After that, he didn't say anything more, he greeted Minato Itachi and others, let them rest and returned to their jobs, and then left here directly with his elf.

And with Xu Liang's departure, Hui Ye not far away did not stay either.

The whole person soared into the sky and flew towards the sky, going to the moon according to Xu Liang's arrangement.

However, following Xu Liang's behavior of leaving without paying attention to her, Hui Ye thought about leaving like this, after all, no one wants to be controlled in his heart.

And let alone her, the true ancestor of Chakra, the emotion in her heart is even more intense.

But in the end, he still didn't choose to escape. After all, it was not clear what Kigard had left in his body before.

So Xiang Lian thought, it's better not to gamble with her own life, after all, in her heart, Xu Liang really has the ability to kill her.


With Hui Ye's departure, the atmosphere at the scene improved a lot. Everyone felt a little nervous watching Hui Ye following Xu Liang's departure.

After all, what if Hui Ye went crazy and wanted to deal with them after Xu Liang left.

But fortunately, in the end it seemed that Xu Liang was indeed subdued, and he left without even looking at them, and everyone relaxed in their hearts.

Of course, it didn't last long, and after a while, they each started to leave here.

After all, although the battle is over, there are many things to deal with after the war.

For those ninjas who died because of this war, their families need to be arranged by shadows from various villages.


On Tsunade's side, after greeting everyone, he and Jiraiya waited for Konoha Ninja to walk in the direction of Naruto and the others.

But just when they were about to act, Senshou Bashima and Senshou Feijian stood up.

The two looked at Tsunade: "Xiao Gang, it's over, and it's time for us to leave."

"Grandpa, Second Grandpa."

The words of the two made Tsunade's eyes slightly red.

"Okay, I can see you this time. We are very happy to see Konoha's ninjas, and it's time to leave."

Hashirama patted Tsunade's shoulder to comfort him, and then Tomona said, "That's right, we won't be able to help you with the next thing."

Hearing this, Tsunade rubbed his eyes and nodded slightly: "I see, grandpa, second grandpa."

Seeing this, Hashirama and Tomona didn't say anything more, and looked at the Konoha ninjas around them.

The two said with some relief in their eyes: "Seeing that Konoha has you ninjas, we can rest assured."

After speaking, the two had smiles on their faces, and their bodies began to slowly become illusory, and finally turned into dust and disappeared.

As for why there are only the first and second generations of Hokage, of course the third and fourth generations are long gone.

Fortunately, the fourth generation disappeared when helping Naruto and Sasuke deal with Kaguya, while the third generation disappeared after being directly touched by Uchiha Madara.

That is to say, everyone didn't think so much now, or else they didn't know what to think about Hiruza Sarutobi in their hearts.

Is this still called the strongest Hokage on the material?As a result, the four of them stood together, but No.1 did not.

I don't know if I will blush if I know this when I summon Sarutobi Hiruzen again.

As the first and second generations completely disappeared, everyone felt uncomfortable for a while and stopped staying. They shook their heads and walked towards Naruto Sasuke again.

Then Ming took the two of them with him, and started heading towards Konoha.

And the ninjas from other villages also took the remaining people towards their own villages.

It didn't take long for this war to be remembered by everyone in the ninja world, leaving only the dilapidated site for the battle, and all the people who experienced the war left, even the corpses were taken away from here , suddenly became quiet and empty.


early morning.

The sun is slightly sprouting, and the fresh air permeates this huge elf home.

Coupled with the environment created for the survival of elves, it is like coming to a fairyland on earth at this moment.

But when the scene came to the backyard of the Elf House, everything changed.

The surrounding scenery is still so eye-catching, but if you look carefully, you can see a reclining chair in the courtyard, and a young man exuding a lazy temperament is lying on it.

Just this moment, the scenery like a fairyland on earth was completely destroyed.

The overall look is a bit irrelevant.

"Xu Liang, can you stop lying down, don't you need to sleep at night, just wait to sleep during the day?"

At this moment, a woman with an angry and impatient expression on her face pushed the door in, stared at the lazy young man and roared.

"Why, what's the matter?"

Following Sirona's voice, Xu Liang trembled twice, and sat up speechlessly.

Regarding this scene, Xu Liang said that he is used to it. It has been a week since he returned from the last battle with Kaguya, and this scene also happened for a week.

I don't know what's going on, it was fine before, although Sirona didn't say nothing at that time, but Xu Liang didn't change and it was nothing.

But since she came back last time, Sirona has changed. No matter whether Xu Liang listens or not, as long as she sees Xu Liang staying so lazy in the backyard, she will definitely say it.

It made him unable to relax even if he stayed in the backyard, because he was afraid that Sirona would rush in suddenly.

"What's the matter? Have you been in charge of the Elf House? Are you the boss or I am the boss!"

Xu Liang didn't say yes, and Sirona became even more angry when he said this.

Thinking back to when I first came here, I could do whatever I wanted at that time, even if I went to Konoha every day, I could do whatever I wanted.

How easy it was to live, for a time I felt much more comfortable than being a champion.

But ever since he became the store manager of this elf house, he has been so busy every day that he doesn't seem like a human being.

It was okay before, at least it was passable, although I was very busy, but I could persist, every day was enough.

But since Xu Liang came back a week ago, somehow the number of guests in the Elf House has doubled.

As a result, her workload has increased by a large margin, and she was very unhappy in her heart, but Xu Liang is actually so lazy.

Immediately, I couldn't bear the anger in my heart. How could I say that I was a part-time worker, as busy as someone else, but the real boss was so relaxed and didn't do anything every day, how could I bear it.

It's okay if you don't see it, and you won't think about it when you're busy, but it's different when you see it, and your heart is extremely unbalanced.

With Sirona's roar, coupled with those eyes that seemed to be eating people, Xu Liang suddenly didn't dare to say anything more, stood up from the chair quickly, and walked quickly to Sirona's side: "Okay, okay!" , I'm the boss, I'm the boss, uh~ so what, did something happen to Sirona?"

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