The kapok ball and the snowman Kabimon, who had been quietly eating mooncakes and watching the show, were dumbfounded, and rushed forward to rescue Li Ran.

What's the matter with this big bird?Doesn't it have its own trainer?Why are you so close to them?Want to grab their place? ! ┴┴︵╰(‵□′)╯︵┴┴

"Dabi Bird, you are going too far, pay attention that you are a male!"

Even Chaomeng rushed up with a strange expression on his face, and Li Ran and all the Pokémon rolled into a ball for a while.

Qinglu glanced at Chihong, and bumped his shoulder with his shoulder, "Do you feel that something is wrong, we shouldn't be here?"

Chi Hong nodded and returned Qing Lu's affirmative look, "That's right, we shouldn't be here, we should be under the car."


The next day, because they fought a little late yesterday, Li Ran and the others slept until noon before getting up. After washing up and having breakfast, they continued to head for Yuhong City.

Yuhong City is located in the central part of the Kanto region, second only to Jinhuang City in the east, and is one of the largest cities in the Kanto region. At the same time, the largest department store in the Kanto region and Yuhong University, a world-renowned university, are also established here.

After resting at the elf center for one night, Li Ran was dragged away by Qinglu and Chihong the next day, and came to the Yuhong gymnasium non-stop to challenge.

When he arrived at the gym, he was told that Li Jia, the owner of the gym, was teaching Pokémon flower arrangement, and the challenge could not be started until the class was over.

"Yes...well, that's a coincidence, we'll come back another day..."

As soon as she heard the word "flower arrangement", the green and red figures froze, turned around and pulled Li Ran to leave, but was blocked by a woman dressed as Nadeshiko Yamato.

"Since you're all here, green and red, don't be in a hurry to leave. I just want to see if your Pokémon flower arrangement skills have improved~"

", we didn't leave in a hurry, Li Jia, you must have read it wrong."

Green and Red stopped in their tracks, looking at Li Jia with a bitter expression on their face.Oh shit, I got caught anyway. t^t

With the attitude of wanting to die together, Qinglu pushed Li Ran towards Li Jia, "This child is Li Ran, we are traveling together, let her come too!"

"Of course it's okay. She is the Miss Xiaoran you mentioned before, so let's come together."

Li Jia smiled gently, holding red and green with her left hand, and Li Ran who hadn't figured out the situation with her right hand, and took them to the garden together.

"Pokemon flower arrangement is a new art form that uses flowers to decorate the body of Pokémon, so that Pokémon and flowers are integrated."

In the garden, Li Jia gently explained to them with scissors in one hand and flowers in the other.

"First choose the flowers you like, cut them appropriately, and then decorate them on your partner's Pokémon. This can... also cultivate the bond with your partner. Now you are free to choose flowers for decoration, and finally bring them to the classroom for me Enjoy it~”

"Father Qiao Douma, please wait for Miss Li Jia!"

Li Ran embarrassed Li Jia who was about to go to the classroom, and asked in a low voice: "Can I use more flowers? I have four Pokémon partners who want to try..."

Kapok Ball, Snowman Snorkel, Dabi Bird, Mewtwo: You are talking nonsense, we don’t have any!

"Ala?" Li Jia covered her mouth in surprise and looked around, "Miss Xiaoran, where is your other Pokémon partner?" She didn't see any other Pokémon here.

Li Ran felt it, walked behind Kabymon, grabbed the invisible Mewtwo, and brought it to Li Jia.

"That's it. This kid is a little shy and doesn't like being seen."

Chaomeng stared at her with a dark face, without saying a word.Xiaoran has become more and more presumptuous recently, how dare she treat her like this...

As soon as Chaomeng appeared, Li Jia was surprised again.Isn't this a red Pokémon?

But he quickly adjusted his expression, smiled and said warmly: "Of course it's no problem, you can use any flowers in the garden to decorate. I'm looking forward to your work, Miss Xiaoran~"

With approval, Li Ran happily began to choose flowers for the Pokémon.Regardless of their wishes, as long as you think it looks good, you can put it on them.

"The kapok ball is creamy yellow and it must be cute with white flowers~"

"The Snowman Snorby with its whole body in white is the most useless. Flowers of any color seem to be fine..."

"The brown feathers of the Dabi bird are too calm, so use light-colored flowers to add some liveliness~"

"Chao Mengda's skin is also white for nothing, but the breath is too cold, how about using brighter flowers to make it look hotter?"

She is happy, but kapok ball, carby beast, Dabi bird and Chaomeng are going to be depressed.

Flowers adorning their bodies or something... it just ruins their image!They just wanted to say to Li Ran not to get involved, but they couldn't refuse her requesting look, so they had to grit their teeth and accept it.


"It's been so long, Chihong, why don't you make any progress!"

"Do you see Pikachu's yellow flowers look good? It is yellow in itself, and these flowers can't set off Pikachu's cuteness at all!"

"And you are green, just put a flower on Jenny's glans and it's over, do you want to be so perfunctory?!"

Li Jia was so angry that they even ignored the image of Yamato Nadeko, and began to reprimand loudly with grief.

Qinglu and Chihong spread their hands, and Li Jia's words went in the left ear and out the right ear.

No way, they are really not interested in things like flower arrangements, and fighting is more suitable for them.

"Fortunately, Miss Xiaoran is not like you!" After seeing Li Ran's work, Li Jia's complexion finally became less ugly.

"Look at how the milky yellow kapok ball looks like a small cream cake against the milky white flowers, it's so cute~"

"Snowman Kirby and Mewtwo are also a little brighter against the brightly colored flowers, and Bi Diao is also much more lively set off by the light-colored flowers!"

With the blue, green and red as a foil, Li Jia is quite satisfied with Li Ran's works.He even gave her the gym badge and her special stinky flower perfume without even fighting.

Originally, the green, red and red were criticized, and Li Ran was happy to eat melons, but now she can't laugh anymore. Is the badge of the gymnasium in your Kanto area a souvenir? !

How can she get gym badges for everything she does?Badges for gymnasium competitions, badges for performances, and badges for flower arrangement...

Is there anyone else in charge? !Where is Miss Joy, who is in charge of inspecting the Gym Master, I want to complain!These gym masters are not qualified at all!

After bidding farewell to Li Jia and returning to the elf center, Li Ran looked at the badge on the bed and was worried.

She already has four badges now, and if she goes on like this, she is really likely to collect all the badges, and will be forced by the two big bosses, green, green and red, to play in the Quartz League competition...

No, absolutely not!No matter what the next gymnasium says, she won't fight anymore, and she won't even enter the gymnasium door. No one can stop her from living a rotten salted fish life!

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