Harry Potter: Man at Hogwarts but no wand

Chapter 165 Under the Black Lake

It was impossible for Dumbledore to find Andy on the Durmstrang ship, at least not this morning, because he was not in the ship, but in the bottom of the ship.Yes, Justin really threw him into the Black Lake the night before.

Andy actually can't swim. The most recent underwater project was in Lupine, where he took him on a boat and fell into the black lake to be picked up by a giant squid.

The moment he fell from the teleportation array, he cast a head-soaking spell on himself - mainly because he couldn't pass the transformation spell, otherwise he would turn into a fish once and for all.

It seems that James's talent for transformation was not inherited at all.

The moonlight can only illuminate the scenery of the shoal. Clusters of aquatic plants grow lushly in the soil between the rocks, swaying and intertwining with the fluctuation of the water flow. The clusters of black shadows are strange and mysterious. The line of sight keeps getting darker, and in the distance, Only a glimmer of light from the nearby castle could be seen in the distance, which was the Slytherin lounge.

It was already October, and the lake water was no longer so warm. The boy's limbs were a little cold. He moved a little and accelerated his descent to prevent himself from freezing before hitting the bottom.Gradually, his heart beat a little faster. Whether it was the coldness of the lake or the human physiological fear of the unknown, Andy felt a chill creeping up his spine.

There was silence all around, and the environment was almost impossible to see clearly. He barely opened his eyes and could only look down at a darker ravine. It was the underwater canyon in the vague memory - the huge crack. He needed to enter there. .Andy moved, changed direction, and continued to fall towards the dark crack.

As the weak light under the water gradually disappeared, he could hear nothing and see nothing, only the slippery water plants streaking across his limbs, twisting and unwinding.

But it seemed that his heart was no longer beating violently, and he closed his eyes.

Is there not enough oxygen?Can not go back?

Of course, such thoughts will always pop into my head in this environment.Maybe you should stop your losses at this time and cast a spell to get yourself ashore.But Andy tried his best to get rid of this thought and gradually calmed down. His body remained unmoved, and even his left hand, which was used to using magic spells, no longer seemed to shake.He sank quietly to the bottom of the lake until his back touched the hard stone - and his fall stopped.

Andy lay quietly on the stone and didn't move for a long time.

It's so peaceful...






Vaguely, a soul-stirring sound came from the distance. It was as light as if it was blended into the water, and slowly spread to the ears. It was different from the charm in people's memories, and even had a hint of sacredness.

Hell, he even hoped to lie here forever, but time waits for no one. The young man tried his best to hold the stone and step on it. It was not the kind of rotten mud that makes people sink.He jumped off the boulder, and the buoyancy of the water made him slowly fall to the ground at the bottom of the lake. The water at the bottom was even colder, but he had adapted to it.

"Fluorescent flash!" Andy squinted his eyes slightly. The light propagated more slowly under the water. He raised the light ball in his left hand to a higher place. The resistance of the water made his movements much slower.In front of him was a huge aquatic plant with no top visible. It was like a dense forest under the water. Each plant was dozens of centimeters wide.

Andy pushed aside the plants with his hands and looked for a place to stay. He walked more laboriously and began to envy Harry's useful skills. Can you believe it?The Dursleys actually let him learn to swim!Can these specialty classes be arranged?He cursed secretly, but he didn't dare to use the magic spell to cut off all the seaweeds - there was a group of brave octopuses living here, and a head soaking spell would really kill him.

The Bubble Curse could probably only last until dawn. He thought about trying to teleport underwater, but he was not sure of the danger ahead, so he bit the bullet and continued to explore along with the singing, but his steps were hindered by the resistance of the water and the terrain. Not much faster.Damn it, he didn't know if it was worth it, but he felt that sometimes he couldn't live just for profit.

So when he was about to think of a spell to return to the water, he finally walked out of the entanglement of the algae. Not far away was the place where the singing was coming, and golden light spots shone from the middle of a ruin-like pavilion - the mermaids The golden eggs for the Triwizard Tournament are being made.

"Lumos Maxima." A huge light shines from the fingers, illuminating a large area of ​​​​the bottom of the lake. The towering Roman columns and arches are covered with molluscs and algae. Mermaids shuttle between the magnificent ruins, a dazzling magic spell. Alarming them, the singing stopped instantly, and silver tails rushed towards him. The movements were too fast for people to react - Andy raised his hands above his head, and put a fork on his neck.

Only then did he realize that there was another deep ditch under his feet, which separated him far from the other shore.

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