The sky had just broken, and several people walked through the tall trees of the forest towards Stoat Mountain. The twins were playing with Wendy behind, and the magical trio followed closely behind Mr. Weasley.

"Arthur! You really made me tired of waiting!" A loud and cheerful voice came from the man in the distance carrying a backpack.

"Sorry Amos, we have a few brats who like to stay in bed. Boys, this is my colleague, Amos Diggory of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. This lad must be Cedric, right?"

A tall and handsome boy jumped down from the tree: "Yes, sir, let's go this way." Several people followed Cedric and didn't say anything - the trio had nothing to do with Andy. The prefect of Badger House was making a bit of a fuss.

"Merlin's beard! You must be Harry Potter!" Amos spat on Harry's face: "Awesome!"

"Thank you sir." Harry quickly took hold of his outstretched hand.

Ah, I understand you are excited, but please don't blame me.

Several people came to the top of Stoat Mountain and gathered around an old boot. "Three..." Mr. Weasley stared at the pocket watch with one eye and muttered in a low voice, "Two... one..." Everyone flew up into the air and circled around the shoe in the sky, including several young wizards. Shouting until Mr. Weasley told them to let go.

Harry fell to the ground hard, and Ron fell again and hit him, making him scream.Looking around, Mr. Weasley, Mr. Diggory and Cedric were the only ones landing smoothly.It’s truly an unexpected way to travel every year.

Several people stood up in a hurry. They had already heard the noise. After climbing over the mountain, a large area of ​​invisible tents and cheerful crowds immediately made several young people excited.They followed Mr. Weasley through the tents, juggling, hawking, talking to each other, and even a wizard riding a broomstick flying over their heads.

Wendy looked around excitedly, with the twins standing next to her, fearing that she would get lost. She had the impression that her parents always promised to bring her, but always declined because they were busy with work. She even thought that because She is a squib and her parents are too shy to take her to see people.But now it's better, I can finally join in the fun.

They walked for a long time among the carnival crowd before reaching the tent-a narrow white tent.Wendy watched with suspicion as the twins got in first. She stuck her head out to look inside, and stretched out a hand to pull her. The moment he was pulled in, he saw a red-haired boy. Walking towards Crouch's tent, she felt very strange, as if she had an inexplicable sense of familiarity: "Stop, George - oh", she was dragged in by George before she could react.

On the other side, the red-haired boy snapped his fingers and disappeared into the air. When he reappeared, he was already several hundred meters away from the tent community.

Next to him was a young man with brown hair and pale complexion. He was sitting blankly on the side, mumbling something--it must be Barty Crouch Jr. who was under the Imperius Curse.

The red-haired boy poured a bottle of water on the head of the dull-eyed Barty Crouch Jr.: "Hello, Mr. Crouch, welcome back."

Little Crouch shook his head, staring blankly in place as if he hadn't thought about it for a century.Andy is not in a hurry, he knows that the Imperius Curse for many years needs time to slow down.

After a long time, the man on the ground pushed back his soaked hair, wiped the remaining water on his face, and used a pair of sharp eyes to examine the young man who had moved him instantly.He looked at it for a while and said warily: "Huh, welcome back? Is this my damn father's new trick? Send a child?"

"Look what you said, any ordinary kid can drink a bottle of water from Gringotts' Thieves Falls and escape unscathed." Andy spread his hands to show that he did not have a wand in his hand. He turned around and put his finger on the back of his neck. The Dark Mark could not be completely covered: "This sincerity is enough, he said, let me take you back."

"The Dark Mark, ha." Little Barty stood up, walked around Andy and looked at the boy: "Give me your wand -"

"Lawrence, my name is Lawrence, Mr. Crouch." Andy stretched out his arms to both sides, as if letting him search him: "With all due respect, I can't do it sir, I don't have a wand. If you don't believe me, you can search look."

"That's not a lie." He saw Andy's left hand, which had bulging veins and was too dry to look like. It was not so much a hand as a paw - a paw that was shaking violently.

"I'm going to make you laugh. I'm totally clean. You should believe me." Andy squinted his eyes and said, "Ah, is it possible that the first thing you always do to get rid of the Imperius Curse is Going to a Quidditch World Cup? Well, take me one, since I didn’t buy a ticket anyway.”

"Do you think you're smart? Lawrence."

"I know what you want to do Mr. Crouch. I guarantee that there are more than two of us near or in this tent now." Andy tilted his head: "Tonight, the master will be at Malfoy Manor. meet you."

Crouch fell silent.

"But at the end of the day, let's go watch a football game. Today is a big game for my classmates to shine. Work should be fun and entertainment should be done without delay." Andy said, and under the incomprehensible gaze of Little Crouch, he took out his He picked up a black garbage bag and rummaged through it: "I brought the invisibility cloak. Fortunately, I gave the fake one to Sirius."

Little Barty looked at the invisibility cloak with a look of disgust (he had lived under the invisibility cloak for many years): "Take me to Malfoy Manor first."

"Let's go." Andy put on his invisibility cloak and held him in.

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