At the same time, on Nagato's side, after seeing that everyone's ninjutsu was so fragile and was broken by Obito's attack.

Standing in Susano, the whole person tensed up, and his eyes became full of disbelief.

When I saw it, I felt that Obito's attack was terrifying, but I didn't expect it to be so terrifying.

A group of A-level and S-level ninjutsu were so easily destroyed in front of this approaching attack.

Before putting it on, Nagato would never have thought of it, or had never thought of this possibility at all.

For a moment, the corner of his mouth became bitter, and then quickly mobilized all the remaining chakras in his body to prepare to resist.

Of course, he also made a death plan in his heart, because he really didn't think there was much chance that he could block it.

With this in mind, Nagato controlled Susano and raised his hands to resist the approaching attack.

At the same time, all the chakra in the body flowed to Susanoo's hands to strengthen the defense of his hands.

Just when Nagato completed this step, Obito's attack approached.

Immediately afterwards, a loud bang hit Nagato Susano's hands.

Suddenly, the terrifying atmosphere dissipated towards the surroundings, and a hurricane was generated within a radius of several thousand meters. The ground seemed to be cut by a sickle in an instant, and even those hard stones were torn apart and disappeared in this instant. .


Xiao Nan in the crowd, while controlling the paper wings to resist the terrifying aftermath, shouted at Susano with a worried face.

And the people around were similar, looking at Susano almost worried while resisting the aftermath.

One by one even clenched their fists and clenched their teeth tightly.

For everyone, such a terrifying attack on Nagato is more ominous at this time.

No matter how strong Susanoo's defense is, it's the same under this attack.


But at this moment, a roar came from Susano's direction.

The eyes of everyone listening couldn't help but brighten up, but the worry on their faces didn't abate in the slightest.

Regarding the roar, everyone knew in their hearts that it was Nagato's, at least it meant that Nagato was fine.

But it only represents the present, after all, Obito's attack has only just begun.


When the screen came to Nagato's side, I saw that the veins all over Nagato's body were bulging, and his body was trembling a little due to exertion.

The controlled Susano also struggled to resist the powerful attack, and his huge body couldn't help but slipped back quickly.

As Nagato roared, Susano stepped heavily on the ground, leaning forward to divert Obito's attack in one direction.

But Nagato still underestimated Obito's attack, or overestimated Susano's defense.

With Nagato's control, the speed of Susano's back slide really slowed down.

And the two arms that resisted the attack slowly straightened at this moment.

But at this moment, Susano couldn't bear the attack anymore.

Starting from the palms of the huge hands, they seemed to be melted.

At the beginning, it disappeared bit by bit, turned into the most primitive Chakra, and dissipated in this space.

The speed of melting was not slow, it could even be said to be very fast. After a while, half of the arm disappeared, but the attack with the soil did not become smaller at all.

"Is that the end of it?"

Susano looked at Nagato in his head, and when he saw this, the corner of his mouth showed bitterness and helplessness again.

It's not that he doesn't want to persist, but that he really can't resist, even Susano, who has wrapped all his chakras, has melted his hands, let alone him who has no chakras to use.

Nagato's helpless Obito's attack did not stop, and Susano's agreement to dissolve did not slow down because of this.

Soon, Susano's hands disappeared completely, and the attack smoothly landed on Susano's chest.

For a moment, Nagato in his head could even clearly sense the Chakra emerging from that attack, and the powerful and desperate aura coming from the ground.


But at this moment, suddenly a huge figure appeared next to him, directly hitting Obito's attack with a huge impact.

Seeing this, Nagato turned his head and looked over, looking at the equally huge Susano, and Itachi who was staring at Obito attacking solemnly.

For a moment, Nagato felt warm in his heart, and his eyes became firmer.

The expression of helplessness and bitterness disappeared, and the despair in his heart was also dispelled.


With a roar, Nagato felt as if he had infinite power.

Even Susano no longer has an arm, even his chest has been melted away by the attack.

But under this roar, Susano almost stopped his back-sliding footsteps, and started to turn around with his chest up with all his strength.

Itachi next to him didn't know if he was influenced by Nagato and heard the roar.

Itachi also condensed the strength of his whole body, controlling Susano to increase his strength.


Then there was a roar, and both of them trembled because of the mobilization of power.


I don't know how the two of them did it, but suddenly the two Susanoos almost increased their strength for a while.

Susano on Nagato's side turned around abruptly, then thrust out his chest abruptly, forcefully pushing the attack with soil out of his chest.

And Itachi was not to be outdone, Susano's shoulders increased strength, and he changed the direction of Obito's attack, flying out towards the distant sky.


In the next second, Obito's attack exploded in the sky, and the terrifying aftermath struck again.

But these exploded in the sky, and the aftermath was much smaller.

But it is small for everyone, but not for the floating clouds in the sky.

If someone is looking at the moon at this moment, they can definitely see that the explosion spreads from the opposite direction to the surrounding area, and a cloud with a range of hundreds of miles is directly missing.

But these people at the moment didn't care much, as Obito's attack exploded in the sky, Xiaonan and the others who watched were also relieved.

Immediately afterwards, his eyes quickly looked in the direction of Nagato.

After looking over, everyone's eyes widened again, only to see that there were two huge but incomplete Susanoos in the direction of Nagato at this time.

It was because of the incompleteness that everyone's eyes were a little surprised.

At this time, the two huge Susanoos were simply horrible. The Itachi's was a bit better, except that a large piece of the shoulder was missing, and one arm disappeared, but no matter how you look at it, you can still see that the Susanoo is in the shape of a person.

But Nagato's was much worse. Not only did his two arms disappear, but a large piece of his chest was also missing. It looked like a strange shape, where there was no human shape.

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