Snape grabbed Andy's right hand and signaled him not to mess around. Andy understood what he meant, and then slapped Quirrell on the back of the head with lightning speed.

The legend says that the achievement was achieved - fooling Voldemort in the face.

Hermione was stunned, and Snape was even more stunned. Qi Jing, who was concentrating on reciting spells, was startled. He almost fell off the stand with a scream. People in the teacher's stand turned around to see what happened. Even Dumbledore They all became interested.

Dean Stroup felt so embarrassed. For the first time, this kind witch felt that she should be kinder to the students.

When no one reacted, and even Snape's hand didn't let go, Andy pointed his finger at his throat and made a loud sound, acting extremely angry: "Professor Quirrell, what are you doing? For Quidditch." The game actually cast a spell on Harry's broom?! You openly support Slytherin and change to a green hood, and you still help others cheat in this way. Do you think those proud Slytherins are rare?! Are you betting on football? Already?!"

Harry's broom immediately stopped moving. He slowly climbed up the broomstick and watched the excitement.

"I, I, I...I, I!" Quirrell was too angry to say anything.

Snape let go and said seriously: "If you have a problem, you should report it to the professor as soon as possible instead of hitting the professor yourself. But Quirrell, you are really going too far. We Slytherins cannot afford your support." .”

Quirrell was speechless and looked at Dumbledore for help.

"Okay, it's important to maintain a fair and just heart. This is also the traditional virtue of Hufflepuff. Ten points for Hufflepuff!"

Professor Stroup's face immediately became less ugly.

"But Professor Snape, Professor Quirrell and Mr. Lawrence come to the principal's office. I will investigate this matter strictly before there is any evidence." Dumbledore waved his hand: "The game continues!"

The stadium became lively again, even more lively than before the incident. Mainly the little Hufflepuff badgers were even more excited, as if they were playing at home.When Andy came down from the stands, several of his classmates waved to him, as if he had brought glory to the house. Before the game, they complained that he was too close to Gryffindor.

Snape saw this and was angry in his heart. If he had known it, he would have argued with Dumbledore not to interfere with the sorting. He could have treated this cunning little brat!

Dumbledore walked beside Andy along the way, and the two of them discussed desserts like normal people.Dumbledore gave him Amway's new Toad Cream Mints while walking, and Andy also said that he had discovered a new way to drink floating sherbet - break it into small beads in the air and stuff it with a piece of jelly slug - and eat it. Like sandwich popping beads.

Quirrell shivered and shrieked behind him, and at the end was Snape whose mouth almost turned to the back of his head - Harry was still on the field.

Amidst Quirrell's suffering, the three people finally came to the principal's office.

"Do you have anything to explain?" Dumbledore touched Fawkes on the shelf.

"Teach...Teach Professor, I...I'm casting a protect Harry." Quirrell faced Dumbledore with a look on his face. Embarrassed.

Snape almost laughed at him. He obviously expected that this idiot would slap him down, so he asked slowly: "Then how can Professor Quirrell prove that he is reciting a protective spell, or that he knows who is casting the curse?" Woolen cloth?"

Andy secretly taunted in his heart, did this idiot let Voldemort suck his brain? !You said directly that I didn't even say anything, but this student slapped me on the back of the head for no reason and poured dirty water on me. You still rely on me for everything. If I don't do it, why don't you let Snape teach Defense Against the Dark Arts?Does your explanation mean that there are no 300 taels of silver here?

"I...I'm really protecting...this student."

"Would Professor Quirrell mind... Professor Dumbledore using Legilimency?" Snape said coldly.

"Ah, yes, yes, this works! I've tried Legilimency with them several times." Andy fanned the flames.

" are...yes, you are insulting...insulting me!" Quirrell's face twitched a little.

"Okay Severus, Andy, let's give Professor Quirrell some trust." Dumbledore seemed to sense that something was wrong with Quirrell. "Quilro, please go back first. No one will make it difficult for you until the investigation is clear."

"I apologize to you, Professor." Andy got off the slope and said, "As compensation for you, I will convey your goodwill to Harry and I am willing to do after-school labor for you this semester."

Snape glared at Andy, who winced.

"No, no, no, no, Mr. Laurence. I accept your apology. I understand that you, you, are also impulsive." Quirrell said. Very kindly: "I...I'm leaving first, Professor." He walked out backwards and closed the door gently.

After a moment of silence, Dumbledore said, "Andy, tell me on the way that you feel something is wrong?" His semicircular glasses reflected light, and Andy looked down on him.

"There was something on the back of his head, and I slapped it."

"Our Mr. Potter is really daring." Snape said with a dark face, "If Quirrell casts a curse in return, wouldn't he be helpless?"

"Severus is right, you should tell the professor first when something happens."

"But pull it down, Hermione probably thinks you are trying to kill Harry. She is taking out her wand to deal with you." Andy turned to Snape with a face full of teasing, and Snape's face turned even darker. "It's spread all over the school that you are the mysterious man's spy who is ambushing the principal!"

"Then why don't you think so?" Dumbledore smiled rarely.

"Isn't this nonsense? His abilities are also first-rate. Although the magic power is not as strong as yours, what about the magic potions? What about information collection? If I were him, I would think about tricking you every day. To capture the thief first, capture the king. !”

Dumbledore burst out laughing, and Snape was speechless.The three of them chatted for a while, and then Dumbledore let them go, while Andy hurried back to eat.

The two were walking on the way to the cafeteria, and when they passed through a corridor without paintings, Snape suddenly stopped and turned around, and Andy almost bumped into him.

"Why are you always exposed to dangerous things that have nothing to do with you?" This was the first time Snape spoke to him without a sarcastic tone.

"I..." Andy didn't know how to answer. Did he come to another person's world to find excitement?Protecting his brother Harry?He doesn't know either.His feelings for the world itself were not as deep as before, and he had no reaction when he first met Harry. His relationship was not as good as Dudley's. Instead, Harry was very excited to have his only relative.

But gradually he adapted to the world and this brother. He even heard that Harry cried for him, and when he hugged him, he felt his God's perspective heart shaking.Andy's mind was very confused. He was suddenly asked this question, and he opened his mouth and didn't know what to say.

Seeing him in trouble, Snape sighed: "Dumbledore indulges you, but you have to think about the consequences." He reacted and seemed a little angry that he always relaxed in front of this boy, and walked away before Andy could answer. Got it

Andy was left slowly rubbing behind with a worried look on his face.

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