Original God Traveler in Marvel

Chapter 40 Your Dad Calls You Home for Dinner

"Sorry everyone, we were negligent."

Ozzy, who received the medical crow's complaint, flew over.

At this time, Thor and the others had already cleaned the wound with clean water, and the gauze dressing was completed.

Hogan's upper body was wrapped around and around. Although the medical tools were messy, but fortunately there were enough gauze and clean water pipes.

What's more miraculous is that Hogan, who was half dead before, only rested for a while after being bandaged, and recovered his spirits.

"Because the night crows are not usually injured, so the medical equipment is not very complete."

Oz explained.

Seeing Hogan who had become a mummy, Oz said with a smile:

"The effect of the Satin of the Holy Nation is indeed very good."

Gauze = Forging of the Holy Kingdom?

"Ah, by the way, I want to apologize to Miss Yeya just now, I misunderstood her just now."

Sif hurriedly apologized, since he had wrongly blamed her, then a sincere apology should be done.

"I'll convey your apologies to her, ma'am."

Oz laughed and said, "Actually, she's not that angry, it's just because the clean-up work of the hall is a bit angry with you."


Where does this start.

"After all, the lady had just cleaned the floor before you came, and after a short rest, Mr. Hogan was dirty again."

"Your Highness Fischer still needs to wipe the floor? Do you love the people like a child?"

As the leader of a country, he even does the cleaning himself. Such a broad-mindedness and kindness is really admirable, and such a noble character is worthy of praise.

Sif couldn't help praising Fischel for his kindness and persistence.

Ozzy was taken aback, and said with a smile:

"Ah, although what you said is correct, it's not why the lady did it herself."

? ?

Sif was a little surprised.

"after all."

Oz shook its plump wings quickly, smiled and said:

"The thing about grabbing a mop with wings is really a bit difficult for Raven."

other people:......

We fell down twice in the same place?

(At this moment, the princess in the main hall is struggling to mop the floor: Hey, hey!)

Sif thought of the area and volume of the Pure Land of You Ye they saw when they came in.

If Night Crow can't do hygiene and only Fischer is alone.

Such a big castle.......

It was rare for Thor and Sif to think of one place, and the two fell silent at the same time.

Sif: "Love the people like a child!"

Thor: "My role model!"

Rocky:  …

Vostagg: When can I eat for free, I'm a little hungry...

Hogan: Why are you even thinking about this?!

However, as the host, Her Royal Highness, she will not let her friends go hungry.

Ozzy was here to deliver.

Fischer said arrogantly: "I bestow upon you the honor of sharing afternoon tea with this imperial daughter."

This sentence didn't need Ozzy's translation, even Vorstagg could understand it.

The opportunity to eat for free has come.

"Ah~ Although food is just to supplement the energy needed by this body for this princess, only 'Tears of Sinners' and 'Tongue of Lies' are worthy."

"For you mortals, only the 'Blessed Symphony' can wash away the sins in them."

Fischer sat at the head of the long dining table and said.

Oz stood beside her:

"Oh? Isn't this the <Long Night Summer Palace Honey Toast> that Miss often makes and the best <Cold Meat Platter>?"

Fischer nodded slightly, reserved and proud:

"Hmph, please be happy, this most perfect delicacy is just the creation of this imperial concubine's whim."

Are you still cooking yourself?

Although His Royal Highness Fischer's words were obscure and difficult to understand, it was really touching to cook for them.

Kindness and sincerity are always the most touching, and Sif seems to have grasped the knack of communicating with the princess.

"Thank you, Your Highness Fisher."

She forked a piece of cold meat...ah no, a piece of consecrated symphony and put it in her mouth.

"good to eat!"

The taste is unique, and the lips and teeth are fragrant.

Sif's eyes sparkled.

Thor grabbed 'Sinner's Tears' and 'Tongue of Lies' and stuffed them into his mouth one by one:

"Ah! Delicious! Delicious...it tastes sweet."

Loki lifted the fork gracefully, and the moment he put it in his mouth, there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

...really good.

"Hogan, don't make trouble, I haven't finished eating so many dishes, what are you grabbing for a patient!?"

Vortager hugged Hogan's waist as he yanked at his comrade, whose outstretched arms were messing around on his plate.

"I have a disease number, eat more things to supplement vitamins, oh, don't be so stingy."

"Save some for me! Save a sip!!"


Boom! !

Suddenly there was a loud noise, and the people who were eating felt that the sky outside suddenly darkened.

Fischer put down the tableware slowly, wiped her mouth gracefully, and looked at the sky lightly.

"Who is it! How dare you challenge the authority of the convict princess!"


There was another burst of thunder outside.

"My dear family member, it seems that I have to ask you to observe the truth behind the fog."

Fischer said with a solemn expression.

Oz: "Ah, see, it's my turn to run errands."

"As we all know, the young lady can't move herself."

"Everyone, wait a moment."

Fischer smiled slightly, turned around, and Ozzy flapped his wings and flew into the air in an instant.

The girl on the seat also disappeared.

Ozzy's whole body shone with purple lightning, and he flew out of the temple and soared above the sky.

Outside the door of Youye Pure Land, a column of colorful rays of light appeared.

Fischer stroked her aching left eye, her voice resounded throughout the Pure Land of the Night.

"The eye of condemnation has met eternal victory."

The person outside the door was riding a white horse with wings. He was an old man with full head of gorgeous hair.

Ozzy got closer, and Fischer could see the other person's appearance clearly, and the old man was also wearing a blindfold.

This surprised her very much.

"This is impossible, the eye of condemnation is only owned by this imperial daughter."

"Report your name, madman outside the door."

The old man who had been waiting for a long time naturally saw the night crow in the sky. He tried twice but couldn't crack the castle's defenses. He also put away his contempt for this talking night crow.

The old man was wearing golden armor, and his voice was full of majesty. He said in a deep voice:

"I am Odin, the father of the gods, ruler of Asgard."

"Who are you, girl?"


Fischer fell on the city wall with a burst of lightning, she smiled and gently held her forehead:

"It's okay to tell you, the heavens and the earth were created, and Eden was entrusted --- I am the convict princess Fischer, who adjudicates all crimes in this world and thoroughly understands all true knowledge here."

"Speak your purpose!"

The doubt in the old man's eyes flashed away, and he shouted loudly:

"Hand over the people inside!"

Following the old man's words, countless violent lightning bolts descended from the sky, as if to tear this space apart.

Fischer was taken aback for a moment, startled:

"You...why are you so loud!"

Oz gently reminded: "Miss, watch your words."

"Oh! Cough cough."

Fischer cleared her throat, instead of flinching, she puffed up her chest:

"It's impossible to snatch someone from this princess!"

"It was fate that brought me into this world, and it was karma that arranged for me to meet and get to know them. This princess will protect the friends I recognize. This is what is announced in the Apocalypse of Fate!"

"Old man! Draw your sword!"

"Let you taste the thunder of the emperor's holy order!!"

A curved bow appeared in Fischer's hand, and she pulled the bowstring to aim at the old man below.

War is imminent.

The old man looked at the girl who was not afraid of fighting, and understood the meaning of the girl's gaudy words.

There was a look of appreciation in his eyes.

"Is your name Fisher? Well... a good boy."


"Sweet words are useless, if you dare to take a step forward, this princess will not respect the old and love the young!"

Oz turned around the city wall and translated to the old man loudly:

"Miss means that although she is very happy to be praised, she is a little scared in her heart. I hope you can hit her lightly when she is young."

Fisher: "Oz!!!"


The old man smiled heartily, he hadn't had such an unburdened smile for a long time.

Originally, the anger that had arisen because of his own brat running to his arch-enemy was suppressed quite a bit.

He didn't pay attention to Fischel who was blushing.

Instead, he raised the long sword in his hand high, poked it at the sky, and then shouted loudly:

"Thor! Loki! Get out of here, you two brats!"

Thor, who was still eating, shuddered.

"I seem to have heard the voice of my father."

"I heard it too."

"Did you hear that?"

"Don't take the opportunity to grab my meat!"

Loki rolled his eyes, and he said to Thor:

"His Royal Highness Fischel hasn't come back for a long time, is there any difficulty, Thor, we have eaten so much of Fischel's food, should we help her?"

"It makes sense."

Thor stuffed the rest of the food on the plate into his mouth.

He picked up the hammer and roared.

"I'll fly out to have a look."

As soon as he lifted his leg, he rushed to the sky.

Boom boom boom!

The sky was like thunder again, and there was an explosion.

After a while, Thor's hair was fried, his body was dirty, and his face became red.

He covered his face and ran back depressed.

"Let's go, brother, the emperor told us to go home for dinner."

Watched the whole process of Odin cleaning up his disobedient son.

Fischer put away her bow and arrow at a loss. She jumped down from the city wall, opened the gate of Youye Pure Land, and welcomed Odin in.

"Ahahaha, that...that."

"Hello grandpa."

It's so embarrassing.

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