"Ah, it's nothing." Andy realized that he was still wearing his nightgown and felt a little embarrassed: "Waiting for me to change clothes, I didn't know you were here. Kreacher, pour tea for Professor Snape and then give it to me. Tell me clearly what happened to your hand——"

"Yes, Master Potter." Kreacher just pretended not to hear the last sentence and flashed into the living room and walked towards the kitchen on the basement floor. His attitude was as if he was dead, and the wrinkled skin seemed even more crowded: "But Kreacher has no choice. Who asked the Potters to give orders? As a servant of the Black family, Kreacher actually has to pour tea for a half-blood. **%, my noble Lady Black heard it now. Kreacher is right... ..”

"Don't mind Professor, he said that about me too - I told you about Kreacher several times!" Andy shouted down the railing, but Kreacher had long disappeared, so he raised his voice again: " Just give me a BUG!!!! I do my own thing every day and then punish myself. I'm telling you, if you continue like this - man! You don't listen to me, do you?"

The portrait on the wall seems to have been accustomed to this scene for a long time, and he was so happy to see it that he laughed at the boy who couldn't control the house elf.

"Is the performance over?" Snape's voice was a little angry, clearly breaking the harmony: "So can the great saint Potter come down and let the poor old professor who has benefited from him and needs others to sacrifice himself for me thank him? "


"Get down!"

"Hey, shut up, kid, I hope you don't give orders here." The Black in the portrait heard Snape's tough tone and immediately spoke out in defense!

"Ha, Potter, it seems that you enjoy the feeling of being superior. Are you still standing on the moral ladder looking down at all living beings?" Snape did not intend to get entangled with the portrait of an elder, and directly vented his anger on Andy. on the body.

"Okay, okay, I'll come down." Andy could only rack his brains to try to calm down the quarrel. He had to quickly explain what he needed to say to Snape. After all, he still had a schedule today.

"Andy, don't go to Prince's house, you little bastard, and don't be a weirdo in Black's house!"

"Do you think I am willing to come to this place where there is only one living person?" Snape replied, but his black eyes were fixed on Andy.

"Ah - Ouch." The red-haired boy groaned loudly with a frown on his face. How should he treat this?This really doesn't work.This is a quarrel with your grandfather and your father, and you will suffer disaster no matter where you stand.

He kindly persuaded the portrait not to argue with the Potions Master, and as he went downstairs, he said to Snape who had already turned to go out: "You... don't worry about it, then why don't we go out? I'll I don’t want to talk about my nonsense here, Kreacher, let’s go out—”

As soon as he finished speaking, neatly folded clothes appeared on the sofa, and then Kreacher's cursing voice sounded.

Ah this.

Snape turned around and grabbed his collar: "Then please, Holy Potter, please explain how much potion you have drank recently."

"Ah, this - there are a lot of them, some energy potions and soothing ones. After all, I just came out of Azkaban -" Andy felt a little guilty.

"You know what I mean."

"Ah, this, this is because -, oh... go out and talk to Professor." Andy thought for a moment, and it seemed that time ran out: "You wait for me to change my clothes?"

"Time waits for no one, Potter."

Rivington Street in the evening was still busy with traffic. Manhattan in the 90s was a noisy place. No one would notice two people coming out of the street corner, wearing racing suits and riding motorcycles, whizzing by on all kinds of streets. The art was dazzling, and there were a bunch of college students engaged in the temperance movement.

Snape realized that this kid might be up to something. He felt something was not right, so he casually cast a Disillusionment Curse on the two of them before speaking: "This is not England. Your magic will not be so strong for no reason." kind of degree."

"Indeed, that's why I drank the potion." Andy seemed unwilling to mention it: "Welcome to Manhattan."


"Let's go, Professor. Can you please eat the bread made by the Chosen Muggle, the nephew of the house elf?" The red-haired boy walked out of the alley while talking nonsense. Snape walked quickly in front of him, holding a pinch in his sleeve. holding a magic wand.

"Relax, Professor." Andy turned to his side.

The two of them walked side by side, it was getting late, and the street lights were lighting up one after another from one end of the street to the other.There was also a dim and warm light in the store - gradually some sweet smell floated in the air, and the sound of music became clearer and clearer.

"When you go back, I will teach you the counter-curse of Shen Feng Wu Ying." A low voice sounded from beside him, and Snape glanced at the scar on his neck: "And Occlumency."

"That's not necessary." Andy said happily: "And Occlumency is basically useless. Even if it can prevent Legilimency, the connection between the soul fragments cannot be blocked."

"I see."

"Barty Jr. will probably take action in this game. Karkaroff should have voted for Potter's name. He didn't lie. My name was indeed not his. I should have manipulated the Goblet of Fire and put my own name. "The music became clearer and clearer, and the two started chatting.

Snape gave him a confused look.

"I didn't want to participate. Of course, I guess Barty Jr. has been betrayed by you now. Be careful of him doing evil things to you. As far as I know, the mysterious man needs Harry's blood. This is what he said to me and Barty Jr. personally." That’s right.”

"Harry's blood?"

"Indeed, he needs Harry's blood to be resurrected. We must ensure that he succeeds. Dumbledore will take the risk."

"Saint Potter started spreading love again?"

"Stop mocking me, Professor. How can I defeat him if I don't resurrect him? I don't intend to be used as a vessel for resurrection, right?"

Snape never told Andy that Voldemort ordered him to remove the child's soul and use him as a reliable Horcrux and a resurrected new body. He pondered for a moment and solemnly said to the boy: "I don't Will do it.”

"I believe you. Dumbledore said that the mysterious man does not understand love. In fact, he just does not have the ability to love. He understands love very well and is very good at manipulating the love between people."


"I don't want people around me to be in a dilemma or become a bargaining chip. Moreover, the soul fragments will have a deeper and deeper impact on me. Coupled with a large number of unforgivable curses, I may become more and more irrational."


"I was the one who caught Karkaroff. In order to prevent him from being legiliminated by the mysterious man, I was a little cruel." Andy was a little disgusted when talking about himself: "I'm afraid that one day, I will do this to you. .”

"You don't."

"I can see something."


"I've harmed a lot of people. It would be better if my parents didn't adopt me. I don't want to harm anyone anymore..."

"I don't like you talking like that." Snape stopped: "Potter, I don't know what you know, or what you can see with this eye, and I don't know the reason why you always refuse. It's not a wise behavior for everyone to push away. Maybe they don't regret it, just like-" Snape turned around and looked into the boy's eyes.

He wanted to say that just like his parents, they didn't regret adopting him, and he also wished he could--he didn't know how to express himself, maybe the damn music interfered with his thoughts.


(How did you fall from heaven?)


(I'm glad you fell from the sky,)


(Have you ever fallen?)


(Did you fall to the ground?)


(How did you get here...)

The music from the shop was surrounding them, and behind them was Kowalski's Bakery, 443 Rivington Street. (This is the shop owner Jacob playing Kowalski's music: "heaven" in Kowalski's Bakery in God of War 3)

The orange color coming out of the window reflected on the young man's face and Snape's back.

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