I'm bad, I won the championship by relying on Pokémon

Chapter 356 Dragon Messenger VS Kaluni

Seeing their "unexperienced" looks, Li Ran tried his best to suppress the corners of his mouth that were harder to suppress than an AK47, pretended to shake his head, and pretended to be calm before speaking.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"Look what you are like now? Is this ridiculous? It's simply unseemly!"

"It's almost one o'clock, quickly wipe the marks on the corners of your mouth!"

"This look..."

"We can't let the viewers in the live broadcast room see it!"

"Otherwise, it will be difficult to set up traps later..."

"Ah, no—"

"It's going to be hard to persuade after that~"

Hearing her "meaningful" words, the "Team Rockets" quickly woke up from their stupidity.

Guiltily, I glanced at the live broadcast and found that the camera was still focused on the competition venue. The stadium was still bustling with cheers because of the recent victory.

Their actions and words just now were not seen or heard by the audience in the live broadcast room, so the 'foursome' quietly let out a sigh of relief.

Feeling relieved, he raised four fingers on his right hand/right paw, raised it to his forehead and repeatedly assured: "Yes, yes, we were careless, there will never be a next time!"

Seeing this, Li Ran nodded with satisfaction.

He leaned over and rubbed the heads of Miao Miao and Guoran Weng, then stood on tiptoes and tried to straighten his arms, gently patted Musashi and Kojiro's heads, and finally continued to speak after trying to 'pretend to be adults'.

"Since it's your first offense and the audience friends don't know about it, you won't be punished this time."

"But you have to remember this time, you have to think ahead when speaking in front of the public. The 'food and clothing parents' cannot offend Ang~"

Musashi, Kojiro, Miaomiao and Guoranweng didn't reply this time. They just looked at each other and exchanged a few glances, and they all showed indescribable smiles.

Although Miss Xiaoran is very powerful, in some aspects...


Still a child~(???????)

Watching the two Pokémon getting serious, Li Ran smiled strangely after a few minutes, and Li Ran was filled with black questions.

I glanced at them silently for a few times, but I really couldn't stand it anymore, so I simply turned around and returned my gaze to the playing field without being bothered.

At this time, the players on the playing field had changed from Dan Di and Ai Lan to A'Du and Karuni, and they were exchanging spicy words (crossed out) to greet each other.

Long Zhidu waved his left hand outward, flicked his cloak and shouted loudly: "The time has come!"

"Trainers from the Kanto region and trainers from the Chengdu region, please witness my battle!"

After the words fell, he turned his left hand again, pointed his index finger towards the beauty's shadow, and spoke domineeringly.


"As a dragon-type Pokémon user, let's have a worthy battle with my dragon army!"

As the league champion of the Kalos region, Karuni naturally has her own pride. Now that she was provoked like this, she immediately responded with full aura and confidence.

"As you said, the only things that connect us are Pokémon and battle."

"I am standing here with the dreams and expectations of Trainer Carlos on my back."

As she spoke, she raised her right hand and pointed back not to be outdone.

"Mr. A'Du, how much glory can you and your Pokémon allow people to see? I'm looking forward to it!"

Hearing this, Long Shidu curled up his lips and said directly: "Then... let's start now!"

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