I'm in Naruto, and the system tells me to entrust the elves?

Chapter 480 The Sudden Appearance of Bai Jue

For the ninja who came in at this time, Jiraiya and others inside obviously knew each other.

This person is the manager who inquires about the surrounding information, the central transmission of all information.

The ninja who came in was not surprised that Jiraiya was waiting for others to look at him.

He didn't say much nonsense, and went directly to the topic with a solemn expression.

"Master Jiraiya, a local team has appeared not far away, and the number is about 3000."


Jilai also approached the past with wide-eyed eyes: "Aren't the creatures on the opposite side being stared at? Why did Sanqian suddenly appear around?"

The expression of the ninja stared at by Jiraiya also became bitter, and he shook his head and said: "I don't know, they seem to appear around out of nowhere, if the team didn't go out to patrol and just saw it, I'm afraid we wouldn't have found it .”

Jilai didn't answer either, rubbing his temples, this is not good news.

Don't think that the sudden appearance of three thousand whites is a trivial matter, yes, if there are only three thousand whites, they can still be dealt with easily.

But the question at this time is not the number of Bai Jue, but why it suddenly appeared.

Appearing nearby without the slightest movement or intelligence, this can be said to be a huge problem.

War is all about intelligence. If you don't even know whether there are enemies around you, how can you fight?

At this moment, [-] Baijue appeared just now and were discovered, but next time, there may be [-], tens of thousands, and what should I do if they haven't been discovered yet.

After rubbing his temples, Jiraiya once again set his sights on the ninja who just came in: "Arrange it, and let those who are outside to inquire about information expand their range. From now on, they will not only be watching the enemy's every move , near our camp, we must also keep an eye on it.”

The ninja did not answer Jiraiya, but frowned and said: "Master Jiraiya, if this is the case, there will be insufficient manpower."

There weren't many people who went to inquire about information, after all, they only needed to keep an eye on the situation of Bai Jue's large army.

But if the scope of observation is expanded, and the surrounding area of ​​the camp is added, then these scouts will not be able to do it even if they are exhausted.

Hearing this, Ji Lai was also silent for a while, and then sighed: "If there are not enough manpower, then add more people. We must know this information clearly."

The ninja nodded, his expression became very serious: "I know Master Jiraiya, I will continue to arrange people to join."

Ji Lai also nodded again and waved his hand: "You go first."

The ninja didn't say anything more, nodded and left here.

And as the ninja left, Jiraiya's expression still did not relax, and he looked at the captains around him again: "Everyone, everyone just heard that this war is more difficult than we imagined. There are many, I hope everyone will always be energetic and don't be careless in the slightest."

Several captains around nodded solemnly, expressing their understanding.

Jilai also saw this and did not continue this topic, so he glanced at a few people: "Okay, one more thing, after you go out, you must also be aware of the situation around you, I don't want anyone to do anything because of this." thing."

Several people nodded again to express their understanding, and they didn't hope that another team of Bai Jue would suddenly appear at that time.

After that, Zilai didn't say anything more, and the people next to him didn't stay long and left here.


Soon, as the sun moved in the sky, night fell, and then the night dissipated, and the light shone on the earth again.

And the camp where Jiraiya and others lived became bustling as the sky brightened.

Each team in the camp gathered their own team and left the camp under the watchful eye of Jiraiya, preparing to deal with the Baijue who had dispersed from the main force.

"Hopefully nothing will happen."

Looking at the leaving figure, Jiraiya muttered a prayer to himself.

After speaking, he shook his head: "I don't want to think about it, I should take action."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left here, and was also ready to call up the manpower.

After all, it was discovered yesterday that Bai Jue near those camps is still waiting to be cleaned up.

The people who just went out all had their own goals, and the nearby Bai Jue obviously didn't have time to clean up, so he had to do it himself for the surrounding Bai Jue.

Jiraiya's speed is not slow, and it didn't take long for the manpower to be assembled. First, he asked Nagato to take care of the camp, and left here without saying anything.

With a group of people that had just been assembled, they rushed over to those Bai Jue that they inquired about yesterday.

Time passed quickly again like this. Although the speed of Jiraiya and his party was not fast, it was not too slow either. Before noon, the group had already arrived at their destination this time.

After looking at the surrounding situation, Jiraiya also stopped, and gestured to the ninjas behind to make them stop.

On Jiraiya's side, he came all the way to the vicinity of the ninja who was observing Bai Ze from the secret signs left around.

"Master Jiraiya?"

When they came nearby, a voice suddenly came out.

Jiraiya, who heard the voice, also looked in the direction of the voice.

Immediately following the direction of the voice, Jiraiya also saw the bushes not far away, and also saw several Konoha ninjas who would not be noticed if they were not paying attention.

Seeing this, Zilai didn't answer and approached the past.

Cautiously came to the side of several people and asked: "How is the situation, where is the enemy found?"

"Master Jiraiya, in that direction."

The ninjas who heard this put away their excited expressions, and pointed at a reassuring one outside the grass.

Jiraiya followed the direction of his fingers and looked over. This look, he did notice those Baijue in the distance.

The number of Bai Jue at this moment is indeed similar to the information obtained before, and the number is about three thousand, which can be said to be neither too much nor too little.

After taking a look, Jiraiya nodded, and continued to ask the ninjas who had been watching all night yesterday: "Do these creatures do anything special here?"

A few ninjas next to them shook their heads: "No, since yesterday I found out that this is the case now. I didn't see these creatures resting and eating, so they just stared around blankly and didn't do anything."

Jilai also frowned, but Dao didn't think too much, nodded and said: "Okay, I understand, have you checked the surrounding terrain?"


Speaking of which, one of the ninjas took out a scroll and spread it out in front of Jiraiya: "These are what I drew yesterday, and they are the surrounding terrain. Look, Master Jiraiya, this is where we are at the moment."

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