Harry Potter: Man at Hogwarts but no wand

Chapter 199 "Moody's" Office

Snape actually didn't want to deal with Barty Jr. He knew that the other person was a difficult person. He remembered that this Slytherin was several years younger than him and had shown great abilities after joining the Death Eaters.

He's really not smart enough to trick the Potter boy into Azkaban.

Today's "Moody" is the most popular professor at Hogwarts. The crazy teaching style of a certain Death Eater teacher has successfully inspired all students' enthusiasm for learning.

Snape knew what he was doing, and in the name of defense against the dark arts, he exposed all students to black magic, trying to make them see and understand black magic, leaving the power of black magic clearly in their minds. Even the desire for powerful power, as long as a student encounters difficulties in the future, solves the problem, or even thinks of using black magic simply to show off, that is the success of this kind of guidance.

He thought, and even felt that the dark mark on his arm was burning him-couldn't his current situation be just a small thought at the beginning.

Probably tonight, Barty Crouch Jr. will get the news from Malfoy Manor, and he needs to step up his actions.It was now 04:30 in the afternoon. He locked the cellar door firmly and started heading upstairs.

When he approached "Moody"'s office, Longbottom happened to walk out of the room with a book in his arms.Neville lowered his head as he passed Snape, wanting nothing more than to leave quickly.The latter smoothly took out the book from his arms, which was "Mediterranean Magical Aquatic Plants and Their Characteristics": "It seems that Mr. Longbottom's attainments are getting higher and higher, and he came to a place like this to study herbal medicine, so Do you think that Principal Sprout is new to academics and has no choice but to consult a retired old Auror?"

"S...Snape...Professor." Longbottom stuttered instantly: "Moody taught...Professor to me."

"Ah, it seems that Mr. Longbottom needs to learn to speak first, and then learn to read, doesn't he?" Snape flipped through the Herbology book back and forth, checked it carefully, and then threw it back to the Gryffindor. Student, Neville was in a panic and dropped it in a low voice without catching it. He immediately leaned down to pick it up.

Snape snorted coldly, but the twisted face of "Moody" suddenly stuck out from the door: "Shut up, Snape, take your book and leave quickly!" Then he opened the door wide. , motioning for the Potion Master to come in.

Snape looked around the door for a week. He remembered that when the idiot king Lockhart was in this room, he filled the walls with portraits of silly smiling people, and even magical portraits with curly hair. It turned out that A dozen Lockharts plus one intelligence level would not rise but fall; and when Lupine was here as the seventh-year Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, the werewolf stuffed Boggarts and some magical creatures into Hogwarts. , as expected, there are a lot of freaks.

After cursing for a long time, he took a look at the current office. It was filled with a lot of strange gadgets that seemed to have been placed by little Barty.

Snape saw the looking glass on Moody's desk at a glance. There was a huge crack on it. His eyes squinted, and Barty knew what he meant: "You know, if it is intact, He put it on the table and screamed non-stop at this moment but could be heard two miles away." Little Barty laughed in Moody's face, making Snape particularly awkward: "But...what's the matter? ?”

Snape cast an anti-eavesdropping spell in front of him: "The Dark Lord asks you, why Weasley." He said and looked at a strange mirror hanging on the opposite wall - the one with the What came out was not the scene in the room. There were many dark figures wandering around inside, but they were all blurry and couldn't be seen clearly - it was a demon-looking mirror (don't blame me, that's how the translation works).

At the same time, Barty Jr. seemed to be looking for Snape inside, but obviously did not find the answer he wanted: "He will let you ask me? I will explain it to him personally."

Snape remained calm and continued: "Karkaroff is dead. He defected because he could not complete the task assigned to him by the Dark Lord." Snape took a step forward, and Barty Jr. walked to the chair. He sat down at a different angle, but the other person stood at a very coincidental angle, just outside the reflection range of the mirror - he couldn't help but glance at the big box under the window.And his fleeting movement was immediately noticed by Snape.The Potions Master saw from the corner of his eye that the cast-iron black box had seven keyholes arranged in a row.

"I don't know whose name the master asked him to put, but I guess it's Potter's." Little Barty said, "It was indeed Weasley's name that I put there. After all, the respected master probably doesn't know. Lawrence also has a sister who lives in the home of an Order member."

"It's indeed good information. I thought his whole family was dead." Snape judged the truth of this sentence in his mind, and said in an indifferent tone: "There are also mermaids. The Dark Lord was very touched at the meeting. interest."

"Malfoy Manor? Death Eater meeting?"


"Ha, that legend?" Little Barty let out a hoarse dry laugh again. The magic eye stared at the potion master and Snape felt sick when he looked at it: "That's true, Goyle and Crabbe (Fathers) proposed it.”

"Any more?"

"The plan must succeed." Snape made up something. He didn't know what Voldemort's plan was for this competition: "Your decision on your own has changed this plan too much. The Dark Lord knows that you think Lawrence is disloyal. .”

Little Barty narrowed his eyes.

"He has his own ideas." Snape thought about the connection between Voldemort and Andy, and speculated that he started to talk half-truths again: "Lawrence released many of our people in Azkaban, including many of the Dark Lord's capable assistants. .”

"I know." There was a trace of imperceptible jealousy on little Barty's face. He noticed Snape's eyes staring at his face and glanced at him suspiciously: "I will definitely succeed, so who is attending the meeting? .”

"A lot."

"Who did Lawrence rescue?" Barty Jr. continued to ask.

The latter ignored him and walked out of the office.

When the office door behind Snape closed, a white falcon landed next to him. He took out a piece of paper from the bird, with only a few words written on it: Come to Gri. No. 12, Mo Square - The moment he finished reading, the note disappeared into the air.

At this time, little Barty inside the door felt that this information transmission was a bit suspicious. He believed that Voldemort could not have mentioned this plan to a spy, let alone know that he had changed his name - Snape was deceiving him!So he recalled that the other party consciously avoided the mirror during the conversation, picked up the wand and yanked open the office door, but the latter had long since disappeared.

Damn it, something is wrong with Snape, he needs to send word back to Malfoy Manor!

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