Harry Potter: Man at Hogwarts but no wand

Chapter 13: Danger in the Forbidden Forest

The two people and the dog gradually walked into the depths of the Forbidden Forest. Under the weak moonlight through the fog, only the vague shadows of the trees could be seen, and the aperture of the lantern looked particularly bright.

Andy and Hagrid chatted about their new dragon eggs.Hagrid wanted to keep it secretly in the forest and decided to name it Norbert, but Andy thought it was ridiculous. Just like Aragog destroying the ecological environment, the fire dragon would have to be burned down in the Forbidden Forest sooner or later.Hagrid pretended not to hear, and told Andy how he raised Aragog from a cute boy to a big monster, until they came to a fork in the road.

"Let's patrol separately. You and Yaya go another way." Hagrid held up the lantern: "Unicorns have been attacked on this road recently. One died last Wednesday. I have to go and take a look."

"You should leave the lantern to me at least. How can you patrol when you can't see your fingers..."

"My mistake, I forgot to bring two." Hagrid scratched his head: "I think your fluorescent flashes are pretty good, doesn't Professor Flitwick think highly of you?"

"Okay, it's really annoying that it doesn't work sometimes. I can get my own wand anytime."

"Maybe Ollivander will make it another day. Harry has been picking out his wand for a long time. Pay attention to your safety and come back if there is any danger."

"Okay, let's go, and so are you. If there's danger, just shout. I'll go find the principal!"

Hagrid, Andy, and Yaya Bing split into two groups and walked in different directions. "Fluorescence flashing!" Andy's fingers glowed blue, and the fog around him became heavier. He lamented that the fog in England was really heavy, and his whole body was damp. It was heavier than the humidity in southern China, and it was so humid this summer. Got a bunch of prickly heat.

One person and one dog were walking happily along the path. Andy picked some common herbs such as celandine, dandelion, and daisy root, so that he could secretly make some common potions for emergencies.

Suddenly, the neighing of horses was heard in the distance in the forest. Yaya immediately stopped playing, raised his paws and ran deeper into the forest. Andy followed closely, but found that he could not catch up.

"Ya Ya! Ya Ya! Run slowly! Be careful of danger!" Andy thought about how Voldemort hunted and killed many unicorns to suck blood in order to prolong his life in his first year, and he couldn't help but worry, fearing that he might not encounter them.

When he rushed to the clearing, Yaya was confronting a black shadow. Andy saw a beautiful silver-white creature struggling under the weight of the different black shadow. It seemed that its strength was almost exhausted.

As soon as Andy saw that something was wrong, he immediately turned around and ran away, preparing to go back to report the news.Yaya rushed over to bite the monster, but the shadow didn't struggle too much. He fired several green spells at Yaya, and Yaya dodged vigorously.During this gap, a black shadow flashed and rushed towards Andy, lying in front of him.Andy thought something was wrong. Was this going to be a bloody battle with Voldemort? !

He immediately became nervous, and the magic power gathered at his fingertips involuntarily, ready to try a story where Avatar ended the first school year directly.

But when the black shadow flew in front of him, Andy's head began to hurt without warning. The intense pain caused him to hold his head and fall to the ground. He lost all strength for a moment and could not stand up.

It's over. I have to explain it here just one month after entering school. People really shouldn't be too crazy. They actually want to solo Voldemort with the spell invented by Voldemort.

Just when he was desperate, Fang Ya suddenly pounced on Fu Heikage and saved him.Its flying head knocked the shadow to the ground, and then the sharp teeth were embedded in his body. The shadow trembled obviously in pain, and then cast a magic spell on Yaya, and quickly escaped when Yaya dodged. , leaving behind a piece of ugly purple cloth in a panic.

Yaya got up and wanted to chase after him. Andy quickly grabbed it. After making sure that it was not seriously injured, he told Hagrid to come over quickly.Andy stuffed the rag into his pocket and immediately stepped forward to treat the unicorn.

The seriously injured unicorn was covered in silver-white blood. Its wet eyes were full of despair, its low neighing sound became weaker and weaker, and it snorted in fright.

Andy put his hands on the unicorn's blood-stained fur and kept muttering healing spells in his mouth, but the unicorn was frightened and no longer wanted to be touched by others, and kept lying on the ground. tumbling and struggling.Andy's body shape was definitely not up to par. He was treating and comforting the unicorn at the same time. He was pulling and pulling with all his strength, and silver-white blood was stained everywhere on his body.

Gradually, most of the unicorn's wounds healed, and the large blood vessels torn by Voldemort stopped bleeding. However, Andy felt that some of his magic power was excessively consumed after using the healing spell for a long time. Seeing that the unicorn was out of danger, he had to stand. Get up slowly.

He climbed up dizzy, holding on to the tree trunk next to him, and vowed never to patrol the Forbidden Forest with Hagrid again, and had to urge Dumbledore to get Wagado's spellcasting secret.He recalled the situation just now and felt deeply confused. When he was watching a movie in his previous life, the Cruciatus Curse made his whole body sting. Why was he having such a headache at this critical moment?

Just as Andy was wondering, the unicorn seemed to wake up, turned over, shook his head and prepared to leave.When it turned around, it saw another black figure standing beside it. The stress reaction of being attacked immediately made it enter a fighting state. Andy, who had consumed too much magic power, swayed left and right. He didn't have the energy to react instantly. He flew out with a heart-wrenching kick.

Andy spurted out a mouthful of blood, fell to the ground and rolled several meters away. The severe pain and suffocation in his lungs made him pass out within a few seconds. He was definitely dead today. He would repay kindness with revenge. yes!

The victorious unicorn shook its mane and prepared to go over and give it another try. It walked slowly over and cautiously approached the little wizard lying on the ground.As it approached slowly step by step, it suddenly realized that this was the breath that healed and soothed it. It hesitated for a moment, then retracted its hoof that immediately stepped on Andy's head, lowered its head and nudged him with its nose, but Andy didn't react at all.

Finally, it was the centaur Firenze who discovered Andy. He saw a unicorn lying quietly next to the boy who fell on the ground.

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