I'm in Naruto, and the system tells me to entrust the elves?

Chapter 399 I Have Never Been So Aggrieved

"Kill you, kill you."

Roaring irrationally, Chongwu was no longer human, like a bloodthirsty monster.

Without any other words, Chongwu rushed forward to kill you one sentence at a time, Naruto paused when he saw that amazing killing intent.

But Naruto was not afraid because of this. He glanced at Chiyo behind him, and looked firmly at Shigego who was approaching: "Come on, I won't let you hurt others again."

Both hands formed seals quickly, and clones appeared out of thin air.

After the clones appeared, they also quickly rushed towards Chongwu who was approaching.

Immediately, the avatar and Chongwu fought.

However, the strength of the avatar is much worse than that of Zhongwu. I saw that Chongwu didn't even dodge, and while bearing the attack of Naruto's avatar, he punched a avatar.

But there is nothing else on Naruto's side, there are really many clones, and if one is killed, one can continue to be separated.

Immediately, the two fought together, and the people watching around didn't worry about anything anymore, and continued to fight with their opponents.


At the same time, Kakashi and the others, who were looking at Naruto worriedly, suddenly felt the ground tremble.

Kakashi and the others felt this, and quickly turned their heads to look at Sasuke's Susanoo.

Following the gazes of several people, I saw Susano, who was still a horse just now, stood up slowly at this moment, and Sasuke's eyes in his head became a little angry and said: "I really underestimated you, But it’s okay, I’ll do my best in the future.”

Speaking of Sasuke's Sharingan, a black flame appeared from Susanoo's hand.

After completing this step, Sasuke's movements did not stop, and the Sharingan continued to turn, and the black flame in his hand also changed shape, and in the next second it turned into a spear with a hot and evil aura.

Even just looking at it makes me a little frightened. If I am attacked, I am afraid that I will really have to go to see the first generation of Hokage.

Kakashi frowned, not daring to pay more attention to the battle between Naruto and Shigego, and worriedly reminded Yamato and Maitekai: "Be careful, the next battle may begin."

Yamato and Maitkai did not answer, but nodded with solemn expressions, and their eyes were fixed on Susanoku in front of them.

But if you look carefully, you can see that the expressions of Kakashi and the three are a bit bitter.

After all, the previous collision already knew Susanoo's defensive power.

Knowing this, how could the few people not have a headache, even such a powerful attack can't bring harm to Sasuke, and they still don't know how to continue fighting.

But Sasuke didn't care about what a few people thought. After the spear in Susano's hand was fully formed, Sasuke also looked at the few people.

"go to hell."

With a roar, Susano launched an attack, and saw the huge arm holding a spear and quickly attacked the three of them.

The huge power made Kakashi and others look at the approaching spear with frowning eyes as if they were in a strong wind.

"Spread away, disperse quickly."

Kakashi yelled worriedly, and quickly left the attack range of the spear without slowing down.

Yamato and Maitkai were not slow either, they moved quickly to dodge.

After all, you can't dodge. If this blow is hit, it's really over.


As Kakashi and others evaded, Sasuke's attack also missed.

Susano's huge force hit the ground where the three of them stayed before, and the whole ground trembled suddenly.

Even Sakura and Naruto who were fighting in the distance felt it, and immediately interrupted the attack under this blow.

Not only was the ground trembling, but as the spear fell to the ground like foam, it was directly scratched with deep marks, and at the same time, the ground that was attacked also burned with evil shadows.

At first glance, those who don't know it may think that they have come to hell.


Sasuke snorted coldly when he missed the hit, and then Susanoji waved his spear again, and attacked Kakashi and the others: "I want to see how many times you can dodge."

On Kakashi's side, looking at the spear waving again, their faces were very ugly.

After all, they couldn't bear this kind of attack, and they couldn't even resist it, so they had to choose to avoid it.

But it's not a problem to avoid it all the time, and it's not sure that you can avoid it every time.

Although Susanoo is huge, but the attack is not slow at all, on the contrary, it is very fast.

And not to mention the dodging, if Sasuke keeps attacking them like this, how can he fight back? Does he just keep being beaten passively?

Originally, Susanoo's defensive power was very strong, and it was not easy to break through.

But now you won't even be given a chance to attack. This is simply a four-person game you play alone.

When it's over, you still don't let the other three people go, and ask them to watch you play.

Under such circumstances, how could the faces of the three of them look good? They simply had never fought such an aggrieved battle in their entire life.

But Sasuke didn't give a few people time to think about it, only to see the black flame spear attacking again.

No matter how uncomfortable Kakashi and the others were, they could only dodge at this time.


There was another loud bang, and the Black Flame spear slashed across, causing the height of the ground to change.

The originally good flat ground turned into a slope under Sasuke's attack at this moment.

However, none of these could stop Sasuke from attacking, and he continued to manipulate Susano to launch an attack.

And Kakashi and others can only continue to dodge.

Suddenly, a good battle seemed to be like cat and mouse, the sound of bang bang bang kept ringing, and the venue of the battle was constantly changing.

At this moment, the flat land before was full of potholes, and mud splashed everywhere.

There were no trees to be seen within a distance of hundreds of meters, even the mountain on the opposite side of the river had collapsed.

The battle between Sakura and Naruto next to him had to stop, and he had to distance himself from the battlefield with Kakashi and others.

After all, it is too dangerous to fight close here, not only to pay attention to the attacks from the opposite side, but also to pay attention to Sasuke's attacks from time to time.


On Yamato's side, after dodging an attack again, he looked at Kakashi and Maitkai out of breath: "Senior Kakashi, senior Maitkai, we can't go on like this anymore, we consume more energy than his dodging." The attack has to be big, we will be the first to be exhausted if this continues.”

Kakashi nodded, of course he knew this, and he didn't have much physical strength at the moment.

Sasuke's attack was very fast, and it was very exhausting for them to avoid it. Under this kind of consumption, only Maitekai could hold it, and he and Yamato couldn't last much longer.

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