Can you believe it?Snape actually lived in Lupin's house.

Even Lupine's father, Lyle, didn't believe it. This son who had never heard from him actually took the initiative to write a letter and asked to take his colleagues and students home for a few days. This was a unique and special case.This made Mr. and Mrs. Lu Ping very excited. They went shopping early in the morning to prepare a rich meal for their son and their friends.

They lived in a two-story building in the countryside, quiet and simple, and the Muggle neighbors were easy to get along with - although they always got into fights over whose goat nibbled the leeks in the yard.

The forests of Wales were all dyed in the autumn, and the four people on the forest path had different expressions. Snape was obviously nervous. He was very unwilling to live in the house of his former enemy, even for Andy.His face was as tense as a granite. Although he hated Sirius and James the most, the werewolf's psychological shadow on him was also terrible.

Lupine knew this very well and said a lot of kind words along the way. Both of them were doing it for Andy, and they both managed to maintain a calm state on the surface, but they would start fighting if things went wrong.

Ah, this looks like a couple who refuses to divorce for the sake of their children. Justin silently complained that it would be great if Draco or Lavender were here. The former could work with him and the latter could give him gossip. A whole novel full of love and hate - unlike this fool who only jumps in front and steps on leaves.

Idiot Andy was stomping on the piles of fallen leaves crazily. He didn't agree to involve Lupine's parents, but Lupine blocked him with the excuse that he wanted to live in St. Mungo's and be a target or go to Spider End Alley.On the contrary, Snape, who had been refusing to say anything, asked why a certain werewolf living in the wild felt that my family was not good.

Nonsense, look at your furniture. Last time you left the door unlocked, no one stole it. I wish a thief came in and scraped the paint off the wall without taking away your few antiques.

But traveling is great!Hearing that Mr. and Mrs. Lupin would prepare delicious food, Andy became even more excited. Lupine watched the child's excitement with interest, while Snape felt that he had to go to St. Mungo's to check his brain. It's relatively safe, but it would be bad if it didn't come. Although I can't tell what's wrong, the painting style is not uniform anyway.

"You are back." In a small courtyard full of life, a gray-haired man opened the door for them. Lupine stepped forward and hugged him, and then kissed the lady behind - that was his mother.There was a smell of roasted milk and wheat in the room, which was warm and mixed with the aroma of black tea and nuts.

No one else knew, but Andy was instantly hungry.

"Come in." Hope Lupine greeted the guests outside the door: "I'm glad you're here. Remus rarely brings anyone into the house."

"Mom." Lu Ping was a little embarrassed.

"Hello, madam." Snape greeted him stiffly, but Hope was very enthusiastic.Then came two students, the brown-haired boy was equally polite, and the red-haired boy was lean and straight.Staring at the speckled bread on the table.

"Be polite." Justin poked Andy.

"Ah, hello ma'am, I'm Andy Lawrence, and this is my roommate Justin Refinley, sorry to bother you two." He bowed as he spoke, and Justin also bowed.

"You're welcome, boys, come and have something to eat." Lyle Lupine saw through the two gluttons, mainly because it tasted so good!The two little wizards waited until everyone was seated before starting to eat.Everyone was quite relaxed and started chatting, except Snape, who was stretched out on the sofa, feeling awkward.

Madam Lupin handed him a cup of tea, Snape took it, Andy broke half of the speckled bread to him, and he managed to get used to the environment.Snape glanced sideways at the red-haired boy, only to see him smile slyly.

Ouch - wasn't that a very generous day at Malfoy Manor?Why are you so restricted now?

Andy started to feel itchy again.

"Madam." Snape said: "We are here this time -"

"I know, Professor Snape, right? You came here because of this child." Lyle took a sip of tea and said, "Lupine told me in the letter that we agreed to do it for this boy from the Potter family. I and I His grandfather was a very close friend.”

"We were in the early days of Lupin..." Hope skipped the word werewolf. No mother was willing to share her son's secrets openly: "We did look for many ways to control our sanity, including Side effects of the Unforgivable Curse. But I'm really sorry." She patted Snape's hand, and Snape visibly stiffened: "I'm sorry for the harm Lupine caused you during your school days."

"It doesn't matter, ma'am," Snape said calmly.

Andy almost spit out his tea.

"Mother." Lupine stopped Hope, seeing Snape's embarrassment.

"But you are quite capable." Mr. Lupine looked at Andy and changed the subject: "I heard that you removed Dumbledore from the position of principal."

"Grandpa Lupin, I don't." Andy stuffed his mouth with bread and said very familiarly, "It's all the power of the masses! Ah, yes, my roommate also contributed a lot."

Justin wants to shoot this bad friend to death. Is this a good thing?Are you quite proud?

"I have heard that he is Master Nico Flamel's apprentice."

"You are so well-informed." Justin smiled.

Several people chatted leisurely all afternoon, until Mr. and Mrs. Lupine went to sit down a table of Welsh-style dishes to entertain everyone.

Several people had their own thoughts, some were planning the next step, and some were worried about their friends. Only Andy-he was thinking about what the local specialties of Wales were like.

Why are you thinking so much about traveling anyway?

Until night, a mouse with all its hair missing and one toe missing crawled in under the door.

PS: The author means what he says, if he says it’s four updates, it’s four updates, please praise me!Dear readers, please urge me for more updates!

Also: The list of thanks is so long, the author’s words are limited to 300 words, and the unwritten words will be placed in Chapter 119!Thank you all so much for your enthusiasm!

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