in the car. It was a new GameWatch and a Christmas card. The family of three all wrote polite blessings on it. It seemed that they hadn't had time to send it yet, which was beyond his expectation. .

The two families were not too far apart, and they returned to the door after a while.As soon as he got out of the car, he saw Wendy and Philips decorating the Christmas tree through the large windows of his house filled with colored lights, and Philips was installing light balls.

Then he was startled by the scene in the living room.

His Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Quirrell, was sitting on the sofa talking and laughing with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence.

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