Summer vacation is coming soon, and Harry and Dumbledore got on the train together this time. Their destination was No. 4 Privet Drive.The atmosphere on the train was strange.

Since the last time the savior returned to school, he has not been having a good time. Not only is he always awakened by nightmares, but even the little wizards around him have begun to consciously alienate him.

Malfoy must have hated him so much that he secretly cast curses many times in an attempt to sneak up on him and was caught and punished with solitary confinement.But he should be lucky that Justin was detained in France by Nico Flamel. Of course, he can't expect to wander in the Forbidden Forest again. Every eight-eyed spider in the forest will rip off his head.

The most excited person was Argus Filch. He almost had his head collapsed on the first day Harry came back. It was not until Hagrid told him that Andy was still alive that he staggered away - according to Gemini Night Tour The twins said that Filch was holding a pistol and crying.Of course, the Weasley twins were also a little polite to him now, especially George - he looked at Harry strangely.

Fortunately, there are still some reliable friends in Shiyuan, right?They still stand by their friends without fear of criticism and rumors.

However, Harry was almost kicked out by the Dursleys, who refused to take him back at the beginning of the summer vacation.After they learned about the murder of the Lawrence family of CB Exploration Company executives - even the life and death of another nephew Andy was uncertain, Penny cried bitterly all night, and Dali went crazy with anger and smashed everything in Harry's room.

For the first time, Dursley "put down his posture" and wrote a 5000-word complaint letter eloquently and took the initiative to contact Hogwarts, which he hated most, asking the wizarding world not to let this scourge harm his relatives again. , Sprout wanted to approve, but was convinced by Dumbledore - he would go to the Dursleys with Harry.

"Don't be so surprised. It seems that Harry didn't tell you that I was coming." Dumbledore said humorously and kindly: "But let us assume that you have warmly invited me into your home. If you stay at the door for too long It would be unwise to be seen by your Muggle neighbours."

Dursley then told them both to get out.

So brave, Vernon.

Until he saw his son in the living room.

He took a step back to let them in and closed the door behind him. Petunia pushed Dudley upstairs with a look of horror on her face. Her eyes were still swollen, but Dudley refused to leave. He hadn't played with Harry yet. Wrestling!

Vernon Dursley didn't say a word. His temples were pounding and the veins on his neck were popping out. He was indeed afraid of Dumbledore. The old man showed an extraordinary wizarding temperament, and it seemed difficult for him to hold his chest up and raise his head.Vernon intended to use silence as a silent protest.

Dumbledore waited for a moment, but no one challenged him. Seeing that they continued to be silent, he smiled: "Can we assume that you have invited me into your living room? Although I haven't been here for a long time. It’s passed, but the agapanthus flowers are blooming really well.”

When Dumbledore passed by Dudley, Dudley hurriedly stepped aside. He stared at Harry fiercely, but unexpectedly met Dumbledore's blue eyes.The white wizard sat down on an armchair. His blue eyes looked at the surrounding environment that was incompatible with him with interest: "Please sit down, I want to talk to you, Dursley."

Dally took advantage of Dumbledore's attention on his parents and secretly wanted to go around the back and send Harry a tornado to destroy the parking lot, but he obviously underestimated Deng's ability - he pulled out his wand in an instant, so fast Even before Li could see clearly, the sofa rushed over and hit Dali's knees. The obese boy fell headlong onto the sofa. Penny immediately screamed and ran to hug her son.

"What do you want?" Vernon breathed heavily and forced himself to question.

"Harry, sit down," said Dumbledore. "I want to talk to you, Dursley."

Harry sat down in the other armchair, trying not to look at the Dursleys, while Vernon sat stiffly on the sofa, next to his wife and son.

"I left a letter at the time explaining that his parents had been killed and that I hoped you would take care of him as your own child. But it seems you didn't do what I said. You can't help but treat him as your own. Son, and all he got was neglect, abuse and never-ending menial work." Dumbledore stopped, his voice was calm, gentle, but very powerful.

Dursley muttered, and Harry tried his best to listen carefully, but he could only make out the words damn and bastard.

Dumbledore looked at the shivering family: "I cast spells 15 years ago, which means that when this is Harry's home, he will receive strong protection. No matter how pitiful and lonely he is here, he has suffered How much abuse, but I thank you for at least giving him a place to live. All I asked of you was to take him in when he was 17, and you turned him away today."

Vernon's eyes widened as if he was suffocated, as if he would choke to death if he didn't say anything. Petunia quietly reached out her hand, squeezed her husband's stubby fingers, and encouraged him.Dudley looked angrily back and forth between Dumbledore and Harry, his mother's tears falling on her hair.

"Yes, but we gave him a way to live, what about you? Then why did you do this to that child and his family." Dursley finally plucked up the courage to speak out.

Dumbledore was very surprised: "As far as I know... you haven't had much contact with him. Why...?"

"Because he would write letters, he would remember Dudley's birthday, and he would persuade his brother to tutor Dudley in his homework. His father often took care of the rich farmers' business, and he tried not to use magic in front of us. The relationship between our two families Very good, oh-god, isn't he my nephew?" Dudley hugged his crying mother, and he suddenly felt that his previous bullying in school was so incompetent that he couldn't do anything.

"It was just an accident. It was my negligence. I was afraid that the Death Eaters would hurt Harry and his companions, so I made a wrong decision." Harry was not calm when he saw Dumbledore for the first time, with such guilt and hatred Tangled emotions emerged from the blue eyes: "He is not dead."

Self-blame and pain instantly climbed into Harry's heart. He could not forget to return to that scene in his dreams every day, facing Andy's questioning without any explanation. He lowered his head, but was surprised to feel a chill coming from Dumbledore. He had no idea where Professor Dumbledore had been the day he disappeared, or why he looked so much older.

"Great Vernon, he's still alive." Petunia hugged her husband, but Vernon couldn't be happy: "Accident, negligence? Has the murderer been punished? Where is my nephew now?"

"Dursley, I don't know where they took him. As for the murderer, no one knows which spell set off the Muggle furnace - it's most likely a Death Eater. I'm also trying my best to find out. Catch them and bring the child back." Dumbledore said without emotion.

"If you hadn't let that damn weirdo take him away in the first place! He wouldn't have been involved at all!" Vernon was very dissatisfied. "

"You can't say that about Hagrid -" Harry stood up, but Dumbledore interrupted him, obviously not wanting to quarrel with this Muggle anymore: "Two weeks, every summer vacation, Harry must stay here enough Two weeks and then he will live with his godfather."

"You damn wizards—"

"Harry is also your nephew, Dursley." Dumbledore said in a harsh tone.

Dursley was obviously frightened and stopped getting angry: "Okay! Two weeks! He won't even think about being here for one more day!"

After both parties reached a consensus, Dumbledore walked out.

"Sorry, Professor, they are all Muggles and cannot understand you. I know you have sacrificed a lot. If he comes back, both the wizarding world and the Muggle world will be devastated."

"Thank you, Harry, go back quickly." Dumbledore smiled and Apparated away.

Harry silently went upstairs with his luggage alone.He knew the Dursleys would treat him even worse, and now he could only hope to get through these two weeks until Sirius came to pick him up.

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