Most of the ninjas did not take any action in the attack this time. Except for Jiraiya and Jikage, everyone else was arranged to stay where they were, even Kirabi, who was also a very good Kage class.

While these people were watching, Jiraiya and Gokage had already approached the ninjas whose chakras were still strengthening.

These ninjas didn't seem to notice this scene, they didn't pay any attention to it, and Chakra continued to strengthen.

This caused doubts to appear on the faces of the few people who approached, whether it was because of this change that they could not move, or they would rather be attacked than move.

Of course, the few people didn't think about wasting time, and found each other directly in the next second, and launched an attack without holding back.

"Strange Fist!"

"Super Jade Spiral Pill!"

"Dust Shield Boundary Stripping Technique!"

"Melting Shield · Monster Melting Technique!"

"Rayleigh kills!"

"The Spear of Red Sand!"

The six of them released their signature ninjutsu, and attacked the target they wanted to attack.


In the next second, there was a violent explosion sound, and even the ninja watching behind couldn't help covering his face in the aftermath.

At the same time, streams of smoke floated up, enveloping several attacked ninjas.


At this time, the few people who launched the attack retreated back, and their faces became even uglier when they gathered together.

At this moment, the smoke dispersed, and the ninjas who were attacked appeared in everyone's sight.

With the appearance of the picture, the eyes of those who hadn't acted in the back widened one by one, becoming a little unbelievable.

I saw that the few people who were just attacked by Jiraiya and Wukage didn't look hurt.

What they were before is what they are now, and what may change is that the chakra that erupts is stronger.

His face became a little flushed, his veins bulged even more, and his expression was a little painful.

Apart from these slight changes, there is no other appearance of being attacked.

Even the clothes you wear, what they looked like before are still what they look like now.


At the same time, in the direction of Tsunade and the others, the expressions on the faces of these people became more and more ugly.

"Was your attack just now blocked by the chakra generated around them?"

Ai took a look here, and asked a few people around him.

Several people nodded when they heard this question, and answered Ai's question.

Immediately afterwards, Tsunade said: "Those chakras make me feel a bit like Susanoo, the defense is very strong, even if I go all out, I can't break it."

Jilai who was next to him also nodded: "Me too, the spiral pill was blocked before it even touched his body, and it didn't cause any damage."

"It seems that everyone is the same."

Onoki sighed, his expression became a little worried.

The same is true for the attack he released himself, the cube of the dust shield touches the opponent's chakra that spreads out, and there is no backlash.

It did not cause any even a little bit of damage to the opposite side.

Gaara and Terumi Mei nodded when they heard this. Although they didn't say anything, they could see that the situation they encountered was exactly the same as what everyone said, and their eyes also became a little worried.

"Can we just watch like this? Watching them continue to strengthen their Chakra?"

Ai shook his fist, and looked at the constantly changing ninjas with some reluctance.

"It can only be this way."

Onoki replied helplessly: "Our attacks have no effect, we can only watch them become stronger."

Speaking of this, Onogi's eyes were also a little unwilling, and he was unwilling to just watch his opponent continue to become stronger.

After becoming strong, all the troubles are his own, after all, he is the one who has to fight.

But now there is no other choice but to watch.


Just after Onoki said this, everyone was still a little silent and didn't know how to answer.

Suddenly those ninjas stopped changing, and the chakra around their bodies also quickly collapsed to the surroundings.

With the impact of the lock, the ground seemed to be swept carefully, and the dust, sand, and the like were directly knocked out far away.

And Ohnoki Jiraiya and the others also chanted that Chakra took two steps back.

That is to say, the strength of a few people is very strong, and they can still resist this momentum.

Like the people not far behind, those who are weaker can't control their backsliding.

Even the stronger ones couldn't help but retreat again and again, and even the people who were still in formation at this moment became a little messy under the impact.

However, Tsunade Terumi Mei and the others didn't pay attention to the changes of these latter people at this time.

After stabilizing their footsteps, several people raised their heads again and looked at the ninja opposite.

Seeing this, his expression became more dignified, and his eyes became more worried.

In the perception of several people, the strength of these ninjas has increased by at least three times, and may even be more than that.

This is not a small improvement. You must know that these people are originally at the movie level.

And the shadow level has been increased by three times, which is scary enough even if it is said.

It was relatively easy for the few people to deal with these ninjas on the opposite side, but now after they have been promoted, even the veteran Kage-level players cannot distinguish the victory or defeat from their opponents in a short time.


At this time, the ninjas on the opposite side didn't care what everyone wanted to thank. As the change stopped, the chakra on their body became more and more evil.

Those pairs of eyes turned red, looking very evil, and didn't intend to waste time, and approached directly in the direction of Tsunade and the others in the next second.

Or approach the ninjas behind Onoki and others, approach Naruto and Kirabi.

With a swish, the changed ninja moved very fast, like a gust of wind, and the distance was shortened by more than half in the blink of an eye.

"I can't watch like this anymore, and I can't let them get close to Jinzhu Riki."

Onoki spoke first again, and then he quickly floated away, resisting the approaching ninjas.

And Ai, Jilai and others saw this scene and they all acted quickly, took a step and rushed out, resisting the ninjas.

I have to say that the efficiency of the few people is still very good. They stopped six of the ninjas in an instant and stuck to them, making them unable to continue to approach the people behind.

However, these changed ninjas approaching were not just six, but a full eleven, and Jiraiya and Gokage couldn't stop two of them alone.

Immediately, apart from the six who were blocked, the other five easily passed Jiraiya and Gokage, and continued to approach the crowd.

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