After the rebirth, the boss mommy's vest fell off

Chapter 95 Pregnant women are more beautiful

Hearing this, Liu Man's expression became even uglier.

She didn't expect that Shen Zhiyi would make her unable to step down in front of so many people.

Many of the guests around were Mrs. Fu whom she knew in the circle, and they all looked at her in whispers now, as if they were watching her joke.

Liuman's face turned green and pale, but she didn't dare to refute, so she just sighed and said: "Look at what you said, Jiaojiao is my daughter, and so are you, you are all mother's favorite treasures, no matter what mother It treats you and Jiaojiao equally."

What a "equal treatment"...

Shen Zhiyi almost laughed out loud.

In the Shen family, who doesn't know that Shen Jiaojiao is Liu Man's treasure?

When Shen Jiaojiao didn't come back, she didn't like her.

Later when Shen Jiaojiao came back, she was treated as a piece of dispensable air.

All the delicious and fun things belong to Shen Jiaojiao alone.

Whenever Shen Zhiyi felt uncomfortable, Liu Man would tell her that Shen Jiaojiao deserved all the hardships she suffered outside.

At this time, Shen Zhiyi didn't dare to speak no matter how many complaints she had.

She knew that she was not qualified.

Shen Jiaojiao is the biological daughter of Shen Yuanshan and Liu Man.

And she was just a wild girl who was accidentally hugged wrong.

The couple almost pointed at her nose and said that she took away Shen Jiaojiao's life.

"I never ask you to treat me equally, but please don't treat me as a fool. You are kind to me when you need me, and kick me away when you don't need me. It's boring." Shen Zhiyi's attitude was cold, with no warmth in his expression.

She knew that Shen Yuanshan and Liu Man suddenly flattered her so much, probably because of Shen Jiaojiao.

But do they know how that femme fatale woman treated her in her previous life?

Even the lives of Yang Yang and Nuan Nuan were buried in her hands!

"Ayi, what you say is so chilling! At the beginning, you were obviously obsessed and insisted on being ambiguous with Fang Zhuo. Now you can see that the Fang family is on the verge of bankruptcy, and Fang Zhuo can't take care of himself. If you don't We, can you rein in the precipice and live such a good life?"

"Husband..." Liu Man tugged at the corner of Shen Yuanshan's clothes, signaling him to say less.

Today is not what it used to be.

Today's Shen Zhiyi is backed by Yan Chenfeng.

It wouldn't do them any good to piss her off.

"I said this to tell you that Mom and Dad didn't treat you as an outsider. You should take care of Jiaojiao more in the future. She is your younger sister, and now she is getting closer and closer. The relationship is too stiff. I don't like you. It's no good."

"Mr. Shen finally spoke out what was in his heart?" Shen Zhiyi sneered, "Don't worry, if people don't offend me, I won't offend others. If she doesn't do anything wrong, I won't trouble her."

Shen Yuanshan's face turned blue from being teased by Shen Zhiyi, but he still smiled stiffly: "Ayi, come here, Dad has something to say to you alone."

Shen Zhiyi didn't know what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd.

But still walked aside with him.

Shen Yuanshan took out a contract from his briefcase and handed it to her: "This is the land in Tanlushan you wanted, and Dad got it for you, but you have to promise Dad two things when you get the land."

Shen Zhiyi: "Tell me."

Seeing that she let go, Shen Yuanshan immediately regained confidence.

"First, Jiaojiao will be your sister-in-law from now on, you have to treat her better, and don't bring your previous grievances to the new environment."


"A Yu is not having a good time these days, take a look, is there any way to make him come out earlier?"

Sure enough, it was for his two children again.

Shen Zhiyi evoked a cold smile, "Mr. Shen doesn't think that a piece of land can get rid of me, does he?"

Shen Yuanshan's expression froze, "How can this be dismissed! It's not like you don't know how valuable the land in Tanlushan is. If Dad didn't really love you, why would he try to buy it for you?"

"What's more, Shen's profit has not been good recently. I bought this land behind your mother's back. If he finds out, he will definitely trouble me."

What Shen Yuanshan said was the truth.

About the land, he mentioned it to Liuman.

Liu Man got very angry with him at that time, saying that Shen Zhiyi is a white-eyed wolf who can only get in and out, and told him to take everything out.

But Shen Yuanshan is sober, knowing that there will be useful places to focus on in the future, so he gritted his teeth and took the land behind Liu Man's back.

"It seems that Mr. Shen is willing to spare for Shen Jiaojiao and Shen Yu." Shen Zhiyi looked at the content of the contract, and the corner of his mouth slightly raised.

There are plenty of water sources around Honolulu, perfect for setting up a hacking station.

Since Shen Yuanshan gave her the land, she has no reason not to want it.

"The two requests you raised, I will consider them." Shen Zhiyi accepted the contract, "But it's still the same, I won't be offended if people don't offend me, please tell Shen Jiaojiao when you go back, and let her stay away Since you are married to Yan Qiping, you should live a good life and set a good example for the children in your belly."


At this moment, in the dressing room.

A few bridesmaids were helping Shen Jiaojiao with her hair.

"Jiaojiao, you are so beautiful today."

"Jiaojiao is pregnant now. It is said that pregnant women will become more beautiful. It seems to be true."

"You are so envious, why don't you also get pregnant with one?"

"I don't even have a boyfriend, where can I get pregnant!"

A few girls chattered and laughed like silver bells.

The bridesmaids that Shen Jiaojiao invited were all her high school classmates, and they all knew Shen Zhiyi.

When she was in school, Shen Zhiyi had no friends because of her cold personality, so Shen Jiaojiao took them to isolate her and speak ill of her behind her back.

"I saw Shen Zhiyi just now. She is quite beautifully dressed today. I don't know, I thought she was the bride."

"When she was in school, she liked to be special, and everyone went out to play when they were resting. She was holding a laptop in the garden and pretending to be masculine. I don't know who to pretend to be."

"A scheming girl is a scheming girl. It hasn't changed for many years. Now that Jiaojiao is married, she also wants to show off. It's really disgusting."

Listening to the complaints from the sisters, Shen Jiaojiao was very happy, but she still pretended to be good and said: "Don't talk about her, she does have that capital, she was the school belle when she was in school, so many people chased her, Naturally, I will be a little proud."

"What kind of school belle? She is far behind you! Jiaojiao, you are just too humble. In fact, many boys liked you more when you were in school. It was only because Shen Zhiyi was not easy to chase and wanted to challenge the difficulty, so she went after her... ..."

While speaking, Shen Jiaojiao's cell phone rang.

Seeing the familiar phone number, Shen Jiaojiao frowned, and her face instantly became very ugly.

This guy, why is his ghost still lingering!

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