"Why, is it hard to accept?"

Looking at Obito's expression and the words in his mouth, Xu Liang said coldly: "That's why I didn't stop you from collecting tailed beasts, because even if you get the power of ten tails, in my opinion, it's just Just a little bit stronger."

"Impossible, what is fake must be fake, the power of ten tails is the most powerful."

At Xu Liang's words, Obito's expression became ferocious again, and he shouted in a hoarse voice.

Immediately afterwards, the whole person rushed towards Hoopa again, as if the previous attack by Hoopa was an illusion.

But this time, the people watching didn't feel any more doubts.

Because it can be seen that Obito has been hit at this moment, and his mentality has completely collapsed. He who is unwilling to believe the reality has no choice.

He could only attempt to attack Hoopa, to make it clear that everything he saw was false, just an illusion.

No one thinks Obito's behavior is stupid anymore, and even feels that Obito's appearance is a bit pitiful in his heart.

After working hard for so long, I am so close to success that I can't even touch it with my hand.

But Hoopa's sudden change made him have no chance of success, and the heavy blow made him unable to accept the reality.

However, everyone felt that Obito was a bit pitiful at this time, but none of them felt pity for Obito because of this.

After all, what he did and the troubles he brought to the ninja world were all negative.

The human nature in my heart feels that Obito is pitiful, but most people in my mind think that Obito should be.

So everyone just watched silently without any reaction.

But Hoopa was a little upset, seeing Obito attacking himself again, he was very angry in his heart.

"Asshole, Hoopa is really angry!"

With a roar, Hoopa did not wait for Obito to approach, but took the initiative to approach Obito.

A golden circle appeared, and Hoopa quickly drilled in. The next second, the golden circle appeared out of thin air in front of Obito, and Hoopa followed closely.

Before Obito had time to react, the six separated arms all waved.

Bang bang bang quickly attacked Obito, one punch after another, directly hitting the wall at the edge of the barrier.

But even so, the attack in Hoopa's hand still didn't stop, and the sound of bang bang bang kept ringing.

Obito who was attacked had a pained expression on his face, and his body repeatedly collided with the edge of the barrier under Hoopa's attack.


In the next second, the wall at the edge of the enchantment shattered, and cracks appeared one after another.

But Hoopa still had to stop, looking at Obito with a very angry face, and continued to wave his fists heavily.

Also under such an attack, the cracks on the edge wall became bigger and bigger, and they were completely broken up with a bang in the next second, and Obito's body flew out without the barrier of the wall.

A loud bang hit the ground again, causing the ground to collapse, and a huge pit of tens of meters appeared.

"Hmph, tell you to piss off Hoopa."

Obito flew out, and Hoopa didn't continue to attack. He looked at it coldly and said with an angry expression on his face.

Seeing the people around him and Xu Liang couldn't help feeling chills in his heart.

This is really too ruthless, Obito must have endured a series of attacks no less than a hundred times.

Each dog is very strong, and it is not something that a shadow-level or super-shadow can resist.

Such an attack, how could it be possible not to be afraid of seeing everyone in their hearts.

Adding that Hoopa was only attacking because he was angry because Obito attacked him, everyone became a little worried.

Obito is an enemy, and Hoopa is the most powerful enemy at the moment, and it also affects his plan the most. He will definitely attack Hoopa.

But Hoopa doesn't care about these things, he fights when he sees that he is unhappy.

Let everyone quickly think in their hearts whether they have offended Hupa, and for a while Xu Liang was a little afraid that Hupa would do the same to him.

Of course, Hupa didn't know what everyone was thinking. After he finished speaking to relieve his anger, he looked at Xu Liang.

This look almost didn't startle Xu Liang, and almost thought that Xu Liang was going to settle accounts with him.

"Xiaoliang Xiaoliang, Hoopa has liberated his power, can he play now?"

Hoopa didn't see Xu Liang's change, and summoned the golden circle again and came to Xu Liang's side.

Hearing this voice, Xu Liang also reacted, shook his head and didn't think too much about those strange problems, and looked at Hupa: "We can't play yet, we still have business to do, wait until it's resolved The enemy is talking later."


Hearing these words, Hoopa became a little depressed, but then he cheered up and looked at Xu Liang: "Then Xiaoliang, where is the enemy? Hoopa is very powerful now, and Hoopa will help you deal with it." enemy."

As soon as these words came out, Xu Liang didn't know how to answer. Didn't he know that Obito is the enemy after fighting for so long?

I'm afraid Obito will vomit blood from anger when he hears this.

The corner of his mouth twitched uncontrollably, and then he looked at Obito's An Xin, and fell silent for a while when he saw that there was no movement there.

"What's the matter, Xiaoliang? Hoopa is really strong now, and he can definitely deal with the enemy very quickly."

Seeing that Xu Liang didn't answer, Hupa thought for a while that Xu Liang didn't believe him.

Immediately, six arms were raised, wanting to show off his current strength.

Seeing Xu Liang's heart, he couldn't help but tremble again, what is this for?Could it be that you want to test your strength on yourself?


However, just when Xu Liang was about to stop Hupa from moving, suddenly a huge chakra soared into the sky.

Xu Liang looked quickly, and his eyes became confused.

In Xu Liang's gaze, he saw that An Xin who fell to the ground with soil burst out with strong chakra fluctuations.

This wave of volatility is even stronger than the one that Obito erupted before.

For a while, I couldn't figure it out. Could it be that Obito had completely controlled the power of Ten Tails before, so he became stronger again under Hoopa's attack?

However, just when Xu Liang thought so, a tree grew rapidly, and the naked eye could see that it was growing at a speed of hundreds of meters per second.

"This is it? A divine tree?"

Xu Liang frowned and muttered to himself, except for the sacred tree, he couldn't find any trees with such a huge chakra, and even so huge.

"But, isn't the appearance of the sacred tree summoned by Uchiha Madara later? Why does the power of ten tails appear on Obito now?"

I feel a bit of a headache, I originally wanted to get rid of Obito directly now, and then Rokudo Uchiha Madara and Otsuki Kaguya will not appear.

Unexpectedly, it still appeared, and it didn't need to be summoned by Uchiha Madara.

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