"Qinglu, how can you treat a beautiful girl cook like this!"

Anyway, being idle is idle, so Li Ran simply played with Qinglu.

"Do you know how much damage each of your negations has done to my young heart?!"

"……Beautiful girl?"

Hearing her words, Qinglu stood up straight, and scanned her from beginning to end quite formally.

"That's right, I don't change my name when I'm in business, and I don't change my surname when I sit down, so does Li Ran, a beautiful girl cook!"

Facing his gaze, Li Ran subconsciously tucked in her stomach and raised her chest, sat up straight, and stood ready.

"You are short like a wax gourd, with no protruding front and rear, and a body like an airport."

"The hands and feet are not as long as two lotus roots, and there are swimming rings on the stomach."

"Barely speaking, it's a relatively small and cute face."

"It looks like a whole group of elementary school and junior high school students who are not fully developed. How can you be called a beautiful girl?"

"Xiaoran, to be a human being, you have to pay attention to your conscience~ No matter what, you can't make false propaganda! (???????)"

At this moment, Qinglu is full of disdain for her no matter in terms of expression, movement or tone.

She endured, she endured again and again, she couldn't bear it anymore.

"You're only a short winter melon, you're only an elementary school or junior high school student! My name is Lolita, can't I be a beautiful Lolita girl?!"

"What happened to the airport? I am proud of the airport, and I save cloth for the Union!"

"Besides, Qinglu, why don't you look at yourself!"

Li Ran's cheeks swelled into buns in anger.Sitting cross-legged with arms folded, he raised his head angrily and glared at Qinglu.

"You have a vicious tongue, you are also arrogant, and you are still a non-mainstream with a killer head! No wonder no one chases after you at your age."

"Look at Chi Hong Da Da, there may be more than one suitor!"

"How do you know? Could it be that you didn't sleep in the middle of the night and hid in the red room to eavesdrop?!"

Qinglu was very unconvinced when Li Ran said that he was not as good as Chihong.The volume was out of control and a little louder.

Chi Hong, who was sitting not far away watching them fight, almost couldn't control her expression when she heard this.

First of all I didn't mess with any of you, in fact I didn't mess with any of you, and in the end I didn't mess with any of you!

You two quarrel is a quarrel, what's the matter if you drag me into it?Don't hurt innocent people by mistake!

Walked up with a dark face, each of them clenched their fists and delivered a 'big package'.

"You two, give me enough time!"

However, both of them refused to admit defeat, "hummed", looked at each other, and turned their heads to one side.

Facing the quarrel between the two of them as children, they looked unconvinced after losing.Chi Hong, who was standing in the middle, felt a sharp pain in her head, and involuntarily raised her hand to rub her temples.

The dodo bird standing not far away saw this scene and refreshed his three views again.

Did I change, or did they change from green to red?Or has the world changed?

Is this world real or fake?Are they enemies?Or controlled by aliens?

If the world is fake, am I real or fake?

who I am?Am I still myself?cosmic...

The incomprehensible Long made Du fall into some kind of wonderful world, and even began to doubt himself.

"gingga, gingga~" The meal is ready, everyone come and eat~<( ̄︶ ̄)/

The aroma of food and Geng Gui's passionate call awakened Long Shidu who was addicted to his own world.

It also managed to get Qing Lu and Li Ran, who were still struggling, to put aside their previous suspicions and walk hand in hand towards the picnic cloth full of food.

For this reason, Chi Hong couldn't help exhaling a sigh of relief, followed behind them, and went together.

The essential charizard-level spicy curry rice, Huaxia's unique gourmet braised pork, steamed sea bass, and shredded chicken.

Western-style fast food cheese beef burger, French fries, pizza, special berry juice, delicious after-dinner snacks berry pudding, donuts, and mille-feuille cake.

Every time I eat the food made by Geng Gui, it is a double enjoyment of vision and taste for everyone.

"Woooooo...Mr. Geng Gui...Your cooking skills have improved a lot, and you are really taught by me!"

Li Ran was moved to tears, and he really didn't want Bilian's bragging mode.

"Come on, you, some such delicious food can't stop your mouth."

Qinglu rolled her eyes at her, picked up a piece of braised pork with chopsticks and stuffed it into her mouth in disgust.

"Eat more meat, although you can't grow taller, Xiaoran, you can grow fat~"

Li Ran was almost choked to death by his words, and coughed continuously as he hammered his chest, tears came out.

Chaomeng, who had been waiting for a long time, picked up her water glass one step at a time, handed it to her mouth, and patted her on the back.

"Xiaoran, take a sip of water quickly, Shun Yi Shun."

The obedient one drank several sips of water with the water glass Chaomeng held up, and swallowed what was stuck in the throat.

After resting for a few minutes, wiping away the choked tears, he raised his head again and looked at him with a smile on his face.

"If Qinglu can't speak, please donate your voice or mouth to those in need."

"What do you mean by not growing tall but only gaining weight?! I am obviously a few pounds thinner than before! (メ`ロ?)/"

Although Qinglu felt sorry in her heart, she refused to admit defeat, and wanted to be stubborn again, but was slapped on the head by Chihong again.

"Although it is true, no matter what, Xiao Ran is still a girl."

"That's not good, Qinglu, please apologize to Xiaoran."

Realizing her mistake, Qinglu quickly accepted the steps offered by Chihong and quickly apologized.

"Oh, I'm sorry about the plane (crossed out)...I'm sorry Xiaoran, I was wrong, I shouldn't say that about you."

Stretching out her hand to touch her head, Qinglu glanced at Chihong with a complicated expression.

The more I think about it, the more something is wrong. Why does it feel like I have been assimilated by Xiaoran, and now the position of the head of the family is Chi Hong? !

After listening to what Chi Hong said, and receiving Qing Lu's apology, Li Ran continued to keep a smile on his face.

"It's okay, I forgive you, Qinglu, after all, adults can't care about children."

Chi Hong, do you see that you are speaking human language?What is a fact? !And Qinglu, you must have meant to talk about the airport just now! !definitely is! ! ! (???Dish??)?????

If it wasn't that I couldn't beat you, today I will let you know what 'Bangbang Iron Fist from a Beautiful Girl' is!


After dinner, night fell, and the green and red began to clean up the dishes and pick up the trash skillfully.

Take Long Shidu, who is doing nothing as a guest, to play with the children (cross out) and chat with Li Ran.

Long Shidu walked over to her who was lying on the grass looking at the stars with a heavy face, and sat down with a rather complicated mood.

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