When Harry saw someone coming, he immediately adjusted his attitude. He didn't want his friends to see his tears.Lupine also comforted him softly, trying to stabilize his mood.

But as soon as Sirius entered the ward, he felt something was wrong in the atmosphere. His best friend Lupine was patting Harry on the shoulder. He didn't know what he was trying to comfort him, but Sirius could tell at a glance that his godson was frustrated and angry, and he seemed to be crying. Pass.

But before Black could say anything, several students gathered around him, especially Neville Longbottom, who seemed to be very sensitive to this matter: "Harry, they said you were hit by the Cruciatus Curse, do you feel okay?" ? Are you still feeling uncomfortable? Professor Trelawney is relieved—"

"Bloodyhell! Of course he is not good to Neville, this is the Unforgivable Curse!" Ron interrupted involuntarily: "I would say you should go to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Maladies for a good check-up."

When Neville was told this, he became a little embarrassed and immediately stuttered: "Sorry, Harry, I just...just..."

"Don't say that, Ron." Hermione rolled her eyes at Weasley: "Harry, you really went to Azkaban that day... I mean, did you find him? He... ....”

"I don't know where he is, Hermione. Professor Lupin said that he went to the Ministry of Magic once after that." Harry lowered his head, and Sirius couldn't see his expression clearly, so he was really a little anxious.

"Indeed, Remus and I went to the Ministry of Magic." Sirius Black frowned. He went to the Auror office to ask his niece Tonks about the situation (Tonks was Sirius Black's favorite The daughter of his cousin Andromeda), but the Ministry of Magic sounded the alarm, and the shadow of the red-haired prison uniform disappeared in front of him.

Sirius wanted to stop him, but there was no time. When Lupine arrived, there was only a strange eight-sided crystal left in the evidence cabinet.

Fortunately, he is still alive, but this means that his godson is completely on the opposite side.

"So what is said in the Daily Prophet is true? Harry's brother released the Death Eaters imprisoned in Azkaban? Oh my god Harry! Then you must...this makes you It's embarrassing." Seamus was about to leave, but he saw Harry glaring at him fiercely.

"You actually believe the Daily Prophet, which is full of nonsense?" Ron looked at Harry's excited expression and scolded Finnigan again. It seemed that his words really poked Harry's lungs.

"But it's true that he ran away." Finnigan shrugged, feeling that he didn't say anything wrong.

"Why are you still asking me?" Harry couldn't hold back: "Then you can just read the Daily Prophet from now on. Why not? It will tell you everything you need to know."

"You must have scolded him much more harshly than me."

"Seamus!" Neville also spoke up.

"You are not allowed to talk about my brother!" Harry yelled, and Sirius held his shoulders.

"Were they bloody Death Eaters just a week ago, Harry?"

"Seamus, I think you deserve a beating!" Ron said and was about to attack, but was held back by Lupine.

"Okay, okay, kids, stop arguing." Seeing that a fight was about to start, Sirius' face became increasingly uglier, and Lupine had no choice but to persuade everyone to go away: "Everyone, go back, class is about to begin." He hugged the students and walked out, leaving only Sirius and Harry.

Harry sat on the bed with Sirius beside him.

"Sirius." Harry spoke after a long time.


"I felt like I was too weak and couldn't do anything."

"You did a great job, Harry. In this Goblet of Fire competition, you rushed onto the field to save people. This proves your courage and growth, and the power of your spells is not bad either."

"Compared to Andy, I'm far behind." Harry whispered, clenching his fists tightly.

"Harry, I have indeed thought about this problem. Compared to Andy, you have received too little training. I once hoped that you would practice and even participate in the Goblet of Fire. However, Dumbledore sensed that there would be danger. So we rejected the proposal." Sirius said gently: "We can't let you risk it."

"Adventure?" Harry raised his head and looked directly into his godfather's green eyes full of doubts.

"Yes, he hired retired Mad-Eye again, which means he understood the omens, even though others were still in the dark. He once said that he didn't like putting eggs in one basket."

"Is it that damn prophecy again? Andy said it was nonsense, can't we not believe it? If it makes me lose my family, then I don't want to be this damn savior at all now!" Harry said goodbye. He turned his head, his shoulders shaking slightly.

"Harry, prophecy is a kind of hope. When Voldemort was strong, Death Eaters were raging. Not only did they do horrible things, but they could also tightly control people and make them do some horrible things involuntarily. Everyone is trying to do something terrible. Scared for myself, my family and my friends. Every week there is bad news, someone is dead, someone is missing, someone is being tortured... Muggles are dying too. There is terror everywhere... tension... chaos ...That was the situation at that time, until the incident at Godrey's Hollow." Sirius looked a little painful.

Harry knew he blamed himself for his father's death.

"People in the wizarding world generally place their trust in this prophecy, which means that even if the prophecy is illusory, it will become the truth, and there is nothing we can do about it." Black said it very difficultly, as if he did not let Harry come into contact with the cruel reality first: "You can only become stronger and fulfill the prophecy."

"This is a curse! Sirius, do you believe it too?"

"This is not a curse, this is fate Harry." Sirius answered ambiguously, he seemed to have some guilt and melancholy on his face.Harry felt that there was something in his words, but he didn't intend to ask any more questions.

He couldn't imagine that he would kill Andy in the future?

ps: I’m sorry readers, I feel like if I don’t update, you will take advantage of me. The reason why I haven’t updated in the past two days is because - I am yang, I am yang, I am yang... This is outrageous!Good guys, everyone is finished, it’s my turn. Of course, the author will ensure that this novel is finished, so there is no need to worry about eunuchs, and it will be updated every two days.

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