Original God Traveler in Marvel

Chapter 61 He's Really a Genius

Inexplicably, under the eyes of Steve and Tony, Thor just tore Rocky off his seat. He grabbed the back of Rocky's neck and dragged his lost brother out of the plane with a 'swish'.

It was a good move to snatch the male locker, and Thor used the cloud and water smoothly. Before everyone could react, the figures of these two people had disappeared in the cabin.

"Great, here comes another mess."

Tony put his mask back on and jumped off the plane.

Steve originally wanted to discuss the battle plan with Tony, but he didn't expect that the other party turned out to be a man of action, not at all the same as his father Howard, which made him a little helpless.

He opened the parachute bag and put the parachute on his back. With the parachute, Steve also flew down.


Bennett looked around, but there was no one around.

He took a tentative step and moved towards the open door of the aircraft cabin.

He knows that Thor is going crazy, he looks like a bull with lumpy flesh, can Captain America and Iron Man control this ultimate brother-in-law?

This has to be a question mark. Nite is really disturbed to stay on the plane for work. Since he has promised Nick Fury to help, he can't sit and act as a mascot the whole time.

As he thought so, he had already reached the door.

"Kid, are you sure you want to do this?"

The boy was taken aback, and turned his head to look over. Natasha sat in the driver's seat, turned her head and curled her mouth, and looked at Bennett with a smile, as if she was teasing a kitten.

"At that time, you will be spanked."

Bennett heard and understood that Natasha was just teasing him and not trying to stop him, and he immediately seemed to have taken a reassurance.

"Don't worry Natasha, I'm leaving."

After all, he speeded up and rushed out towards the open door.

The sky outside was thundering and lightning, but fortunately the wind was not very strong, so he spread his wings of wind in mid-air and began to glide.

Halfway through the slide, lightning flashed in the bushes in the mountains in front of me, and there were rumbling explosions from time to time, accompanied by rising flames and smoke.

These three are pretty intense.

Bennett took a look, who is watching the excitement?

Ah~ It turned out to be Loki.

I saw him sitting on the hillside in a leisurely manner, with his legs crossed, his cheek resting on one hand, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked like a fool.


The three big men fought to the death for him to go or stay, but this guy is still in the mood to sit on the top of the mountain and enjoy the scenery.

Bennett was very angry, but also very puzzled.

At this time, there were no guards around Loki at all. He had no restraints on his hands and no shackles on his feet. Why didn't he run away?

Why did you suddenly become so calm?

He put away the wings of the wind, and ran a few steps on the hillside to buffer, at this moment, Loki suddenly turned his head,

Bennett immediately tilted his feet in fright, and took out his sword vigilantly and pointed it at him.

Loki laughed out loud when he saw Bennett's movements, stood up with one hand on his knee, and walked slowly towards him step by step.

"relax ~ relax, look at them, how rude and ignorant, children, your team is a mess."

"Don't be so nervous, I mean no harm, really."

Loki's face straightened, and he looked at Bennett with a smirk.

"I'm Loki, you should have heard it."

Bennett nodded.

Loki pretended to stand in front of Bennett, looked at him condescendingly, and said to him in an extremely contemptuous tone: "What a sad human being, even the suckling cubs are sent out to deal with me. Should I be honored by this?"


Bennett puffed up his cheeks with anger, and just as he was about to draw his sword, he felt a cold touch on his neck.

He lowered his head and saw a sharp dagger resting on his neck.

The owner of the knife was Loki, who pressed the dagger against his neck and threatened him not to move.

! !

Bennett startled, Loki' Ha! ' with a laugh, and suddenly disappeared.

It turned out that the Loki who had been talking to him just now was just his phantom. The real body had already detoured behind Bennett. Just now he suddenly attacked with his left arm around Bennett's waist, and took out a dagger with his right hand and put it on the boy's neck. .

Loki pressed his chin against the side of Bennett's head, and whispered hoarsely in his ear:

"do not move."

"I just need to touch it lightly, and you will die, do you believe it?"

"Hey, I believe you ghost!"

Bennett grabbed the knife of the dagger with his left hand and lifted it up sharply, and elbowed back with his right arm. While Loki was dodging, he pushed him hard.


After a muffled sound, Loki's body was thrown to the ground, and Loki's eyes widened in disbelief.


He got up from the ground in embarrassment, raised his hand and threw the knife towards Bennett.

Bennett dodged, narrowly avoiding the attack of the knife, and immediately raised his sword to strike.

The flames spread along the sword body, emitting a dazzling red light in the dark night.


His arms trembled, and a stream of heat rushed up along the blade.

"Burn it up!"

Loki's eyes turned cold. It seemed that he underestimated the boy. Under Bennett's attack, he had to take out his knife and start to resist.

The magic he casts is just a display on these people.


Each of these barbarians liked to attack him face to face, Loki gritted his teeth, while retreating while resisting the sharp sword swung in front of him.

He was very depressed: I am a mage, not a warrior.

Loki looked aggrieved. What he didn't expect was that he couldn't even beat a half-grown child.

Wielding the knife continuously, the blade drew traces in the air.


At this moment, Bennett suddenly shouted violently.

With a flick of the wrist, the long sword drew a beautiful circular arc.


Loki's pupils instantly shrank several times, and his knife was thrown flying.

When he looked up, Bennett's sword was already on his neck, and the distance between the tip of the sword and his throat was only an inch.

"do not move."

"I just need to touch it lightly, and you will die, do you believe it?"

Bennett snorted, and triumphantly raised his hand to wipe the tip of his nose, which was a subconscious action when he was happy.


Loki choked, almost vomiting blood in anger.

Here are my lines!

Bennett didn't know what his defeated opponent was thinking now, suppressing Rocky, he just wanted to quickly call his teammates to leave, he looked down the hillside, but he didn't expect a bang.

I saw Thor summoning thunder and lightning, and smashed Tony directly into the hillside where Bennett was standing with a hammer.

Steel oppressed the mountain wall, and many cracks appeared on the fragile hillside. Bennett, who was blinded by lightning, burst into the "fragrance" of dust in his nostrils, and immediately there was nothing under his feet.


In a panic, he grabbed the clothes of the person next to him and grabbed them in his hand.

Loki, baring his big teeth and gloating:? !

"You... ouch!"


Dizzy, Bennett was caught in the billowing dust cloud, and the bumps along the way made his stomach acid.

During the fall, he still had a sense of crisis, thinking that Rocky's stronger physique must be stronger than him, so Bennett always pulled the opponent's clothes to press him under his body as a backing.

How could Loki let Bennett succeed? After he realized this, he also grabbed the boy's leather jacket and turned around, trying to become the one on top.

The two of them entangled in this way from the hillside all the way to the north, rolling down mellowly mixed with mud and grass clippings.

Sometimes he's up, sometimes he's down.

Rolling to the end without giving in to each other.

"Ha ha!"

Rocky, who relied on physical strength, finally occupied the commanding heights. He sat on Bennett's stomach, put a knife against the boy's head and laughed loudly: "It's up to you."


Seeing this scene, Steve felt a wreck...ah no, a shield hit Loki on the back of the head.

The smashed Loki flew out sullenly.

Thor immediately felt distressed. He held up the hammer and stared at Steve angrily, and shouted loudly:

"You dare to hit my brother? I have never hit my brother..."

Loki covered the back of his head and looked over: Do you have the guts to say it again?Have you ever played?

Thor paused after receiving the look: "Uh..... I've never been hit so hard."

Rocky: "..."

After all, Thor raised the hammer in his hand.

Here Tony just dug himself out of the soil, and when he saw the child on the ground in a mess, he exploded in an instant.

"Who beat you up like this?"

Bennett was taken aback, and looked at Thor's hammer involuntarily.

'Boom! '

Such a big Thor, at least thousands of years old, still hits children. How can this be tolerated? Tony no longer fires cannonballs or ray.

He swung his fist and hit it.

In an instant, the dispute broke out again, and the three of them got mixed up.

"Don't fight, you don't fight anymore."

Bennett yelled twice, and suddenly felt that the line was not quite right, he shook his whole body, shaking off the goosebumps on his arms.

He didn't shout at all. He stepped on the big raised rock on the ground, flipped somersault with his strength, and raised his right hand high, aiming at the position where these people were fighting.


Slam it down hard!


The red air wave gave way to the three people in the center flying upside down with an impact 'boom', and a big 'like' appeared on the ground.


When Bennett landed on the ground, he really separated the three people. He felt that he had prevented infighting and saved the harmony in the team. He was so happy that he flew up.


The boy triumphantly raised his hand and wiped the tip of his nose again, but he didn't expect to feel wet on his hand in the next second, and the red blood flowed downhill along with this force.

"Ah! Oops, Oops!"

Bennett immediately raised his left hand high and raised his head.

After a while, he put down his left hand and raised his right hand.

But this action didn't last for a second, and he simply raised both hands together.

The four people around just watched Bennett quietly, raising their hands up and down as if doing radio gymnastics, and the cycle repeated.


"What's going on, which nostril is bleeding?" Bennett broke down: "Why is it useless to raise any hand, woo, what a bad luck."

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