Harry Potter: Man at Hogwarts but no wand

Chapter 109 1 Forgetting All Empty

Ever since Old Man Deng's last out-of-sync Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Andy felt like there were three lunatics around him.

Draco had officially moved into his own dormitory. Sprout had tried to drive him away many times but had no choice but to let him stay in Hufflepuff; then there was Lavender, who visited Professor Traolini the next day. After that, every day she kept telling Andy that she couldn't do this and that there were taboos - do you think Andy could ignore her and her strange remarks?

Impossible, don't forget Justin, he is now squatting next to Andy around the clock to prevent him from coming into contact with any potential dangers.

Maybe they are right.

Although it's very painful, the good thing is that they are all safe by his side, right?

So Andy thought of something, something he didn't want to do but had to do.

It was peaceful until the end of the semester, and Dumbledore's Defense Against the Dark Arts ended up being turned into an Attack Charms class. Fortunately, there was no need for a final exam, which saved the exam from turning into a chaotic wizard war.

Dumbledore was quite satisfied to see the fun-loving king of Hogwarts being tightly controlled and enjoyed it - not only did he not have to worry about the principal's complicated official affairs, but he also did not have to constantly be wary of young Death Eaters coming with his godfather. It's a life-and-death duel of the century, and you can get closer to your students from time to time. It's so satisfying to kill three birds with one stone.

Boggart is so damn good!

After Andy experienced three months of regular and inhumane life, he finally took a vacation. When he got on the train home, his mood felt like it was flying.


Snape returned on the last day of term and told him that the mysterious man had ordered him to report to Malfoy Manor the next day off.

Andy nodded. The problem he had spent three months thinking about was finally about to be implemented.He didn't feel bad, there was still room for things anyway.

Andy happily celebrated the holiday with his friends on the train. Malfoy also said that there was no need to bring any rags with him to his manor, as he had everything available and quality guaranteed.

Andy thinks it makes sense.

Then he saw his father, mother, brother and sister waving to him at the station. Yes, Philips was also back this summer vacation. He had prepared many plans to spend a good time with his brother.

They happily returned to the mansion the Lawrence family had moved to - their father had a new job and their living standards had risen to a higher level.

Mom's food was indeed terrible. Andy might have been hungry today and ate a lot.Wendy laughed at him about how terrible the food at Hogwarts was, and how he wolfed it down when he got home - and then got slapped on the forehead by Philips.

The pink velvet rolled across the table, sweeping up crumbs of bread between the plates, and Mrs. Laurence fed it a forkful of chicken.

The father was not so serious today. It was rare for the family to get together. He was no longer frowning at the dinner table asking his children about their homework. Instead, he was talking about his plan to have a picnic and then go to the movies on the weekend: "Hurry up and prepare what you want to eat. . Don’t bother going to the supermarket when you get to the national park.”

"I have prepared it a long time ago!" Wendy couldn't wait to show off her credit: "Philips and I went shopping in the afternoon, including sandwich bread, vegetables, and barbecue utensils. Philips also bought a lot of beef and lamb chops, and, by the way, there are also Dee loves the sausage!”

This sounds great.

"You can't stay in bed tomorrow. It takes two hours to drive there. I have agreed with your father that after watching the movie, we will stay in the local area for two more days. It has been a long time since we went on a family trip. It's all because he is too busy at work! "The mother blamed her husband, but the father responded happily.

"This time I'm going to row a boat with Andy! Philips always scared me in the canoe last time!" Wendy remembered the last time her brother splashed water all over her skirt, and she wanted to stab Philips with a fork.

"You're dreaming! I want to make a deal with Andy! We haven't seen each other for two years!" Philip quickly blocked it with a spoon.

"Children! Don't play with the cutlery! Why Andy...are you unhappy? What happened at school?"

"Without mom, I'm thinking about how to throw Philip into the water tomorrow." Andy stuffed his mouth full and laughed.

"Ah, you bastard!" Philip said, pressing his brother's red hair and starting to rub it.

After dinner, the family played wizard chess that Andy had brought back for Christmas. Andy lost three games in a row against his father and brother, but he was still extremely happy.Mother and Wendy looked at the magic magazine Andy brought back from school. The pictures on it were just like the movies.

Then they said good night to each other before going to bed - mother even kissed Andy on the forehead: "Good night son, I have to get up early tomorrow!"

"Good mother."

So far, it's been a perfect day, hasn't it?

Andy never fell asleep and stayed in bed until midnight.After making sure no one was awake, he started packing his things.

Magical supplies, clothes, books, toys, and bedding were all stuffed into the empty box that had already been cast with a traceless stretching spell.

And its own cutlery – how could a family of four have a fifth breakfast chair?There were socks littered on the sofa and shoes by the door.

Don't forget Wendy's Puff Down. Sorry Wendy, maybe I shouldn't give you this surprise. Maybe George Weasley will be willing to help you raise it.

There are also gadgets and shorthand quills for Philips. Sorry Philips, your brother is going to steal your beloved things again!

By the way, movie tickets, maybe this can be a souvenir for this movie that I can’t see!Then there are the photos.

Of course, the magic of silencing was cast on all of this.

The last one was his room. Andy clicked on the door frame, and it disappeared into the walls on both sides like Grimmauld No. 12.

But can the mother not know what the child is thinking?Don't brothers who grew up together see the differences between their siblings?

Maybe Andy has his own reasons, and we can't turn ourselves into his weakness.

And I will definitely come back.

Andy took a breath: "Everything is forgotten."

The whole world became quiet, and he slowly disappeared into the air.

Early the next morning, the Lawrence family began preparations in full swing. They were going on a trip!

Philip got up early and knocked on Wendy's door frantically, causing the little girl to yell early in the morning.

The prank was successful, he ran down the stairs with a bad smile and showed off the bacon, while his mother in front of the refrigerator was holding a package and asked: "Who bought the sausage? No one in our family likes to eat this."

"I bought it." Philips said subconsciously, and then he felt as if he had forgotten something: "Hey... maybe there is a discount in the supermarket?"

"There's no one to eat. It's such a waste." Mr. Lawrence put down the newspaper: "Hurry up and hurry up Wendy. We're going to set off after dinner."

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