"People with soil? What do you mean?"

Ai became a little curious about Jiraiya's words, didn't Obito have no men?

Why do you now say that the people who sneaked up are people with soil?

Jilai also shook his head and explained: "I don't know, but it is very similar to those people I met last time, whether it is the breath of Chakra or the faces of these people, they are all the same as those I met back then. .”

"It's true what I said."

After listening to Jiraiya's words, Gaara also nodded solemnly: "I happened to be there that time, and I really know these people in front of me very well, and the amount of chakra they contain is basically the same."

"So you mean these are also Obito people?"

Terumi Mei frowned, glanced at the two of them and asked.

Gaara also nodded again: "It is indeed possible, and it is very big."

"Don't doubt it."

At this moment, Tsunade stood up and said: "These are the strong men created by Obito."


Onogi looked at Tsunade with surprise: "Hokage, are you sure you are right?"

Although the chakras of the dozen or so people in front of them are a little vain, they are indeed comparable to the shadow level.

Even if the real strength may not be as good as the shadow level, but there is definitely not much difference.

But Tsunade said that a person of this strength was created by Obito, so he had to be skeptical.

Even everyone around looked at Tsunade when they heard this.

Gaara and Jiraiya were the same, looking at me with surprise and some disbelief.

Of course, Tsunade noticed the eyes of these people, glanced at those people opposite, and continued: "After Jiraiya came back last time, I went to Xu Liang when I heard the news, and the last guess I got was , Obito is a person who has the power to create a movie."

"But you can't believe the game you are playing, and I was the same at that time."

Hearing this, everyone's eyes changed again, but there was still a hint of disbelief in their eyes.

After all, it does sound a little impossible. You must know that this is a shadow level. Who can reach this level is not a genius, and it has been cultivated for ten years.

How could anyone who heard that Obito could directly create such a strength believe it now?

"Why must it be created by Obito?"

Onoki was silent for a while, then continued to look at Tsunade, and asked.

The people around didn't think any more when they heard this, and their eyes were placed on Tsunade again.

Tsunade looked at the appearance of everyone, and didn't intend to hide anything: "Taki Ninja Village has a sacred tree, everyone should know it?"

Everyone here nodded their heads when they heard it. The people standing here are basically shadows and high-level officials. How could they not know about these news.

Tsunade looked at the crowd and nodded, and continued: "And that holy tree produces fresh water every hundred years, and the effect of holy water can increase the chakras of a ninja by ten times."

"how is this possible?"

Ai was a little shocked: "How could there be such a thing."

Everyone had the same expression, an expression of disbelief.

It can be said to be incredible to increase ten times.

If you rely on practice, it will take many years to achieve this, but now you can do it with just some holy water.

Tsunade shook his head: "This is also the news from Xu Liang, but I think to be honest, Konoha's Akido group also has such props, which can improve their own strength a lot, but there is time for the Akido clan to improve. Limitation, and side effects are also obvious."

Hearing this, everyone fell silent, then nodded again.

After all, everyone in the Qiudao family still knows about it, and they also know about the pills that improve their strength.

How to say it was still an enemy before, of course the news is clear.

What's more, there are still members of the Akimichi clan here at this time, and they also nodded in agreement with Tsunade's words.

After being silent, Ai said again: "Hokage, what do you mean, that holy water was found by Obito, and then these people in front of me were created."

Tsunade shook his head again: "No, holy water does not have such an effect. The probability of success in taking holy water is very small, and the side effects will greatly reduce lifespan. The effect should not be so powerful."

If the holy water was really so powerful, it would be impossible for Longin village to be a small ninja village.

Tsunade's words made everyone puzzled again, and Terumi Mei couldn't help but said: "Then what do you say these are?"

Since it is not holy water, why do you say that?There is no need at all.

"I said holy water to let you know that there is such a way to improve your strength in the world."

"Hokage, you mean that Obito also has this kind of prop, which is even more exaggerated than holy water. The reason why so many Kage-ranks are created is because of this prop that we don't know about."

Gaara suddenly understood the past, and asked Tsunade.

Tsunade nodded: "That's right, that's what it means, and if it wasn't for the promotion of this kind of props, it would be impossible for so many Kage-level powerhouses to appear in the world, and I have never heard of them, as if they appeared out of thin air."

Hearing this, everyone nodded, and there was no doubt or disbelief in their eyes.

Speaking of this point, everyone also understood, and they no longer doubted anything in their hearts.

After all, what Tsunade said was right, if it weren't for this kind of props, there wouldn't be so many Kage-level powerhouses in the world.

Adding the ten mentioned by Jiraiya and Gaara before, there are almost thirty.

There are so many unknown shadow classes appearing out of thin air for no reason, and only this kind of explanation is reasonable.

"Enough gossip, you should go to hell."

At this moment, one of the ninjas on the opposite side licked his lips and revealed an evil smile.

After that, a dozen or so people didn't waste any time, and quickly rushed towards the crowd with killing intent.

And when this scene appeared, seeing Tsunade Onogi and others, of course they didn't dare to talk more.

"It was actually underestimated. We should start to fight back. The explosion just now has not been settled yet."

Ai said as he rushed out first, facing the dozen or so ninjas.

If it is an enemy at the level of Uchiha Madara and Obito, then he would not dare to be so reckless, but he is only at the Kage level, and he was promoted by foreign objects, so he has no fear at all.

But Tsunade and Onoki frowned at Ai's actions.

They didn't think it would be so simple. Since Obito arranged it this way, they must be somewhat sure.

But Ai moved too fast, and he was almost in front of those ninjas at this time, so he didn't dare to think too much.

"Be careful, fight back!"

Onoki said helplessly, and then rushed out quickly.

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