I'm bad, I won the championship by relying on Pokémon

Chapter 3 This Geng Gui is super powerful

Geng Gui's body was full of cursed energy, and a biting cold numbness hit her, and Li Ran couldn't help shivering.

"Mr. Geng Gui?" He couldn't help reminding it in a low voice.

Only then did Geng Gui come back to his senses, stay away from Li Ran, and then condense into a solid body.Then he continued to approach her, and Xiaopang took her hand actively.

After all, it has already promised to be Xiaoran's Pokémon, even if there is an element of deception, it is indeed her that hit her.

As an excellent gentleman, Mr. Geng Gui, it should be responsible for what it has done!It's not because Xiaoran's breath is very attractive to it o(?^`)o.

This time, standing side by side with Geng Gui, Li Ran, no matter how thick his nerves are, felt that something was wrong. This Geng Gui was actually a circle bigger than the average Geng Gui. The average height of Geng Gui is only about 1.5 meters. , this one of hers is actually about the same height as her!

Li Ran who is only 1.55m is a little jealous, she will never admit that Geng Gui is half a head taller than her!He asked it a question in a sour manner.

"Mr. Geng Gui, how did you manage to be bigger than the ordinary Geng Gui?"

Geng Gui thought that Li Ran was praising it, so he stretched out his chubby paws and scratched his head in embarrassment, and said shyly: "gingga, ginggingga~" Hehe... Actually, there are not many, compared to my father It's still far away, maybe I can eat better? (????w????)?.

Three meals in the morning, lunch and dinner plus afternoon tea and supper, five meals a day, Li Ran, who only grew flesh but not stature, had ruthless lemons.The lemon fruit on the lemon tree, there is only me under the lemon tree, I am not sour, really!The teasing and teasing continued to ask about it.

"Mr. Geng Gui is so tall, he must be very powerful, right? Unlike me, who is weak, pitiful and helpless, a mere shadow ball can kill half your life~"

Geng Gui didn't hear anything wrong in his tone at all, it was only because Li Ran mentioned the shadow ball again that it made him feel a little more guilty.

He secretly vowed to protect her well in the future, and to tailor a plan for Xiaoran to strengthen his body. After all, Li Ran's physical fitness is really not very good.

"gingga, ging (●─●). Actually, it's not very strong. When I tested it in the clan, it seemed that I had just reached the overlord level. It was far behind my father. I still need to work harder!

Very good, Li Ran doesn't have lemons.Picking up a Pokémon equivalent to the main force of the gym for nothing, who will not wake up with a smile?And he's the stupid son of a landlord!

When the intimacy level is raised a little higher, then trick it into revealing the location of its family, and go to rob...ah no—it's going home to visit relatives~

He happily took his Pokémon out, and went to the official designated trainer center of the Huaxia Alliance to reapply for the elf-carrying qualification certificate and take a test for the novice-level trainer qualification certificate.

It's not that Li Ran wants to bully people. The main reason is that the major is not the elf battle department. Ordinary people have to start from the novice level.Li Ran said that she doesn't want Mr. Geng Gui to beat the baby, but unfortunately there is no way~( ̄▼ ̄)~

The ten levels of this world trainer, arranged in order from small to large, are: novice level, ordinary level, elite level, gym master level, quasi-king level, king level, quasi-champion level, alliance champion level, world alliance champion level and According to legend, only two people have reached the battle legend level.


But apart from these nine levels, there are still a few people who know that there are full-level Pokémon in this world, that is, the legendary creation god Arceus, but most Pokémon are limited by aptitude and resources. I can't reach level 100 in this life, and even if I reach it, there is still a big distance from the legendary first-level beasts.

"Ms. Li, your Pokémon data has been released, please go to window No. 3 to get it. Ms. Li, your..."

Fortunately, today is July 7th, the traditional Valentine's Day of the Huaxia League. Most of the trainers have gone on a date, and the traffic in the Dragon City Trainer Center is pitifully small.

Only the employees on duty of the big grudges, and a few unmarried singles, such as Li Ran, would come to the training center on such days.

After receiving Geng Gui's data report at window 3, Li Ran took Geng Gui to the trainer's examination room while reading it.


Pokémon qualifications in this world are divided into five levels, represented by colors: white (normal), green (good), blue (excellent), purple (excellent), and orange (perfect).

The higher the aptitude, the easier it is to break through the level. Of course, if you are rich enough, it is not impossible to use a lot of resources to pile up Pokémon with ordinary aptitude to perfect aptitude, or even to level 100.

There are only four skills that Pokémon can use and master like in the game. In this world, as long as your Pokémon can learn, you can master and use all the skills that can be learned.It's just that Pokémon will forget the skills that are not used frequently, and if they want to use them again, they have to learn them again.

Looking at the outrageously strong aptitude level in front of her, four hereditary moves and a long list of mastered moves, Li Ran couldn't help but want to say the ancestral greetings of the Huaxia Alliance, but was stopped by Mr. Geng Gui who saw her intentions.

"Turtle... you are indeed a ghost of a big family! Mr. Geng Gui, you are usually a real gentleman, but when fighting, the skills you master are really 'clean'!?(?_??)"

What else can Mr. Geng Gui say? All of this must start from the precepts and deeds of his "just and awe-inspiring" patriarch father.

After all, it relied on this to counterattack from the poor boy Guisi all the way to Geng Gui, and finally defeated his mother's childhood sweetheart. Geng Gui, the strongest young generation in the clan, became the patriarch by eating soft food~

Of course, I still have strength, after all, I have been the team leader for about a hundred years, but I still can't change my dirty habits.

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