Original God Traveler in Marvel

Chapter 92 Keli likes it

【Attachment to Drake is Riot. Riot is what you call the team leader. He can conjure up an arsenal of weapons. 】

Venom read Eddie's memories of these hours in his body, and it recognized its kind.

"That riot wants to take over Earth with Drake's rocket transport symbiote."

Eddie repeated Venom's words, he was eager to get the help of these friends who came to save him.

Whether it's two adults or a few kids, Eddie found that he might not be able to beat any of these people if he was alone.

Oh, there seems to be one, provided that this little girl named Paimon doesn't fly into the sky.

These people standing in front of him each possess unique skills. Since the riot in Venom's mouth is so strong, he must find some helpers.

"That symbiote from Drake is strong, and this fight is going to be brutal."

"Is that so?"

Lin Ze didn't think it was difficult. He just wanted to complain about the disasters and disasters on the earth. Is it a KPI that alien villains must complete to occupy the earth?If you are a villain, you want to occupy the earth. The Chitauri invasion is not long past.

"Eddie, tell us the truth, what is the weakness of the symbiote?"

From the previous grand occasion when Venom challenged the six of them, Lin Ze found that this symbiote seemed to be particularly afraid of the attacks of characters with the eyes of the fire god, but it was more comfortable with the attacks of the characters with the eyes of the water god and the eyes of the ice god .

So before going to Riot, he must ask one thing clearly, that is, what are the characteristics of the symbiosis, and what kind of attack is lethal to the symbiosis.

[Tell them Eddie. 】

Venom clearly knows that if they want to stop the riots, their strength alone is still a little weak. Now that they have made up their minds to stay on the earth, they will gain the trust of these superpowers by properly exposing their weaknesses.

"They are afraid of fire, and the sound of four thousand to six thousand hertz can kill them."

"Sure enough." Lin Ze clapped his hands together: "The voice can't be resolved for the time being, but if it's too hot..."

He showed a winning expression, patted Eddie who was anxious, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, we promise that there will be no residue left from the riot."

Venom: [I have a deep understanding of this, when they fight, we must stay far away. 】

Eddie: Mmmmmmm. (nodding wildly)


"This time is not a simulated flight, this time is a real flight."

"However, the flight team is not ready yet."

Drake came to the spaceship launch center control test bench, and he asked his employees and experimenters to start the spaceship flight program.

"No flight team is needed, this time I will fly the spaceship!"

He watched the real-time picture of the spacecraft on the big screen, and ordered the experimenter to stop the test and start the launch procedure directly.

[5 minutes countdown to rocket launch]

[automated process started]


In order to cut off any possibility of preventing the launch of the spacecraft, after pressing the launch start button, the riot came out. It killed all directions on the center console and turned the entire area into a hell on earth.

The experimenters ran away screaming, but were killed by rioting attacks.

[launch countdown 4 minutes 30 seconds]

After confirming that there is no room for return of the rocket launch, Riot turned his hands into two giant scythes, cutting off all the controllers and computers in the center console.

After doing all this, it screamed, smashed the glass windows, and jumped out of the experimental building of the Life Foundation, and not far from the building was the rocket that was launched into space a few minutes later.

【oh!God, you're sure we can handle that guy, right... right? 】

Eddie, who was on the hillside, quietly asked the venom that wrapped his body. He needed some emotional stimulation. The ferocity of this riot is several levels higher than the venom. This is really an existence that several of them can resist. ?


Venom said firmly that it saw the tyrannical monster running wildly on the ground and flying towards the rocket, and they had to take action quickly.

"Ke Li, your task later is to throw away all the bouncing bombs in your backpack. Have you seen that black, gray, and reddish monster?" Lin Ze pointed at the riot: "Just head towards it. Hit it!"

Hearing Lin Ze's words, the little girl's eyes lit up: "Hmph~ Don't worry, Brother Honor Knight, Keli brought all the bouncy bombs today, and they are all waterproof."

Keli patted her backpack with pride.

Hearing this, Lin Ze showed a satisfied smile:

Well, the thing about saving the world is settled.

[4 minutes left]

[begins reading orbiter configuration file]

Riot stretched its limbs, its powerful claws broke through the railing along the path, it ran fast, and soon approached the rocket's position.

This rocket launch platform is a huge circular platform made of a large amount of aluminum alloy and wood, and a large number of protective measures are installed on the platform.

Riot jumped onto the platform, stepped on the steel plate with one foot, and shook the platform endlessly.


There was a loud noise, and the platform shook violently.

Riot turned around and saw Venom, and it spoke hastily:

"Venom, follow me!"

For the compatriots of Venom, Riot is not so much an invitation, it should be more accurate to order. On the planet where they live, Venom is just a loser. As a more powerful symbiosis, Riot has the right to order Venom to leave with it.

"No, I won't let you destroy this world." Looking at the violent shaking of the platform, Venom said firmly

"Then go die!!"

The gray-black liquid in Riot's right hand flowed and condensed into a big meteor hammer, the kind with thorns.


The moment he saw it clearly, Venom's big eyes turned blue.

Riot flew towards Venom with a flying hammer in his right hand, a knife in his left hand, and started fighting this compatriot with both hands.

With a bang, the flying meteor hammer easily smashed the platform into a big hole, and the sharp blade whizzed past Venom's head.

【Oh my God! 】Eddie was almost scared to pee in it.

"I told you earlier."

Venom quickly condensed a round shield to resist the riot's attack a little bit, but under the disparity in power, he had no chance to attack at all and could only defend passively.

【I go!Have they arrived yet! 】

Venom dodged a blow and retreated all the way: "Here we come."

"Cracker, breathe fire!!"

Riot grabbed Venom and slammed Venom into the platform, hammering frantically to vent the anger in his heart.

Suddenly the sky will be one thing.

"La la la~"

The crispy rice happened to land on the melon whose venom had been flattened, and it held the chili pepper and aimed it at the riot and sprayed it.

Intense flames rose up, causing the air to boil.

Riot felt the danger, so he quickly stopped and wanted to leave here.

Xiangling raised the gun and fought with it, and the rapid and intensive marksmanship forced the riot into a corner.

The turbulent fire was too powerful, there was no room for him to dodge, and the flames rushed to its body in an instant.


The flames engulfed the riot, and the scorching temperature made the riot unable to bear the screams.

But it's not over yet.

"Desolate Star!"

The huge rock element product stood on the side of the steel frame of the launch pad, creating an excellent high point for Keli to attack.

"Hey, Keli is here."

The girl kept pulling out different types of Bengbeng sparks from the backpack, some made a special trip to fry fish, there were powerful and enhanced types that did not fry fish, and there were all kinds of new Bengbeng products, screaming all over the place. Riot smashed away.

"Bounce bomb!"


"Boom sparks!"

"with full force!"

All of a sudden, countless fireballs and shrapnel flew, and the entire platform turned into a blasting hell. The bombs blasted Riot's torso riddled with holes, making it almost impossible to freeze.

Keli was very excited, watching the explosion sound below, her little face was full of smiles, and the joyful laughter resounded through the sky.


"Ke Li, everything——can be blown up!"

The flames of the explosion illuminated the entire experimental base.

Flames and smoke obscured everyone's sight.

Venom, which quietly climbed to the high point, watched everything silently.

Lin Ze was so concerned about making full use of Keli's firepower, but forgot that her destructive power was enough to change the terrain. The originally stable launch pad became more and more dilapidated under Keli's efforts, and finally at a certain moment the platform couldn't bear it. To live the weight of the rocket, varying degrees began to collapse.


Ke Li tilted her body, didn't pay attention to her feet, and fell directly from the edge of Desolate Star, and even the remaining unfinished bombs fell into the sea of ​​flames.

boom! !

A giant fire mushroom soared into the sky!

The closest venom reacted the fastest. When Lin Ze had just stretched out his hand, it jumped from a height, passed through the fire regardless of the scorching temperature, and swung Keli onto a relatively safe steel frame. .

"Hey, thank you, Xiao Hei."

Keli was hanging on Venom's big black arm, looking at it with a smile on her face, and the ugly appearance of Venom became especially cute and cute in Keli's eyes at this time.

She pressed her soft cheek to Venom's arm, and whispered a secret to it:

"Brother Hei is a good man, Keli likes you."

The venom smiled shyly at the girl, the 'reversing all beings' smile made it show one, two, three, four, five... more than 20 big white teeth!

"You're welcome."

Well, the feeling of being praised by human cubs...isn't bad.

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