"The first Hokage!"

Seeing this, Minato and Hiruzaru Sarutobi who were not far away shouted out worriedly.

However, there was a calm expression on Tobima's side, nothing changed except his eyes were still so dignified.


At this moment, the figure flashed, and Hashirama appeared next to the three of them, waving at Minato and Hiruzaru Sarutobi.

Immediately afterwards, he also looked at the golem of the heretics with a solemn face.

Seeing Hashirama appearing in front of his eyes without any harm, Minato and Sarutobi Hiruzen also breathed a sigh of relief.

But for these, Zhujian didn't have time to pay attention to them at this time. After looking at the golem of the heretics for a while, he looked at Feijian: "Did you see something? We can't let him continue. If we let it continue to approach, the casualties will be huge." It's going to be huge."

Even though Onoki and the others had already evacuated many people, it still didn't work.

Even if the rest of the people at this moment are Junin, it is still not enough to face the attack of the heretic golem.

It can be said casually that even Jonin will die.

Of course, Feijian knew what Zhujian was talking about, nodded and said: "Xianju should be able to trap, but it's not that simple, and the masked man is not simple, it should be very troublesome to trap."

"Is there no way?"

There was no answer from Hashirama, and he continued to ask.

Feijian frowned: "Yes, but the chances are not high."

Hearing this, Hashirama didn't continue to ask any more questions, nodded and said: "Then let's try."

After this series of conversations, Minato and Hiruzaru Sarutobi became a little confused.

Didn't they join the battle together?How do you feel that you are not on a channel?

But before the two of them could ask anything, Feijian looked at them and said, "Please draw the masked man's attention, both of you."

Minato and Hiruzaru Sarutobi frowned, still a little curious and puzzled in their hearts, but even so, they nodded and agreed without refusing.

"Okay, let's get started."

Seeing this, Hashirama spoke again, then closed his eyes, and the aura on his body quickly became stronger.

In the next second, a spell in immortal mode appeared from the corner of his eyes, and he rushed out again.

Seeing this scene, Minato and Hiruzaru Sarutobi glanced at each other, nodded at the same time and rushed out.

All three of them have their own goals, and they act very quickly.

In the blink of an eye, Zhujian came to the front of the golem of the outsider again, clapped his hands again and used the wooden escape to attack.

And Minato's speed is also not slow, but a step faster than Hashirama, with a tailed beast coat on his body, he appeared beside Obito in a flash, and started to launch his own attack.

Finally, it was Sarutobi Hiruzen's side. Although the speed was a bit slower than the distance between the two, it was not slow either, and was quickly approaching Obito.

As for Tobima, there was no movement at this time, his eyes were fixed on Obito, looking for his own opportunity.


The battle started again in the next second, and there was nothing wrong with Zhujian's side. With the increase of the fairy mode, the strength was greatly improved.

The Immortal Wood Dun with that skill did not have any disadvantages against the golems of heretics.

The situation on Minato's side is not as smooth as Hashirama's. In the hands of Obito who has entered the super shadow realm, even if he relies on Fei Leishen, he can only be regarded as entangled.

And it looked like Obito was playing with him, and he couldn't even touch him.

On the contrary, it was Minato himself, if it wasn't for the reincarnation of the dirty soil, I'm afraid he would have gone to the theater by now.

However, this situation did not last long, and with the arrival of Sarutobi Hiruzen, the situation became slightly better.

Of course, it's just better, even if the two of them are together, they are on the side that is suppressed. After all, Obito is also Chaoying's strength.


At the same time, on the other side, the people who had already evacuated after organizing were sitting cross-legged and recovering their physical strength and chakra.

But after seeing the battle over there, everyone's expression became a little worried and anxious.

Seeing it, even the four Hokages couldn't resist it for a long time.

On my side, I don't know how long it will take to fully recover.

"No, I can't just watch like this, I have to go up and help."

As the situation became more and more tense, Naruto from the crowd stepped forward.

"Naruto, the main purpose now is to protect everyone, don't mess around."

Seeing Naruto's action, Kakashi frowned and looked over.

"But, is that how we look at it?"

Naruto gritted his teeth, clenched his fists and watched the battle with reassurance.

"Naruto, I know you want to help them, but not now. The main task now is to protect everyone. Only when everyone recovers can we have the strength to help them."

Kakashi approached, patted Naruto on the shoulder and said.

Then his eyes turned to the direction of the battle.

He also wanted to help in his heart, but he couldn't help it. After all, it was more important for everyone to recover.

Naruto gritted his teeth again, glanced at everyone who was recovering with their eyes closed, and sighed: "I know Mr. Kakashi."

After speaking, he found a place to sit down helplessly, and continued to look in the direction of the battle.

And Kakashi didn't say much when he saw this, and sighed silently.


As for the ninjas behind who were hurrying to recover, the few fighting people didn't pay attention, and they didn't have time to pay attention at all.

Hashirama is okay, although it is not easy, but it is not too difficult.

But Minato and Hiruzaru Sarutobi were different here, they were simply beaten.

At this moment, the two of them are missing arms and legs. If it weren't for reincarnation from the dirt, they probably wouldn't have died countless times.

"I said that you can't defeat me now, and you are destined to be unable to stop my plan."

Knocking away the Minato who harassed him again, Obito said to the two of them coldly.

"is it?"

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind Obito, making Obito subconsciously blur out, and turned his head to look behind him.

After seeing the door that appeared not far behind him at some point, Obito relaxed, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth under the mask: "What? Do you want to keep trying? Your attacks can't hit me , even if it’s three of us together.”

"How do you know if you don't try?"

A sentence came back from Feijian, and then he made a seal with his hands: "Water escape, water dragon burst bite!"

In an instant, two water dragons condensed out of thin air under Obito's feet, biting towards Obito extremely fast.

But facing this kind of attack, Obito didn't react at all, and watched silently with his usual expression: "You really don't listen to persuasion, why do you always want to try?"

"It's not just that!"

Obito's voice fell, but the water dragon did not disappear, and Obito saw a golden light flashing, followed by a voice.

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