Harry Potter: Man at Hogwarts but no wand

Chapter 146 Battle with Auror

"Harry! Harry is under their feet?!" Mr. Weasley, who came with the Aurors, saw the savior lying in front of the two of them at a glance, but Barty Crouch ignored his words and let the Aurors Catch the Death Eaters immediately.

"Collapse!" Dozens of Aurors emitted magical light at the same time, and red curses shot towards the two people at the center like bullets, but Andy was faster, and several Aurors flew out in an instant. Afterwards, he had time to block the other converging spells with his hands.

"Avada Kedavra!" Next to Andy, the grinning Barty used the savior's wand to emit green light one after another. The Auror Gate kept falling and approaching, and the red and green flashes intertwined in the distance. Getting shorter and shorter.

"Brother, can you always be on target? Where are you catching fish?" Andy couldn't help but become anxious as he watched more and more Aurors charging at the risk of being killed.Little Barty is also increasingly struggling. After all, Voldemort is the only one in the wizarding world who uses Avada Kedavra as a basic attack.

"Shattered to pieces!" It was Sirius's voice. Little Barty almost missed it and hit Andy with his back.He received Dumbledore's mail before the game started and left the camp.When he returned to the messy tent community, he only saw the fleeing crowd and the Aurors maintaining order. There was no godson among them.

He hurried back to the camp to look around, only to find that there was fighting there. He cautiously moved closer - until he heard Weasley's voice, Harry was at the feet of the two Death Eaters!

Sirius pulled out his wand in an instant, ignored the Aurors' advice, and rushed to the battlefield to hit the two men hard.

"Damn it." Andy cursed secretly. Now he met an acquaintance but couldn't keep it a secret: "Crouch, you deal with him, and I'll deal with the others."

"That's such a good suggestion, but your godfather doesn't want to give it up?" Little Barty and Sirius fought back and forth, with one side attacking fiercely and the other with superb skills - until Sirius shouted Andy's name loudly and scolded him. Look how many people he killed!

"No wonder you don't dare to attack him." Little Barty's laughter came from the mask.

"Fart!" Andy hit him with a heartbreaking blow. Sirius fell to the ground and rolled around before getting up again.

"Why don't you use the Death Curse?!" Little Barty turned around and asked him angrily. He had just bounced away from a quick imprisonment and was throwing a heartbreaking blow towards the attacker.

"Ha." Andy sneered: "Use less of this. You don't necessarily have to use the Death Curse to kill people." He looked at Harry at his feet, and then at Wendy who was far away - Mr. Weasley was hugging him. Looking at her, another Auror was checking him: "She won't be able to remember the counter-curse of forgetfulness."

"I promise not." Little Barty said fiercely, "Then you definitely didn't drink those damn potions just to kill a few fish, right? You're close enough, why don't you take action?"

"Fire escape." Andy didn't completely believe his bullshit. He drew a circle with his fingers around the two of them. The blue flames rose instantly. The flames spreading around were devouring everything around them. The wall of fire kept approaching. The enemies, the Aurors, turned around and ran away. Some of them stopped and wanted to cast spells together, but it was obvious that the life-threatening flames did not give them a chance: "My spells are not powerful enough, otherwise none of them would be able to escape. "

Sirius recognized this spell, and he wanted to rush in like crazy to rescue Harry. The Auror next to him tried to hold him, but he pushed him away.

"Collapse!" Another Auror knocked him out and apparated him away from the field, while others on the battlefield were still using various methods to try to put out the fire.

The Aurors in the back row had already begun to discuss countermeasures. They disappeared one by one and reappeared on the periphery of the flames - while the companions at the edge of the flames were still trying to delay the progress of the flames like moths to the flames, delaying the time to prepare to end this. All the magic spells strive for opportunities.The Aurors on the periphery had to reluctantly give up on their comrades and colleagues who were running towards them. They could only yell at them to run away, and watched helplessly as they were swallowed up before they could apparate away - even if they were close at hand, they did not dare to pull them away. Back that burning hand.

faster!Faster!The roars and the screams of being burned were intertwined, and the laughter of Barty Crouch Jr. beside him resounded through the sky: "It's really art, isn't it? I can tell as soon as I look in your eyes!"

What a crazy batch.

But I have to say that there is indeed a tacit understanding between smart people.

"All curses are over!" Under the roar of the wizard and the cry of the witch, the golden curse was smashed to the ground by the wand, and a dazzling barrier rose to block the spread of the flames.

"Let's go." Andy said calmly.

"We have to take this back." Little Barty pointed to the savior lying on the ground.

"No, leave him here, you have to trust me." Andy grabbed Harry's wand without any explanation, broke it off and threw it on the savior.He put his hand on Little Barty's back, and the two of them disappeared.

"Go and save that student." It wasn't until he believed that they couldn't be caught that Barty Crouch Sr. gave the order to rescue Harry.The Ministry of Magic suffered heavy casualties. He clenched his fists unwillingly and left the scene.

Harry lay in St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Maladies for half a month before returning to Grimmauld 13. However, while he was in the hospital, he discovered Neville's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Longbottom - especially Mrs. Longbottom. Gave Harry a candy wrapper.Of course Ron was severely punished by Mrs. Weasley - even though he had apologized to Harry for a long time and volunteered to take care of Harry with Sirius.

The day after Ron sent Harry home, his father received an urgent message from the Ministry of Magic.During breakfast, his mother stood at the long table and kept urging to the top of the stairs: Arthur!Arthur!The Ministry of Magic has an urgent message! "

Mr. Weasley rushed downstairs. He hurried to the fireplace and started talking to the fire - Amos Diggory's head was hanging in the middle of the flames and he was talking: "...live in Muggles nearby heard banging and shouting, and they went and called for—whatever you call them—JINGCHA. Arthur, you must go—"

"Mad-Eye again? What happened to him?" Mr. Weasley said, hurriedly putting on his robe, while Molly was stuffing various office supplies into his arms.

Mr. Diggory rolled his eyes. "He said he heard someone breaking into his yard and trying to attack him, but they were ambushed by his dumpster."

"Dumpster?" asked Mr. Weasley, finally putting on his robes. "What did he do with the dumpster? Did he tell anyone?"

"Arthur, you know Mad-Eye well. He thinks everything is changed by Death Eaters." Mr. Diggory's head said, and he rolled his eyes again. "Someone will sneak into his house in the middle of the night." Yard? Cat? Dog? Or some other animal, but if someone else from the Misuse of Magic Office catches Mad-Eye for blowing up a trash can, that'll be bad, so go ahead and deal with it and let him go."

"Mad-Eye didn't use a wand, did he? Was anyone attacked?" Mr. Weasley said a little worried.

"He must have attacked whatever he saw at the time, who knows." Mr. Digory said, "But it is said that he also had a bottle in his hand. He might have drunk too much."

"Okay, I'll get going," Mr. Weasley said as Mrs. Weasley took a piece of bread and butter from the pile on the dining table and stuffed it into her husband's mouth.

"Thank you." He said vaguely, and then disappeared with a soft pop.

Ron thought for a while. He felt that something was wrong in his father's words, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

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