Harry Potter: Man at Hogwarts but no wand

Chapter 107 Dumbledore’s Defense Against the Dark Arts Lesson 1

Sirius finally survived. Due to Acromantula and Andy's uncooperation and Professor Snape's travel, he lay in St. Mungo's Hospital for two weeks.

Nico Flamel didn't know what kind of ecstasy was poured into the Potions Master. He took a leave of absence from Professor Sprout, saying that he was going to travel for three months. This made Professor Flitwick very anxious - he was under a spell. Three professors of classes, Defense Against the Dark Arts, and Potions. You see, the bad side of the good guy is revealed at this time.

Fortunately, Dumbledore is back, and Professor Flitwick is relieved, but not completely relieved - he still has to continue teaching potions - the students are quite happy, it seems that Snape's popularity is really not very good. So done.

However, the school is still peaceful, and the number of dementors is not large. Under strict control, it has not had any substantial impact on students' lives. Therefore, everyone has great opinions on Professor Dumbledore's nonsense about lighting the heart lamp before. In that case, it would be better to file a lawsuit with the Ministry of Magic than just pour chicken soup.

But what will a Defense Against the Dark Arts class taught by the former headmaster look like?Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw students will be the first to experience it.

"Isn't it novel?" Dumbledore stood among the students. They were facing a shaking wardrobe, and something was banging around in it trying to escape: "You can guess what's in it." Dumbledore Professor Lido walked to the closet and stood still. The closet shook more violently and the floor thumped.

"It's a Boggart, Professor."

"Very well, Terry Butt." Dumbledore encouraged the little eagle kindly.

What?Boggart?Boggart again?Author, do you know how many fans write about Boggarts as soon as Defense Against the Dark Arts is released?Are you slacking off on the word count?In my previous life, I didn’t know how many plots of fan fiction I had written about this. Do you think you can fool me by changing your professor?

(Come on, come on, I’ll give you the pen, you can write it yourself, or else you tell Old Deng now that you can’t do it if he teaches you this!

——The author scolded)

Andy didn't dare to say anything and could only continue to listen.

"Boggart likes magical creatures in dark, closed spaces, and what does he look like specifically?" Dumbledore asked the young wizards again.

"The Boggart has no specific image to teach; it can take on any image that people fear deep inside."

"It couldn't be better said. Thank you, Miss Abbot." Dumbledore smiled again. He stroked his long beard and said to everyone in a loud voice: "This means that we must face our fears. Fight back Bo." The Boggart's spell is simple, but requires willpower. You know, what really scares away a Boggart is laughter. All you have to do is force it into an image that you think is ridiculous. Okay, follow me, but please Don’t use a magic wand – hilariously funny.”

"Funny!" Everyone chanted the curse loudly.

"very good."

"But professor, is there any practical use for us to learn this?" Hannah Alber timidly raised the soul question.

Are you wrong?

"The prerequisite for improving strength is to have a good psychological quality. Only when you are fearless in front of the enemy can you show your true strength, right, Hannah?" Dumbledore's blue eyes couldn't help but turn to Andy.

This time it really has nothing to do with me, Professor.

The little wizards were unconvinced.

"But Professor -" Terry Butt pushed up his glasses: "Facts show that only by accepting your own fears can you become stronger. Fear is a part of us. We don't need to resist it. Only by accepting the things we fear in our hearts can we be stronger in the battle. Really make rational judgments.”

"I think so too. Our Eagle Academy has studied Boggart before." Padma Patil: "It is not harmful. Even if you look directly at him and don't recite a spell, it will be fine. "

"Just like a Muggle amusement ride, a roller coaster, if it is safe, no matter how scary it is, there is nothing to be afraid of, so fear is not scary, what is scary is the substantial harm." Michael Corner concluded, he is a A wizard with black hair and black eyes.

Are all Ravenclaws that powerful?The academic attributes are full!

"You convinced me, nice speech, ten points from Ravenclaw." Dumbledore expressed appreciation for this novel statement, but Andy wanted to leave now.

"Besides, Andy even fought a basilisk and broke into the Forbidden Forest, and finally joined the Death Eaters and lied to a mysterious man without blinking an eye. Wasn't he still so frightened by Professor Snape that he cried and screamed? Professor Sprout took care of him." A blond Hufflepuff suddenly said, everyone laughed and looked back at Andy, who looked at him in disbelief.

"I knew it would be embarrassing to stand with you." Justin covered his face.

"Ernie, my friend, first of all, I have never messed with you at any time. Secondly, I have never messed with you at any time. Thirdly, I have never messed with you at any time. Are you polite?" Ann Dee really wanted to beat him, but was stopped by Terry: "Forget it Andy, I'm not trying to persuade you. In fact, you can't even beat Potter."

Everyone burst into laughter again, and the classroom was filled with a happy atmosphere.

"Everyone be quiet." Dumbledore was very calm: "Little wizards, what do you want to learn? The Patronus Charm, or defensive skills?"

"We want to know how you killed the basilisk, Professor. We want to learn offensive spells. Attack is the best defense, right Professor?"

"That's right, we have to protect ourselves!"

"Yes, Professor, please teach us!"

Dumbledore's expression turned serious. He felt that the thoughts of the students at Hogwarts were a little different.

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