Harry Potter: Man at Hogwarts but no wand

Chapter 172 Black-hearted Reporter Rita

The people at the magic institute conducted a ritual like commanding the huge petrel to land on the ground. After being subdued, the open-air flight from Asia to Europe was not bothered by the wind. This mode of transportation is so traditional. It’s really good. Oh, it just gives me a headache.

The golden robes came off the bird's back one after another, but as soon as they landed, the originally dazzling golden robes instantly turned white.

The uniforms themselves are enchanted and can change size as the students grow older, and change color as their knowledge increases.At the beginning, the robe is a light pink, and by the end, it can turn into gold if the student gets the best grades in all magical subjects.But as long as a student commits illegal behavior, the uniform he is wearing will turn white.

"I'm so happy, illegal entry." Andy: "I said this kind of robe is absolutely outrageous. They have to go to the Ministry of Magic tonight. This illegal entry was just investigated after catching Old Barty last night."

"I've done it." Justin's figure slowly rose from the water, and he stood gracefully on the lake without getting wet: "It's been arranged."

"Justin." Klum finally couldn't help but say after seeing this scene: "How do you know this fool who sinks into the lake?"

"Can you say that to my face like this? Is it polite?"

Of course, Andy's accusations are generally ignored.

The result was unexpected. Not to mention the evening, they didn’t even have breakfast. The group of uninvited wizards in white robes who came to the Magic House were invited to the Ministry of Magic for tea before the warriors even arrived. Even their giant petrels were He was taken away by the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, leaving a pile of black feathers on the lawn. Filch cursed all morning - Andy felt magic while helping him clean up, so he went back to Hogwarts after that. Don't get stuck.

Therefore, when the warriors took a group photo, the warriors from the magic office successfully missed the crazy interview conducted by the black-hearted reporter Rita without a moral bottom line, which made Andy envious.After breakfast, Justin and Klum kept urging Andy to go for a wand test - although he didn't understand that he was doing a wand test without a wand, so he held "Okay, okay, okay, okay, I'll do it right away" "It's finished" entered the classroom - he found Ollivander coming.

The silver eyes of the staff maker looked at him for a long time, but after he looked back, Ollivander sighed and turned to practice.Andy didn't quite understand, but it seemed that the colorful people in the classroom couldn't tell who was who. George and Fred saw him, and they made gestures with grimaces and told him not to leave until he checked the wand for a while. .

Andy nodded. Since he didn't have a magic wand anyway, he found a place and took out a game console to play. This was a Christmas gift that Dali gave him a long time ago. He also specially asked Justin to set up an anti-magical electromagnetic interference device. protection of.

Just when he was having fun, a shadow wearing a green shiny satin coat stood in front of his game console. Andy looked up suddenly, and the powder was applied so thickly that he felt that the powder was falling off. The woman on the screen of his game console looked at him strangely.

"You must be Andy Lawrence? I'm Rita Skeeter, reporter for the Daily Prophet." She pushed up her jeweled glasses, straightened up and asked the man standing next to the other warriors: "Where are you? Before we get started, can I have a few words with Andy, Chief Bagman? He's the youngest warrior, and I want to focus on interviewing him first, you know... I'm going to do my best to write this report, readers. I'm so excited." Her delicate yet rigid wavy blonde hair looked like a wig.

"No problem!" Bagman, Director of the Sports Department of the Ministry of Magic, was busy lecturing the warriors: "Just - I wonder if Andy objects?"

"Let's go, let's see what you can write." Andy put away the game console: "Looking for a quiet place?"

"Great, you're right, we can't stay in there, it's too noisy!" Rita Skeeter said, and she rushed out of the room in the blink of an eye. With her bright red claws, she opened a door next to her. Door - Good guy Filch's cleaning tool room, with a broom inside.

"Come here, dear - that's great - this is the first time I've seen anyone besides Lockhart who is willing to take the initiative to be interviewed." Rita Skeeter said, calling Andy in, and Andy smiled half-heartedly. After finding a step to sit down, Rita Skeeter immediately sat opposite him, and the sketching quill in the air instantly flew to her hair curls.

"Come on, tell me, Andy, at this moment a 12-year-old boy wants to challenge opponents in all schools. Not only are they mentally more mature than you, but they also master spells that you usually don't even dare to think about." Ta emphasized his tone and began to beam with excitement: "Are you worried?"

Andy glanced at her notebook and became happy: "Good guy, Ms. Skeeter, you can't do this. You don't even dare to write. Come on, come on, write that I am 11 years old and I can't beat anyone. In order to attract attention." , there is already a savior brother, I have to fight against him quickly to become famous, risk my life to challenge the Goblet of Fire, don’t your readers like adventurous characters like this?”

When Rita heard this, she was so happy: "You are really special, Andy, I thought you looked like -"

"Like Harry, I know you will definitely interview him when you come to school." Andy continued to make up nonsense: "Be bold in writing. Come on, I know you must have asked Harry about me. Our two brothers are now They are sworn enemies, and meeting each other is a life-and-death feud. I will definitely love reading this."

"Okay, okay, keep talking." Rita kept looking at her quill, wishing she could write: "What else do you two brothers have?"

"Look, I can't even write the material I gave you." Andy continued to talk nonsense: "Write it in a big way! Open up your mind and connect the conspiracy. Why was the name of the Goblet of Fire temporarily changed? Maybe it was Harry. No, does Dumbledore want to protect the Savior? Why didn’t the Durmstrang students take part in the dangerous competition in violation of regulations and didn’t make a statement? This is where the train of thought comes from, right?”

"I feel like you're leading me?" Rita Skeeter frowned, and Andy saw her shorthand pen cross out a line.

"What's the guide for this? Didn't you already write that Dumbledore is a rigid old lunatic? Be bold and I'll give you all the ideas. I'm already on the same page as Dumbledore, but Durmstrang and Horton Gwartz knows all about it, I’m causing trouble for him and you won’t suffer any loss.”

"Is that what you said is your purpose?"

"Well, anyway, my reputation is already bad enough, and I don't care. Come on, let me tell you about Dumbledore's old lover. This kind of tidbits will definitely be popular."

"That's great - I want to write an album for you." It was the first time Rita saw such an open-minded interviewee, and she couldn't help but move forward. .

Andy immediately began to talk about those 50 years with added detail, and in the end, the door was opened after talking about 25 years.

"So Ms. Rita, would you like to move to a comfortable place and continue the interview."

"Ah, it's Dumbledore!" Rita Sky shouted happily - but the quill and shorthand pad disappeared in an instant.She stood up and asked with a fake smile on her face: "Have you read my summer article about the International Federation of Wizards Conference?"

"That's great, Ms. Skeeter." Dumbledore stared at Andy with his two bright blue eyes: "I particularly loved reading the paragraph where you described me as a rigid old madman."

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