And with this hesitation, the eyes of the middle-aged ninja became a little worried, and then released his ninjutsu and continued: "Listen to me, these are no longer our acquaintances, they are our enemies, and their kind The state is immortal, and the body can also be restored, and then let them approach us, and we will be in more trouble."

When the ninjas around heard this, although their expressions were still a little unbelievable, they didn't hesitate any longer, and Jie Yin began to attack.

But before the attacks of these people were released, the previous voice sounded again.

"It seems that you know a lot? It's really surprising. I'm curious about where you got this information. I wonder if you can satisfy my curiosity?"

At this time, the hidden Medicine Master's eyes also became extremely surprised. He was a little surprised when he heard the middle-aged ninja say that the dirt was reincarnated.

But at that time, I really didn't think so much. After all, Orochimaru was also used in Konoha before, so it's nothing to recognize it by ninjutsu.

But now he even knows the characteristic of being able to restore the unkillable, which is a bit strange.

Some people do know these things, but it is impossible for these people to be reincarnated in the face of filth at this time.

And the other side is prepared, they all know that reincarnation in the dirty soil is weak, and even the sealing team has been formed.

This is obviously because he already knew that he would face the reincarnation of the dirty soil, and he was already prepared.


At this moment in the forest, the middle-aged ninja frowned when he heard Yao Shidou's words again, and had no choice but to answer: "Why don't you come out if you are curious, I don't want to explain anything because I am hiding."

"Ha ha--"

A sneer came out, and then continued: "It's okay, I believe you will say it later."

After the words fell, Yao Shidou's voice disappeared again.

And as the sound disappeared again, I saw that the reincarnation of those incomplete dirt had changed.

The rational emotions in those eyes completely disappeared at this moment, and each of them stopped saying anything, and the speed of approaching became faster.

At the same time, those limbs that were already missing unexpectedly returned at this moment, and a new arm and foot formed after the dust flew by.

Even the reincarnation of those filthy soils that had been scattered before had completely recovered at this moment, and they got up from the ground and continued to approach.

When the middle-aged ninja saw this, his eyes suddenly became worried, and he said to the ninjas who were already shocked by this scene without daring to think about it: "Quick, attack, don't let them approach."

The ninjas next to them all reacted when they heard this, and each one of them didn't have any other thoughts, and quickly closed their seals.

Seeing this scene at this time, everyone will no longer think about those emotional things, and have no time to feel angry for these reincarnated people.

The figure approaching quickly had a killing intent on him, a killing intent that he had never felt before.

Coupled with this characteristic of immortality, it must be a lie to say that I am not afraid, and I am going to face death now, so I don't have the time to think about other things.

In this way, a new round of attacks began, but this time the effect was not very good.

Although it also attacked the people who were reincarnated from the dirty soil, and hurt the opponent's body, but other than these, there was no other effect, and it didn't even affect those people's approach at all.

After all, these reincarnated people from the filthy soil will recover in a short time, as if they were not harmed.

At the same time, the face of the middle-aged ninja became more and more ugly. At this time, it was impossible to prevent these reincarnated people from approaching.

Immediately, he said more and more teeth: "They are approaching, and they all pay attention to me. There is also the sealing class, watch it for me. If you see the reincarnation of the dirty soil that can no longer move, seal it for me. I don't want to see them continue to recover. come over."

After speaking, he continued to look at the reincarnated people who were already close in front of him, and then took out Kunai from his pocket and rushed out first.

The ninjas in the back also rushed out when they saw this place. After all, they really couldn't stop the people who were reincarnated from the dirty soil from approaching.

In this way, the battle soon started.

On the ground, one after another, people fell down and could not get up again.

Of course, these people must be the ninjas of the Konoha Ninja Army. After all, if the reincarnation of the dirt is really impossible, they are also sealed, rather than falling to the ground.

Under such a battle, time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it was two hours later.

As the last enemy reincarnated from the soil was sealed, the middle-aged man silently breathed a sigh of relief.

But after looking back at his troops, he couldn't help but sigh again.

In the battle just now, many ninjas were sacrificed.

The number has already reached [-], and the people on the ground are all from their own team.

And this is only sacrificed, those who did not die, there were also many people who were injured, and the number of these people was even greater.

This made the subsequent battles more difficult.

Not to mention that he, the most captain, was also injured at this time. One arm was directly hit by a ninjutsu, and it was difficult to move at this moment.


Thinking of this, the middle-aged ninja sighed again and shook his head: "There are still fewer people in the sealing class. If there were more, it wouldn't be like this."

There are only dozens of people in the sealing class, and only a dozen or so can be sealed at one time, and it will take time to seal.

It is because of this that many people who reincarnated from the dirty soil cannot be controlled, which only brings them a lot of trouble.

Thinking of this, the middle-aged ninja didn't think much about it, and when he saw that everyone behind was a little depressed, he began to organize everyone to rest.

The battle just now really hit everyone's mood a little bit. There were only a hundred people on the opposite side. Although they were all very powerful, the worst was the strength of Jonin.

But there are thousands of people on their side, which is twice the number on the opposite side.

But with such a gap, so many people were sacrificed in the end, so how could it not be lost in my heart.

Under such circumstances, it’s no longer suitable for traveling, and it’s not getting too early, so let’s take a rest first, let’s restore our confidence and mood while recovering our physical strength and chakra.


When Konoha's team began to rest, the other teams that set out to deal with Bai Jue were all attacked by the reincarnation of the dirt.

It's not just Konoha's team, but Sand Ninja Village, Cloud Ninja Village, and Earth Ninja Village's teams are all the same.

Although the goals of these teams are different and the direction of action is different, they all encountered the same enemy reincarnated from the dirt.

The situation is pretty much the same, even compared to Konoha's preparation, the situation in other Ninja villages is even worse.

Some were even repelled directly, not daring to fight against the team that was reincarnated from the dirty soil.

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