"You can pull me down, why should I do it to you? Are you my father's son too?" Andy grinned provocatively: "At worst, we can cut it apart, and each of us can get half of it. That's okay, right?"

"Andy! You can't be so rude to the school staff." Hagrid was obviously a little annoyed by his words. He leaned over and whispered sideways: "And he is your godfather, the motorcycle you like, the one you ride when school starts. , it’s his.”

Ah, this, this is...

"Then why are you going over there and giving it to Harry? You really think about your good son." Andy sighed helplessly: "I left it at Grimmauld Place. I'll pick it up for you another day. I I just returned to school, and I can’t leave the school without the company of the professor, right?”

"I will go with you."

"Huh? That's okay. Kreacher can let you in, and I'll go fight the mysterious man one on one now."

"I can wait for you at 13 Grimmauld Place."

"No. 13 Grimmauld, what a lucky guy! There is no one with this number on the street except this square."

"I rented the place." Sirius

"Only your salary? Hogwarts earns money and Hogwarts spends it. You want to take it home. Are you sure you haven't touched the money in my vault?"

"No, Lupine gave me some funding, and I also did some other odd jobs after work." Sirius rarely quarreled with Andy.

"Ah, here, you should work hard to buy it. I will live in No. 12, and you will live in No. 13. You can absorb bad luck for me, ward off disasters and so on." Andy looked at him a little funny, probably for Harry's sake. This young man even got a job.

"You have a beautiful idea." Sirius replied teasingly.

"No, you don't usually talk like this. There is a lie here. I need others to accompany me. I feel like you are going to do me."

"You have to force me to grab you by the collar and point my wand at your head, you bastard!"

"That's right, see you at Grimmauld Place tonight? I still have to go to class, right?" Andy snapped his fingers and disappeared in front of the two of them.

"Why do you suddenly need an invisibility cloak?" Hagrid was very surprised: "Harry doesn't seem to mind this."

"Don't you understand? The invisibility cloak and his instant spell cannot allow Voldemort to treat him as a killing machine. Lupine came back and talked to me a lot, and there are some things that I have never considered." Sirius Looking at the school gate from a distance: "Maybe what Lu Ping said is right."

Andy was actually quite frightened when he returned to school. He felt that he must have done something shameful without knowing it, but no one was willing to tell him. He was very nervous whether his classmates would exclude him, so he really hoped that someone would tell him. Along with him, none of the two bastards like Justin and Malfoy were there!

"Ah - Andy! You are finally back!" After screaming in surprise, the blonde girl rushed over from her companion. Andy almost ducked to avoid her hug - he knew that this was the original text of this girl. Such a passionate character, we can't take advantage of others.

Lavender was a little annoyed when she saw this. She felt that this boy always avoided her: "Even if we are friends, friendly physical contact is not allowed? Look at Harry, Ron and Hermione!"

"What about a handshake?" Andy took the first tentative step, and then received a slap.Lavender pulled him into the auditorium. Under the lively atmosphere of this cheerful girl, Andy quickly integrated into the group.It's not that Andy can't see through her thoughts. He feels that people like him are harming others and themselves when they fall in love.

Lavender was not smart, but she could still detect something. She saw a lot in divination, and she didn't want to let go, so she pretended that nothing happened, and just smiled around him, urging him to go to class.

Andy touched Lavender's hair when no one was paying attention, and the girl looked back at him in surprise: "Lavender, listen to my advice, don't like boys with red hair, it's not a good choice, and don't do too much divination. Well, knowing too much about the future is not a good thing."

After the red-haired boy finished speaking, he left the position, and the blond-haired girl bit her lip.

So when he took the first step into the Divination classroom, Trelawney almost jumped on the table. She didn't understand why Dumbledore and Sprout still let this disaster come to her class. It doesn't look like it happened.

"Ah, hello, professor." Andy greeted politely: "Did I miss too many classes and feel a little behind?"

"No, Mr. Lawrence, please sit down. Today we will learn to use crystal balls for divination." When it came to divination, Trelawney's aura changed - she became more nervous: "I I believe you have already heard that the crystal ball divination method already exists, and the function of crystal ball divination is usually to predict the future."

She jumped on the steps with long strides: "It is said that everyone has a third eye, which is what I often call the third eye. Everyone's third eye ability is different, and some people can see clearly without any medium. Everything in the fog is just like the famous prophet Nostradamus in the 15th century.”

She gestured exaggeratedly, almost poking Terry in the face: "And others need to use a magic item that can project the third eye ability to present the prophetic picture in the brain onto the crystal ball. This is the ability of the crystal ball. .”

"Professor Trelawney, maybe I need a new prophecy ball." Terry raised his hand. Trelawney was startled just now and smashed the crystal ball to the ground, and a huge crack appeared on it. : "Sorry Professor." He said unapologetically.

"Oh, Merlin, Mr. Boot... uh..." In full view of everyone, Professor Traolini stayed where she was. Terry was surprised to see Andy, who was sharing the round table, muttering: What, then slowly raised his brown eyes.The confused Professor Trelawney trembled as if she had been electrocuted, and then looked at him blankly.The students did not dare to speak out, they had already heard

"Beautiful Legilimency, Mr. Lawrence." Dumbledore appeared in front of the door. Andy paused for a while before letting go of the poor Divination Professor. He smiled: "Thank you, the great wizard Dumbledore. "

Andy snapped his fingers and disappeared from the classroom. Lavender, who came after him, didn't even see a hair on his face.

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