
On the side of Froggrass, at this time, it used rattan again to bind the wanderers.

At this time, these ronin obviously had no intention of resisting, and they didn't even hide.

Soon, everyone was tied up by the frog grass.

"Froggrass, it's dry beautifully!"

Naruto smiled and gave a thumbs up.


Froggrass nodded and looked at Naruto proudly.

That seems to be saying, what do you need to say?

Naruto also couldn't see the expression of Froggrass, turned his head, and looked at Kakashi and the others with some embarrassment: "How is it, is this uncle very powerful?"

Several people silently rolled their eyes, and they all looked down with contempt.

Sakura: "Isn't it because of Frogweed?"

Sasuke: "Idiot!"

Kakashi: "..."

The corners of Naruto's mouth twitched, and the embarrassing expression disappeared without a trace.

But it didn't last long, and he looked at Kakashi with some doubts in his eyes: "Mr. Kakashi, what should these people do?"

Kakashi didn't even think about it, and said coldly: "Kill them all!"


Naruto was stunned, and looked at Kakashi with some disbelief in his eyes.

The same goes for Sakura, covering her mouth and staring with wide eyes.

Even Sasuke's eyes trembled at this moment, but he quickly recovered.

Kakashi glanced at several people, nodded: "Yes, it is to kill."

"Ka...Kakashi-sensei, this...isn't it okay?"

Naruto is very puzzled, although these people are a little too much, but they can't let them die, right?

Kakashi glared at Naruto: "Naruto, what do you want? Let these people go? If this person is let go, then they will definitely come back to revenge these workers, and these workers will die because of you!"

Hearing this, Naruto bit his lip, clenched his fists, and looked at Ronin and Kado, hesitating in his heart.

Everyone became quiet when they saw this, Kakashi and Sasuke didn't show any expressions, while Sakura watched worriedly.

As for the people behind Dazina, their relaxed expressions turned a little worried again.

"No, don't kill us, we were wrong, let us go, it's all Kado, it's Kado who wants to kill you."

"Yes, Kado, we killed Kado for you."

The ronin also heard Kakashi's words and pleaded one by one.

On Kado's side, the ground where he was sitting was wet, his eyes were full of fear, and he stammered and begged: "I was wrong, I was wrong, I will not hurt them in the future, I can Get out of here and let me go."

Naruto's eyes became even more hesitant, his fists were loosened and clenched, and he turned around a little bit afraid to look.

Then at this moment, Sakura looked worried and shouted: "Naruto, be careful!"

Sasuke even stepped forward and rushed out quickly.

Naruto heard Sakura's voice and saw Sasuke's movements, turned his head and looked behind.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw Kado, who was still sitting on the ground pleading just now, appeared in front of him with his samurai sword raised.

Putting the knife across Naruto's neck, he looked at Kakashi and the others: "Let me go, or I'll kill him right away, quick, let me go."

Naruto couldn't react, his mind seemed to be hit hard by a heavy hammer.


The froggrass next to it also became a little angry.

I didn't expect that I didn't pay attention for a while, but now it has become like this.

Hearing the voice of Froggrass, Kado's eyes became resentful, and he raised his foot and kicked it fiercely.

Kicking Froggrass aside, he said with fierce eyes: "It's you, the damned monster. If it wasn't for you, these ninjas would have died."

Froggrass was very angry, but he didn't dare to act. After all, Naruto was very dangerous at this time.

Sakura and Sasuke, who had already stopped, were also very angry when they saw this scene, and stared at Kado with gritted teeth.

On the other hand, Kakashi's face remained unchanged, as if all this was in his imagination.

However, this expression didn't last long, and the next second, the frowning eyes became serious.

"I don't allow you to treat my partner like this, and I don't allow you to call it a monster, it is my partner!"

Naruto's angry voice came out, and orange chakras appeared outside his body.

The pupils of the eyes change, and the whole body is full of negative emotions.

"Kakashi-sensei, this..."

Sakura turned her head, looked at Kakashi and asked stammeringly.

But Kakashi didn't answer here, a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth under the mask, feeling like his head was getting bigger.

On Sasuke's side, his pupils also dilated, and he frowned.


"Little ghost, please be quiet, I... I will kill you!"

Cardo's body couldn't help shaking, and he continued to grit his teeth.

For some reason, he suddenly felt a little scared, and the knife in his hand was almost unsteady.


Suddenly, a roar came from Naruto's mouth, and a tail condensed out from behind.

Immediately afterwards, Naruto grabbed the samurai sword and squeezed it down hard.

In the next second, I saw the samurai sword being directly crushed and the blade twisted.

Kado looked at him in horror, trembling all over his body, and sat down on the ground again, kicking his feet desperately, trying to distance himself from Naruto.

But just at the beginning, Naruto turned his head and looked at him with murderous intent.

"No, no, I don't want to die, I don't want to die."


However, Naruto didn't react at all, he let out a roar, and killed Kado's life with a single grab.

Immediately afterwards, he looked at the bound ronalds.

"Help, help, monster monster."

"No, save me—"


However, these words did not affect Naruto's killing in the slightest.

Under the attack of scratching and scratching, those ronin completely lost their lives, and their blood covered the ground of the bridge.

At this moment, Naruto turned his head and looked at Kakashi and the others.

Looking at Naruto's eyes, Sasuke Sakura and Tatsuna and the others behind trembled inexplicably, and fear spread in their hearts.

Sakura took a look and quickly retracted her gaze, and looked at Kakashi next to her: "Mr. Kakashi, Naruto is... what's wrong?"

When Sasuke heard this, he also looked at Kakashi curiously.

He is also very curious about Naruto's situation at this time. After all, Naruto's strength has improved too much in this state.

Kakashi still didn't answer, and shouted at Naruto: "Naruto, wake me up!"


Naruto glanced at Kakashi, roared, and rushed over quickly.

Kakashi shook his head, then approached Naruto, grabbed his arm, fell to the ground with his back, his feet locked tightly, and then knocked him unconscious with a knife.

After all, he is also an elite Jnin, and it is easy to deal with Naruto who is unconscious in Izuo state.


Seeing the orange chakra slowly disappearing, Kakashi breathed a sigh of relief, let go of Naruto, and stood up.

The people next to him breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Kakashi's actions, and then the corners of their mouths twitched.

Even the Frog Grass next to it was frozen in place at this moment, unable to react.

This shit seems to have hit its owner, but it seems that the hit was not wrong.

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