Xiaoxia here looked dumbfounded. Usually, it was very difficult for her to get Koda Duck to use the [Mind Power] trick. Unexpectedly, Li Ran just said a few words, and it came to the door by itself.

As expected of Senior Qinglu, who is really discerning, who else can play the role of Queen of Atlantis besides Xiaoran?If someone else comes, she will be the first to refuse!

"Senior Qinglu, you are right. This role is indeed tailor-made for Xiaoran. No one else can perform that feeling except her!"

"Then she will be handed over to you temporarily, and I look forward to your performance tomorrow~(???????)"

Qinglu curled her lips into a smile, pulled Chihong and quietly left the Hualan Gym while Li Ran was not paying attention.

"Yes, Senior Qinglu, I will definitely take good care of Xiaoran, please rest assured!"

After solving the biggest problem at present, Xiaoxia regained her usual vitality, waved to Qinglu and the others' backs full of energy, and turned to walk towards Li Ran.

"Senior Xiaoran Qinglu recommended you to me. He thinks that the role of Queen of Atlantis is very suitable for you. After investigation, we also agree with what he said."

"So... please Xiaoran, time is running out, let's start the special training now!" After speaking, Xiaoxia grabbed Li Ran and walked to the stage where she was going to perform tomorrow.

Li Ran is stupid, she just visited the Hualan gymnasium. Is it wrong?She was sold out all of a sudden, she can't swim!Why do you do this to her?Qinglu, you are doing well, I remember you! (メ`ロ?)/


The time came to three o'clock in the afternoon on September 9th. At this time, the performance venue of Hualan Gymnasium was already full of people, including green and red.

"Is it really okay for you to sell Xiaoran like this?" Chi Hong was a little worried, and always had a bad feeling. After that, Qinglu should not have any peace.

"Ann, Ann~ What's wrong with asking her to learn one more skill, I'm helping her, maybe she can use this skill to make a living~(???????)"

Qinglu didn't take it seriously, Li Ran had tormented him for so long, so he was not allowed to take revenge? !

At 03:30 in the afternoon, the performance officially began.

"Do not--"

On the underwater stage, decorated with pearls and shell headdresses, with long fluttering hair, Xiaoxia, wearing a pink mermaid costume, yelled heartbreakingly at Li Ran, who was wearing a white palace costume and dressed up as a vicious female partner. lung.

"Sister, you can't treat me like this. It's an arranged marriage in what age. I already have a loved one. Please take it back!"

"Ai Er, you can't be so willful. As the most honorable little princess of Atlantis, you should also take responsibility. You must marry the son of the patriarch of the oriental mermaid clan! Come and take Princess Ai Er down to rest. "

Li Ran's face darkened, and he looked at Xiaoxia very seriously. With a wave of his hand, he summoned a water-type Pokémon to drag Xiaoxia down, and shut him back to his room.

Time flies, and Princess El, played by Xiaoxia, takes advantage of the visit of the mermaids to relax her defenses, and sneaks out of the palace to find the sea demon Jack played by the second sister Changpu.

"Jack, my dear Jack, I finally have a chance to come to you. My sister is going to marry me to the son of the head of the Merman Clan. I will leave soon, and my sister will come after me soon."

"My baby, you are frightened. Don't worry, I know a very good hiding place, and only I know it. Let's go there together, live happily together, and never be separated~"

Jack exaggeratedly hugged Al who ran over to look for him in a panic, and led her to a very dark cave.

"Jack...it's so dark and gloomy here, I'm a little scared..." Xiaoxia shivered in her arms.

"Don't be afraid my little princess, you won't feel this way soon~"

Calamus smiled maliciously, and suddenly a dagger appeared in his hand and stabbed Xiaoxia.

Xiaoxia tried her best to avoid it, but she was stabbed in the arm, she fell to the ground clutching her arm, and questioned Acorus with tears streaming down her face.

"Jack, why are you doing this to me? I even disobeyed my sister for you!"

"Hehe...of course it's because I need your heart~ The heart of a mermaid princess is the best material for potion, come on~ my little Princess El, stop struggling, give up resistance, and become my material~"

Calamus smiled wildly while holding the dagger, and walked towards the fallen Xiaoxia step by step. Just when Xiaoxia was about to be stabbed in the heart, a guard team composed of water-type Pokémon surrounded her.

"Jack, you are surrounded, put down your weapons, and stay away from my sister!" Li Ran commanded a group of water-type Pokémon to attack Calamus.

On this side, Qingyin, the son of the patriarch of the Merman clan played by Sakura, also walked up to Xiaoxia, and gently bandaged her wound.

"Princess Al, are you okay? If you... really don't want to marry me, then please don't worry. After this matter is over, I will divorce Her Majesty the Queen."

Sakura's tone was very low, which made Xiaoxia feel very embarrassed. After a moment of silence, she lowered her head and muttered: "Don't divorce, I didn't mean that. As the princess of Atlantis, I will take responsibility..."

Soon, the Queen of Atlantis, played by Li Ran, commanded a complete victory for the water-type Pokémon army. The devil Jack, played by Chang Pu, retreated steadily and was imprisoned in the submarine prison forever. Princess El and the son of the patriarch Qingyin played by Sakura are also happily together.


"Xiaoran thank you so much! The performance was very successful, without you, I really don't know what to do this time..."

Xiaoxia was very grateful for Li Ran's help this time, and shook her arm excitedly to express her excitement.

"That's right, maybe Xiaoran is very talented in acting~ Would you like to stay in Hualan gymnasium and continue to perform with us?" The three cherry blossom sisters extended an invitation to Li Ran with great interest.

"You're welcome, you're welcome. Stay here and continue performing... just let me go, I almost lost my life this time, I don't want to do it again!"

Li Ran smiled wryly. She couldn't swim in the first place, and she had to perform underwater, which almost suffocated her to death.Well done, don't call her that next time!

"It's true that you performed well this time, keep working hard~" Qinglu and Chihong sneaked into the background from nowhere, gloating and making fun of her.

"Thank you for your compliments from Qinglu and Chihong. I will continue to work hard!" Li Ran gritted his teeth, and gave the two people a hard look. Sooner or later, they will have to experience it too!

"Since you don't want to do this, Xiaoran, we can't force you to do more, but you must accept this!"

As she said that, Xiaoxia took out a blue badge and stuffed it into her arms, "You just happened to have a gymnasium competition before, and I recognize your strength, so you don't need to fight, you deserve it."

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