Harry Potter: Man at Hogwarts but no wand

Chapter 2: Entering Spider Alley?

Dumbledore's trio failed to find Andy Potter after all.

So Sirius found it.

What the hell, why did you just wear it?

Beat the old man and pierce Harry Potter?So can Watch Dogs play "The Witcher 3"?Where to follow?

Could it be that after dinner in the afternoon, I read the introduction page of "Hogwarts Legacy"?Andy said he couldn't accept it.

Besides, what can I do with my civil engineering studies?Build Hogwarts into an eight-level earthquake-resistant castle that Voldemort can't even blow through?But pull it off, whether he is a squib or not is another matter.

After imagining things, he began to feel sad. When he thought of his relatives and friends, even a young man in his 20s burst into tears.

Of course, to outsiders, Zuo is just a child crying, such as Sirius who bursts into the room.

Then naturally it became Sirius holding the baby and chasing Peter Pettigrew crazily. Well, he's not afraid of blowing me up, Andy complained crazily.

Brother, you are a mage, not a reckless man!

But the ending didn't seem to change. When Blake trapped Pettigrew in a crowded street corner, Peter recited a spell. The light that flew out instantly blasted through the nearby shops and formed a series of explosions on the street, shattering everywhere. The sound, the heat wave hit the face, the explosion and screams filled the whole street, debris and glass were flying, people fled in all directions, and even more unfortunate people were blown away and smashed under the broken pieces of the building, until the Auror arrived and evacuated the crowd, but Peter Pettigrew was missing.

Andy saw that something was wrong with Sirius, and it was as if a string in his heart was broken. Sirius was stunned for a few seconds, then suddenly laughed hysterically, and the arms holding Andy tightened tighter and tighter. This made Andy feel a little breathless.What the Aurors who approached step by step saw was that Blake not only bombed a street but also kidnapped a baby in a heinous crime.

So on the day Sirius Black was sent to Azkaban, Andy was sent to a nearby orphanage.Until a Sunday a few months later, Andy was adopted by a young couple.

The Lawrence couple already had two children, but they had always wanted to adopt a child out of love and love for children. When Mrs. Lawrence entered the orphanage, she saw Andy at a glance. This red-haired baby seemed more special than other children. He was well-behaved and mature, and she felt very sorry for him. She felt that this child seemed to have gone through a very difficult experience, so she went through the adoption procedures out of a soft heart.

In fact, Andy is already over 20 years old, how can he not be more mature than a bunch of little kids?

Since Andy only had his first name embroidered on his clothes when he was admitted to the orphanage, and Mrs. Lawrence also chose to keep the name Andy for him, Andy is now named Andy Lawrence.

The Laurence family is considered to be middle class. The wealthy life and the love of his parents gradually made Andy dilute the pain of leaving the original world. The brotherly love between his brother and sister filled all the time gaps that could be used for sad memories, so Andy's Childhood is ultimately happy and satisfying.

"Mom! I'm going out!" Andy put on his mini backpack again, stuffed sandwiches and mineral water bottles and rushed out. Seeing that he was almost ten years old, he showed no signs of casting spells. Could he be a squib? ? !

God, wouldn't it be a great injustice to travel through the magical world and become a squib?The brother of the dignified savior, the direct descendant of the Potter family, one of the 14 magical families, is a squib? !No novels about cultivating immortals are written like this!

If I can't cast a spell, let me look for magic!So Andy's adventure slogan was born.

"Be safe! Be sure to come back before dinner!" Mrs. Lawrence warned.

"How are you doing with your homework? You will go to higher school in two years. My mother and I both hope you enter Eton College." Mr. Lawrence always has strict requirements for his children. Andy's brother and sister are both at Eton College. Study.

Nonsense, I have experienced the baptism of the Chinese college entrance examination, am I still afraid of this? !

Before the words "I will not be left behind..." reached Mr. Lawrence's ears, Andy had already disappeared.

He walked forward briskly, jumping and exploring. He had walked this road many times. Not far away was a gentle hillside. The green grass was full of white daisies. At the end of the hillside was In a small lake, Andy often secretly sits by the lake and tries to suck the lake water into his hands with his mind to perform "mind magic exercises". In the end, he thinks that he is actually very stupid.

The lakeside is covered with willow leaves. Andy often climbs the twisted and old willow tree to remember his childhood in China.

This time he wanted to go further and see if any magical miracle would happen further away.

So Andi quickly got off the tree and put on his backpack: "Let's go!"

But what was unprecedented was that he snapped his fingers handsomely this time.

A rustling sound came from behind him, and Andy was surprised to find that the old willow tree behind him was stretching in a strange posture.As the willow tree slowly stretched out, the main trunks on both sides formed the shape of a door, and in the middle was a mysterious cave that led to nowhere.

magic!Ahhhh magic!He became ecstatic, this proved that he was not a squib!

However, what his mother said about going home before dinner has long been forgotten by him, that's it!Which man doesn’t take risks!I am the man who wants to become the Supreme Mage!Andy walked in resolutely.

In just an instant, he walked out from the other side of the tree and stood on another hillside. Behind him was the old willow tree from which he came out. A dirty river at the foot of the hillside was filled with mist, and there were still mist floating in the river. There is a lot of garbage, and the winding banks are overgrown with weeds. There is a huge chimney on top, which looks eerie.Farther away is a large area of ​​old houses, so dark that they cannot be seen clearly.

Seeing that it was still early, Andy headed towards the mysterious neighborhood. Even with more than 30 years of experience, Andy was a little frightened. After all, his body was still that of a child.

After a while, Andy entered this area. The alleys here were very narrow, and the large shadows prevented the sunlight from falling. The old brick buildings on both sides were so dilapidated that they could not tell the difference between them. The cobblestone floor was wet and slippery. Yes, the alleys extend in all directions, like a maze, making people dizzy.

As he walked, he quickly lost his way, thinking that since no one was working on the weekend, there must be someone nearby, right?If not, knock on the door and ask for directions.

Andy thought as he came to a door and saw through the window a whole wall of ancient books and a few shabby pieces of furniture that were not quite decent, but this showed that someone lived in the house.

He walked up to knock on the door, but when he looked up at the house number, his outstretched hand immediately stopped in the air.

No. 19, Spider End Lane

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