Miaowahua has nothing to do but watch anxiously, it is impossible to make a random move.

If you are lucky, you can attack the mirror image Naruto and his clone, but this is just luck.

If it is not good, it will attack Naruto and Naruto's clone. At that time, Naruto will fall into a worse situation.

So no matter how anxious it is, it can only look at it like this, look at it seriously, trying to find out the difference between the two sides.

Of course, apart from the fact that Miaowahua is a little unclear at the moment, the same is true of Qirabbi who is hiding not far away.

Even compared to Miao Frog Flower, Qi Rabi was even worse, and the expression on his face became a little speechless.

The real waterfall was originally for people to defeat the dark side of themselves, but when it came to Naruto, it became a group fight.

And this is not the first time, it is already the second time.

He wanted to scold someone in his heart, why did he like the shadow clone so much?Is there no use for Chakrado?

He originally planned to take action when Naruto was in danger, but now he couldn't recognize who was who, so how could he help Naruto when he was in danger?


But regarding this, Naruto and Naruto in the mirror image didn't know about it. At this moment, the two made noises because of the attack again, and their respective bodies couldn't stop sliding towards the back.

Immediately afterwards, the two of them stabilized their figures at the same time, and the mirror image Naruto stepped forward again and rushed out first.

The Naruto who saw here did not follow as before, but watched with vigilant eyes, silently waiting for the approach of the mirror image Naruto.

In the blink of an eye, the mirror image Naruto came to Naruto at a distance not far away, raised his right hand and launched an attack with momentum.

On Naruto's side, there was still no reaction, nor did he make any resistance reaction, but the whole person seemed to relax.

This change made the attacking scene Naruto stunned for a moment, and for a while he couldn't figure out what was going on with Naruto.

But he didn't think much about it, and even thought that Naruto had given up resistance and continued to attack.

But just when the fist was about to fall on Naruto, Naruto suddenly moved, and began to dodge with a movement that Naruto couldn't understand at all.

Seeing the mirror image, Naruto frowned, and his heart became a little flustered.

At this moment, Naruto dodged the mirror image Naruto's attack, and quickly launched his own attack under his flustered mood.

Lifting his foot, he kicked towards the mirror image Naruto fiercely, and with a bang, the mirror image Naruto was kicked out before he could react in time.

Then it hit the ground heavily and didn't have the strength to get up for a while.

The eyes of Naruto, the mirror image that fell on the ground, also completely changed, looking at Naruto with a look of fear and disbelief: "Why, how is it possible? Why can't I see through your actions?"

Yes, he couldn't see through Naruto's every move just now, and because of this, he didn't know how to dodge Naruto's attack just now.

Naruto frowned, looked at the mirror image Naruto said without any change in his eyes: "You believe too much in yourself, too much in your understanding of me."

"Yes, you are indeed right. You can see through my every move and know my next attack and method, because this is my habit and you know it clearly."

"But as long as I change these habits and attack methods, then you will no longer be able to see through my actions."

"And I believe too much in what I know about you. As long as I change these things, your reaction will not be as good as that of a child who has just learned."

Hearing these words, Naruto shook his head in disbelief: "Impossible, how could you change these habits, it must be fake, you are scaring me."

Speaking of the mirror image, Naruto got up from the ground, and rushed towards Naruto again with a hideous expression.

Naruto didn't choose to ignore it, and didn't even move, just shook his head and watched the mirror image Naruto approaching.

Indeed, it is not easy to complete this step. After all, it is not easy to change the habits and subconscious reactions acquired since becoming a ninja, and the experience accumulated from battles day and night.

If he hadn't just fought with the mirror image Naruto for so long, consciously changed, and deliberately suppressed his reaction, he would definitely not be able to do this step.

But these are not important at this time. He shook his head and didn't think about it. Looking at the approaching mirror Naruto, Naruto's eyes once again showed anger.

Now that there is already a way to deal with him, and it can be done, then it is time to settle the previous account.

Under Naruto's gaze, the mirror image Naruto approached again, with an expression that looked a little crazy and launched an attack.

As for the attack, Naruto was still the same as before, completely subverting the previous habit and making an evasive movement, and then launched an attack with a movement that Naruto could not understand in the mirror image.

Just like that, with a bang, the mirror image Naruto did not dodge again and was sent flying.

He hit the ground fiercely, and the way he looked at Naruto completely changed.

"No, it's not true, I can't lose, how could I lose."

Mumbling to himself, mirroring Naruto's unacceptable expression, he got up from the ground again, and then continued to rush towards Naruto.

Seeing this, Naruto shook his head again: "This is the reason why you have come to this point, you believe too much in what you know about me."

Even though he just explained it to Naruto in the mirror image, he still completely followed the methods and actions he used to deal with him before.

There is no change, nor any desire to change.

While Naruto was talking, the mirror image Naruto came to Naruto again, and it was still the same as before, with no change in the way of attack, as if it was copied and pasted.

As for the mirror image Naruto's attack, Naruto still chose to dodge, and then counterattacked with his fist.

There was another bang, and the mirror image Naruto flew upside down again, even the movement of flying upside down was so similar.

But this time Naruto didn't stop there, and summoned a shadow clone with his hands in the mudra, stretched out his right hand and rubbed out a spiral pill.

Then he stepped forward and quickly approached the direction where the mirror image Naruto fell to the ground.

In the blink of an eye, he came in front of the mirror image Naruto. Naruto didn't make a move immediately, but raised the spiral pill in his hand and said: "You lose, I said I will stop you."


The mirror image Naruto lay on the ground and raised his head: "Why, why can you do this step?"

At this time, the mirror image Naruto has no fear in his eyes, no fear, but curiosity about Naruto.

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